
  • 网络geoacoustics;Underground Acoustics
  1. 该规律以数学表达式的方式来表征,量化地显示声学设计结果,并且得到了实验的验证。

    The law is presented by a mathematical equation , which can numerically demonstrate the acoustic design result , and confirmed by experiment , too .

  2. 本文系统地研究了声学参量阵的相关理论,完成了对声学参量阵系统的设计。

    And the design of the acoustics parametric array system has been performed .

  3. 研究热开裂对储集岩石的物性影响,系统地考察了声学检测、磁共振技术等方法在检测岩石热开裂中的效果。

    The effect of thermal induced crack on sediment rock is discussed . The methods of acoustic measurement and nuclear magnetic resonance technology are applied for detection of the crack .

  4. 较详细地介绍了声学层识别的速度优化和电话信道补偿问题,以及语言模型的容错算法和基于语义依存关系的容错理解模型,并对系统各层次模块性能进行了实验测试。

    Some enhance technologies such as the improvement of the acoustic recognition speed , the compensation of the telephone channel effect , the tolerance of language model and the understanding model based on semantic dependency relations are discussed in detail .

  5. 在模型的选取上,由于HMM模型和由它衍生而来的GMM模型能统计地吸收发音的声学特性和时间上的变动。

    In the model selection , because of the HMM model and the GMM model which derived from the HMM both can absorb the pronunciation of statistical acoustic properties in time of change .

  6. 有国外学者甚至形象地说中国是声学的国家。

    Some foreign scholars even remark that China is a nation of acoustics .

  7. 通过实验测量,求出两个声波探针的时间差。为了能更准确地表示沉积物的声学特性,对整个测量系统进行声速和声衰减的偏差校验。

    In order to represent the acoustic properties of the sediment sample accurately , the error of the sound velocity and acoustic attenuation of the whole measurement system was checked .

  8. 利用这些方法,可以获得比传统方法更丰富的信息,与传声损失总值一起应用,可完整地评价消声器的声学性能。

    By means of the methods , more information can be obtained than by traditional ones . The methods , together with total transmission loss , can be used for evaluating integrally acoustic characteristics of muffler .

  9. 感知梯度正弦建模比较好地利用了心理声学模型,在建模过程中最大限度地增加合成信号的感知信息,提高了建模效率。

    The newly proposed method makes good use of the psychoacoustic model . And the perceptual information contained in the synthesized signal is increased in a furthest way during the modeling procedure . Therefore the efficiency of modeling is improved .

  10. 最后提出的综合编码方案比较多地考虑了心理声学因素,融合了分类处理、动态字典和感知梯度建模思想,在编码位率和合成语音质量上都比现有的一些国际编码方法和标准要好。

    The finally proposed compression scheme takes more psychoacoustic effects into consideration , and takes the advantage of classified process , dynamic dictionary and sinusoidal modeling with perceptual gradient . Both of its bit rate and speech quality are superior to some existing international coding schemes and standards .