
yǔ yì jiě shì
  • semantic interpretation
  1. 基于Web的本体学习方法通常包括术语抽取,语义解释,和创建领域本体。对于基于Web的空间本体学习也包括这三个方面。

    Web-based ontology learning methods typically include terminology extraction , semantic interpretation , and create domain ontology , as well as Web-based spatial ontology learning includes those three aspects .

  2. 另外,这两种方法都根据AFS模糊描述给出决策结果一个明确的语义解释。

    In addition , a clear semantic interpretation of the decision-making result was given according to the AFS fuzzy description .

  3. 介绍其初始符号和形成规则,并对其进行语义解释,尤其是对知道算子Ka的解释。

    It introduces the initial symbol 、 formational rule and semantic explain of this language , especially " K_a " .

  4. 根据智能Web的特点,给出了一种动作描述方法,并借鉴传统描述逻辑的语义解释方法给出了动作的语义解释,提出了一种基于描述逻辑的智能Web的服务理论。

    According to characteristic of services in intelligent Web , a kind of action description is presented , and the action interpretation is given referencing description logic 's interpretation .

  5. S6系统有两个特点:(1)它没有必然化规则N,所以其语义解释必须引入非正规世界;

    System S6 possesses two peculiarities : ( 1 ) it has no necessity principle N , so abnormal worlds must be introduced into its semantics ;

  6. S6系统的语义解释

    The Semantic Explanation of System S6

  7. 它把MMp当作系统公理,对于MMp的语义解释一方面可以利用非正规世界,但另一方面也可以对它作一般的可能世界语义解释。

    It includes MMp as its axiom . Though the semantic explanation of MMp can use abnormal worlds but on the other hand can also use general worlds .

  8. 并在逻辑语言的Herbrand解释基础上,探讨了逻辑对象的语义解释;

    An extensive Herbrand interpretation has been given to interpret thd logic semantics and the object oriented semantics uniformly .

  9. 研究主体思维状态逻辑框架KARO中的多动作承诺机制,并对其进行语义解释。

    An approach to multi action commitments in KARO logical framework was made , and it was interpreted using Kripke style possible world semantics .

  10. 这一对矛盾也反映出S6系统的语义解释所面临的复杂情况。而本文则试图理清这种复杂情况并将勾勒出适合于S6系统的语义解释的可能世界背景。

    This contradiction reflects the complex situation faced by the semantics of S6 . But this paper tries to make clear such complex situation and to describe the suitable possible worlds background of S6 's semantic explanation .

  11. 在自然语言中,重音的合理分布对于话语的听觉自然性和语义解释都有重要作用(Hirschberg,1995)。

    Proper distribution of accent plays a significant role in the naturalness and interpretation of natural utterances ( Prieto . Van & Hirschberg , 1995 ) .

  12. 内涵时态逻辑的语义解释系统

    An Automatic Semantic Interpretation System Based on Intensional Temporal Logic

  13. 基于概念图的自然语言语义解释

    The Conceptual Graph - based Semantic Interpretation of Natural Language

  14. 基于语义解释的工作流引擎的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of the Workflow Engine Based on Language Recognition

  15. 汉语时体的分类和语义解释

    The Categories of Chinese Aspects and their Semantic Interpretation

  16. 第二部分探讨了语义解释。

    Part 2 is about the semantic interpretation .

  17. 论刑法文本的语义解释

    On the Semantic Interpretation of Criminal Law Text

  18. 概数的性质及语义解释

    Approximate numbers : its property and semantic explanation

  19. 论无定名词词组的语义解释

    On the Semantic Interpretation of Indefinite Noun Phrases

  20. 不同语言的语义解释模型会是不同的。

    Semantic models may varies with languages .

  21. 复合趋向补语引申用法的语义解释

    On Extensional Uses of Compound Directional Complement

  22. 除句法位置外,句子的焦点重音等因素(包括自然焦点和对比焦点)也会影响光杆名词的语义解释。

    In addition to syntactic positions , focus can also influence the semantics of bare NPs .

  23. 对语义解释的材料、运用条件和局限性以及语义解释的内容等问题进行了阐述。

    The stuff , requirement , weakness and content of semantic interpretation is dealt with here .

  24. 我们自然期望在这样的提供者之间语义解释和操作都能保持一致。

    Naturally , we expect the semantic interpretation and operation to be constant across such providers .

  25. 自然语言的重音分布及其语义解释&西方研究综述

    Distribution and Interpretation of the Accents of Natural Languages : An Introduction to the Western Studies

  26. 斯科伦定理指出,任意一个形式系统,都存在可数多个语义解释方式。

    According to Skolem theorem , there exist several modes of semantic explanation for any formal system .

  27. 本文则指出,它们在句法分布和语义解释方面都存在着一些差异。

    This paper , however , points out that they do exhibit some syntactic and semantic differences .

  28. 它以哲学、心理学为基础建立人的感知过程的语义解释模型。

    It establishes the semantic explanation model for human being perception course , based on philosophy and psychology .

  29. 文章讨论了传统形式语义学理论和篇章表述理论对无定名词词组的语义解释问题。传统形式语义学规定所有无定名词词组都具有量化特征。

    The traditional formal semantics holds that all the indefinite noun phrases should be interpreted as existentially quantified phrases .

  30. 以采用行业标准的数据模型为例,很多模型十分模糊,而且可以套用不同的语义解释。

    Using industry standard data models as an example , many are vague and open to different semantic interpretation .