
  • 网络terrestrial;ground wave;groundwave;DMB-TH
  1. 最后分析了气锤振动的地面波的传播和衰减。

    Finally , the propagation and the attenuation of the ground wave of hammer vibration are discussed .

  2. 笔者将R.W.克拉夫提出的关于混凝土坝的处理方法移植到堆石坝动力分析中,从而可利用地面波求解覆盖层上堆石坝的动力结构问题。

    In the study , the author transplants the method presented by Clough R. W for concrete dams to rockfill dams , thus dynamic structure problem of rockfill dams on deep overburden can be solved with ground wave importation .

  3. 由地层波与地面波之比给出了定量划分场区的方法,每一场分量最佳记录规则下的条件和判断是产生阴影和场源复印效应的前提。

    The methods of quantitatively dividing zones , the conditions of the optimum record rule for each component and the prerequisites for causing shadow and source overprint effects are provided by the ratio of formation wave to surface wave .

  4. 特别是把短波单边带通信,地面波传播方式和双音报警技术引入天气警报服务系统,开辟了短波单边带气象通应用的新领域。

    Specially , short wave single side band ( SW SSB ) and ground wave transmission and technology of double tone giving an alarm are used in weather warning service , as a result a new field of using SW SSB meteorological communication is set up .

  5. 提出来地方法都不足以排除地面杂波

    None of the proposed Methods : Will effective enough to remove ground clutters .

  6. P波地震图上的地面反射波与S&P转换波

    Surface reflections and S-to-P conversions on P seismograms

  7. 在讨论机载雷达地面杂波回波的基础上,分析了AMTI系统的性能,并给出了该系统的计算机模拟结果和实验结果,这将有助于工程的实现。

    Based on discussing the ground clutter for airborne radar , this paper analyses the performances of a AMTI ( Adaptive Moving Target Indication ) system . The outputs of simulation and experiment are given as well . These will be helpful to the realizing of engineering .

  8. 基于雷达仿真训练器的地面杂波算法

    The Arithmetic of Landform 's Echo Wave Based on the Radar Simulation

  9. 坦克地面振动波的分析与能量检测

    Analysis and Energy Detection of Earth Vibration Waves From Tank

  10. 地面反射波对测量天线增益的影响和消除方法

    A method of eliminating effects of reflected fields from ground in antenna measurements

  11. 机载雷达地面杂波抑制技术

    Technique of ground clutter suppression for Airborne Radar

  12. 提出来的方法都不足以排除地面杂波。

    None of the proposed methods will be effective enough to remove ground clutters .

  13. 在雷达仿真训练器中,地面杂波的计算是比较复杂的。

    The calculation of landform 's echo wave is very complicated in the radar simulation .

  14. 机载相控阵雷达和差通道地面杂波功率谱分析

    A Procedure for Analyzing Ground Clutter Spectrum in Sum and Difference Channels for Airborne Phased Array Radars

  15. 此外,还可以观察到巨坑或地面冲击波的现象,这些现象将在第六章中加以叙述。

    In addition , cratering and ground shock phenomena are observed , as will be described in Chapter VI.

  16. 地形决定了地面电磁波反射的强弱,反射的强弱又决定了被动遥感影像的质量。

    The quantity of the EM energy that reflected from the ground decided the quality of the satellite image of passive remote sensing .

  17. 它主要用来检测淹没在各种地面杂波和系统噪声中的目标回波信号,通过处理,提取出雷达系统所需要的目标信息。

    It is mainly used to detect target echo signal submerged in various ground clutters and system noises and extract the target information required by the radar system via processing .

  18. 地面雷达杂波抑制中的PD处理方法研究

    Study on PD Processing Method in Clutter Suppression of Ground Radar

  19. 常规脉冲多普勒地面雷达杂波建模与仿真

    Clutter Modeling and Simulation for General Pulse Doppler Ground Radar

  20. 采用双通道干涉处理,抑制地面静止杂波。

    The two antenna interferometric processing is used to suppress ground clutter .

  21. 地下弹药库爆炸产生的地面空气冲击波的估算与数值模拟

    Calculation and numerical simulation about air shock-wave on ground caused by underground magazine blast

  22. 含水与不含水地层的分层交错对地面运动和波传播的影响

    Effect of alternate dry and saturated soil layers on ground motion and wave propagation

  23. 描述了一种通用地面雷达杂波模拟器的设计及其系统实现,并且介绍了地面雷达杂波的建模与仿真方法。

    This paper presents a project of modularization design for ground radar full digital servo system based on CAN bus .

  24. 本文分析了核爆炸地面空气冲击波、土中压缩波对地下室结构的作用效应,并确定了冲击波作用波形和各项参数;

    This paper analyzes the action of air shock wave and compressive wave in oil to the basement structure , and confirms the shock wave shape and each parameter .

  25. 沿不规则不均匀地面传播的侧面波

    Lateral wave propagating along irregular and inhomogeneous ground

  26. 地面地震初至波层析反演复杂表层速度结构方法

    The method of ground surface seismic first break tomographic inversion for complicated surface model

  27. 因此,与地面雷达地杂波抑制相比,机载雷达地杂波抑制更为困难。

    Thus the ground clutter suppression is more difficult in airborne radars than in ground based radars .

  28. 层状地壳模型地面地下记录地震波的理论地震图和频谱计算

    The computation of theoretical seismograms and spectra of seismic waves recorded on the surface and underground of stratified earth crust

  29. 当爆炸引起的入射冲击波触及地面时,由于波的反射便产生另一冲击波。

    When the primary air blast wave from the explosion strikes the ground , another blast wave is produced by reflection .

  30. 由地面形变与地震波两种资料定出的平均错距相差大于473厘米。

    The average displacement determined from the deformation data was 473 cm ; larger than that determined from the seismic wave data .