
  • 网络Language Mechanism;language faculty
  1. 大脑语言机制的来源和属性

    The Source and Properties of the Internal Language Faculty

  2. 本文探讨大脑语言机制的来源和属性。

    This paper discusses the source and properties of the language faculty of the mind .

  3. 基于Multi-agent决策支持系统中通信和语言机制的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of A Communication and Language Mechanism in Multi-Agent Based Decision Support Systems

  4. 最后描述了支持Java多线程程序设计的语言机制和方法,并指出了线程实际应用领域。

    Finally this paper describes the mechanism and the method , which support the Java multithread programming and also points out the area where Java multithread can be applied .

  5. 为了研究并发面向对象语言机制,本文首先讨论了几种面向对象语言模型,然后阐述了Pi演算和Actor模型两种并发模型。

    In order to study the mechanism of concurrent object-oriented language , firstly , several models of object-oriented language are investigated in the thesis . And then two kinds of concurrent model , Pi calculus and actor model , are expounded .

  6. 论文还分析了俄语广告语篇的心理语言机制。

    It also analyzes the psychological mechanism of language .

  7. 因此我们设计了可扩展的编译系统,目标是支持用户扩展语言机制,编码领域抽象、优化技巧。

    So an extensible compiler infrastructure is designed to support users write language extensions .

  8. 这种方法就是旨在通过分析语言机制来揭示隐含的意识形态。

    It aims to uncover the implicit ideology through probing the mechanism of language .

  9. 哲学家因此有充分的理由去深入研究语言机制。

    The philosopher thus has good reason to be deeply concerned with the workings of language .

  10. 礼貌、权势与欺骗的语言机制&电视剧《星火》实例分析

    Linguistic Mechanisms of Politeness , Power and Deceit & A Case Study of TV Play Starfire

  11. 论警务调解工作的语言机制

    Verbal Mechanisms in Police Mediation

  12. 缺乏刺激论,人类具有内在语言机制的有力论证

    The Poverty of Stimulus Argument , the Most Powerful Evidence for the Innate Language Mechanism of Human Beings

  13. 礼貌原则的各项准则是对礼貌话语的语言机制的总结和阐述。

    The maxims of the Politeness Principle ( PP ) are generalization and summation of the polite language mechanism .

  14. 本文主要考察现代汉语受事宾语句中论元共现的规律,以及管控论元共现的语言机制。

    The thesis mainly expounds the argument co-occurrence rules and mechanisms that govern argument co-occurrence in modern Chinese patient object clauses .

  15. 大脑语言机制包括先天的语言器官和在语言习得过程中建立的语言系统。

    The language faculty includes the inherited speech organs and the language system built up in the process of language acquisition .

  16. 随着形式语言学理论和认知科学技术的发展,研究者们对人类语言机制的研究深入到了整体脑的水平。

    As the development of cognitive neuroscience and formal linguistics , the study of language has deepened into the level of the intact brain .

  17. 汉诗文训读法是一种双向处理汉诗文与和文,使二者相互训译转换的语言机制,是日本接受汉籍并进而创作汉诗文之津桥。

    The approach of exegetic reading of Chinese poetry and prose is a means developed by the Japanese in accepting Chinese classics and then writing poetry and prose in Chinese .

  18. 与母语的阅读不同,对于已经拥有稳固而又成熟的母语语言机制的中国学习者来说,英语阅读过程是一个两种语言交叉对比,相互影响的过程。

    Different from the reading in native language , English reading is a process in which English and Chinese affect each other for the Chinese readers who have already had strong and mature native language system .

  19. 论文以二十年来喜剧小品尤其是春节联欢晚会上演的精品为素材,试图通过全景式的描画,解构和发掘喜剧小品幽默的语言机制。

    Based on the comedic skits , especially the ones performed in the special spring festival programs on CCTV in the past twenty years , the essay intends to analyze the language mechanism of humor in comedic skits .

  20. 结论基底神经节损害可导致汉语失写症,其失写语言机制可能有低灌注机制、整合中枢、环路受损、字形在脑内结构的记忆提取受损等。

    Conclusion Basal ganglia damage may result in Chinese agraphia , due to , hypothetically , hypoperfusion , dysfunction of integration center , circuit damage and impaired function in extracting the graphical features of the Chinese characters from memory .

  21. 从话语类型分析的角度看,学术语篇中的名词性表达,作为不同言语社团的重要语言机制,是体现不同的话语特点和语用功能,实现学术语体这个总体目标的重要工具。

    In the analysis of wording types , it is an important tool to show its different wording features and pragmatic functions and reach the final end of the academic style as a special discourse community and important linguistic device .

  22. 在以二元对立思想为核心的现代性理论框架下,奴隶主利用语言机制对奴隶进行排斥和否定,因此奴隶不仅无法言说痛苦的历史,而且无法构建他们的主体性。

    Within the framework of modernity and with the core concept of binary opposition , slave masters manipulate language mechanism to exclude and deny slaves in their discourses . Thus , the former enslaved blacks can neither speak out their painful past nor constitute their subjectivity .

  23. 着重从语言实现机制方面讨论了Java与C++在安全性方面的差异。

    This article discusses the difference in the respect of security between Java and C + + with emphasis on language implementation .

  24. Ada语言并发机制的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of ADA concurrent facilities

  25. 但是很多流行的工具还不能提供真正的上下文感知内容帮助,因为它们缺少真正的JavaScript语言建模机制。

    But many of the popular tools can 't provide true context-aware content assistance because they lack a true JavaScript language-modeling mechanism .

  26. 激活UTF-8的恰当的办法是POSIX语言环境机制。

    The proper way to activate UTF-8 is the POSIX locale mechanism .

  27. Ada语言并发机制是Ada语言区别于其他高级程序设计语言的主要特征之一。

    The Ada concurrent facility is one of the main features different from other high level programming languages .

  28. 自乔姆斯基提出语言习得机制,第二语言习得研究衍生出文化适应模式(AcculturationModel),监控理论(MonitorTheory),功能类型理论(Functional-typologicalTheory)等。

    Since Chomsky put forward the notion of Language Acquisition Device , Second Language Acquisition ( SLA ) research has given rise to theories such as Acculturation Model , Monitor Theory , Functional-Typological Theory and so on .

  29. 然而,Krashen对输入和语言习得机制作用的论述使它有别于其他强调语言习得先天性的理论。随着认知科学的发展,人们开始研究语言习得过程中的认知心理过程。

    With the development of cognitive science , researchers begin to look into the cognitive process underlying language learning and language acquisition .

  30. 介绍了基于蓝天新型数控系统的刀具轨迹系统的设计与实现,包括中间消息语言通信机制的研究和Qt库的裁剪。

    The paper reports the design and implementation of the cutting tool path system based on LanTian CNC system , including the study on the communication mechanism of the Neutral Message Language and the pruning of the Qt library .