
  • 网络Digital Security;Secure Digital
  1. 马林斯派克推荐的这个插件是由数字安全机构电子前哨基金会(ElectronicFrontierFoundation)开发的。

    Mr. Marlinspike recommended this plug-in , developed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation , a digital security organization .

  2. 本学位论文讨论了XKMS有关的数字安全基础、XML技术以及其安全性等基础知识原理,并在此基础上分析了PKI技术和XKMS技术模型。

    This paper discuss basic knowledge about digital security , XML technology and other security knowledge .

  3. 这份2011年的文件显示,F7还与美国数字安全公司赛门铁克(Symantec)成立了合资企业,但2012年美国公司解散了这个企业。

    F7 also has a joint venture with the American digital security company Symantec , the 2011 document says . Huawei had a joint venture with Symantec before the American company dissolved it in 2012 .

  4. 数字安全供应商FireEye的数据显示,2014年,所谓的“高级持续性威胁”普通攻击在被发现前持续了205天。

    In 2014 , the average so-called " advanced persistent threat " attack lasted 205 days before being detected , according to the digital security vendor FireEye .

  5. 在第一部分中,Schneier通过讨论所面对的威胁、攻击的类型、对手(比如,恶意破坏者)和安全的需要,为数字安全这个主题建立了一个上下文。

    In the first part , Schneier establishes a context for the topic of digital security by discussing threats , types of attacks , adversaries ( i.e. ," bad guys "), and the needs for true security .

  6. 伦敦——法国荷兰合资的数字安全公司金雅拓(Gemalto)周三表示,美国和英国情报机构很有可能入侵了该公司的网络,以便监听全球移动电话通信。

    LONDON - Gemalto , a French-Dutch digital security company , said on Wednesday that it believed that American and British intelligence agencies had most likely hacked into the company 's networks in an attempt to gain access to worldwide mobile phone communications .

  7. 数字安全与国内监督,或为何原本可信的计算机面目全非?

    Cybersecurity and domestic surveillance or why trusted computing shouldn 't be ?

  8. 实时数字安全处理器研究与设计

    Research and Design on Real-Time Digital Security Chip

  9. 认证权威在数字安全性领域充当一个可信的第三方。

    Certificate authorities act as a trusted third party in the world of digital security .

  10. 然而我们要认识到,这种攻击并不仅仅存在于计算机和数字安全领域。

    Realize , though , that this attack is not reserved strictly for the realm of computer and digital security .

  11. 这里“数字安全”中的“数字”表示与互联网,电信,电脑以及电脑网络有关的所有事物。

    " Cyber " is defined as anything having to do with the Internet , telecommunications , computers , or computer networks .

  12. 在数字安全语境中,密钥是一段数据,用于对其他数据进行加密或解密。

    In the context of digital security , a key is a piece of data which is used to encrypt or decrypt other pieces of data .

  13. 随着硬件处理能力的提升和价格的下降,以及处理器技术的发展,未来的数字安全监控技术将越来越向前端智能分析倾斜。

    With the development of digital signal processing , and the decline in hardware cost , surveillance technology will lean more and more toward frontal intelligent analysis .

  14. 在“威胁”章节中,指出许多数字安全问题其实是在计算机诞生之前,很久以来人们就一直需要处理的安全问题。

    The " Threats " chapter points out that many digital security issues are the same security issues that humans have had to deal with long before computers existed .

  15. 公钥与私钥方案给数字安全带来变革的原因之一是数据的发送方和接收方不必使用公共的密码。

    One of the reasons that public / private key schemes have revolutionized digital security is because the sender and receiver don 't have to share a common password .

  16. 我们必须不惜一切代价保护国家关键设施的数字安全,这些设施包括供水,供电,银行,交通网络等等。

    " We must protect our critical infrastructure at all costs & from our water to our electricity , to banking , traffic lights and electronic health records ," Rockefeller said .

  17. 草案允许总统针对部分“无政府组织”的电脑网络系统宣布并采取“数字安全紧急处理措施”,在这种条件下总统有权采取任何措施避免这些网络可能引起的危害。

    The new version would allow the president to " declare a cybersecurity emergency " relating to " non-governmental " computer networks and do what 's necessary to respond to the threat .

  18. 本部分的章节包含大量信息,反映了数字安全的许多方面,并且对于每一个技术都讨论了其历史和普遍的误解。

    This part 's chapters contain a massive amount of information , reflecting the many aspects of digital security , and discussing the history as well as popular misconceptions for each technology .

  19. 一直在帮助曼苏尔保护其数字安全的“公民实验室”研究人员比尔•马尔切克说,曼苏尔经历的这种监视可能会扩大。

    Bill Marczak , the researcher at Citizen Lab who has been helping Mr. Mansoor protect his digital security , said that the surveillance experienced by Mr. Mansoor is likely to expand .

  20. 数字安全公司欧贝特科技公司正在与英国银行商讨引入这一新发明,并称今年年底前法国消费者将使用此种银行卡。

    The digital security company Oberthur Technologies is talking to UK banks about introducing the innovation and has said the cards will be used by French customers by the end of the year .

  21. 数字安全领域的又一进展是,万事达卡公司本周表示已经发明了一项技术,该技术可允许在线购物者在购物时发送个人“自拍”以证明其身份。

    In another development in digital security , MasterCard said this week that it has created technology that could allow online shoppers to send a ' selfie " of themselves to prove their identity when they make a purchase .

  22. 曼苏尔在接受采访时表示,这些发现令人遗憾,提醒他注意,不管为保护自己的设备和数字安全采取了何种措施,他依然会成为提供这种间谍技术的公司的目标。

    Mr. Mansoor said in an interview that the discoveries were a sad reminder that no matter what he does to protect his devices and digital security , he will continue to be a target for companies that provide this sort of spying technology .

  23. 集成电路(Integratedcircuit,简称IC)测试是保证数字系统安全可靠工作的一个重要且必不可少的环节。

    Integrated circuit ( IC ) testing is a very important technique to guarantee the reliability of a digital system .

  24. 基于ASP平台的制造资源管理数字签名安全建模研究与应用

    Studies and Application of Digital Signature Modeling of Manufacturing Resource Management Based on Application Service Provider

  25. 基于PKI、PMI的数字图书馆安全管理

    Security Managment for Data Library Based on PKI and PMI

  26. 最后在对基于USBKEY的身份认证技术和数字文件安全管理技术的研究基础上,实现了面向制造企业集成化工程数字文件安全系统的开发。

    Finally , it implemented the integrated engineering electronic documents ' security system oriented to manufacturing enterprises based on study on USB Key identity authentication and electronic documents technique .

  27. 考虑到未来的实际应用,我们使用OREL处理引擎设计并初步实现了一个支持DRM的数字内容安全播放系统。

    Considering the future application , we have designed a DRM-supported system for play back digital content securely with OREL engine .

  28. ISTFS中数字水印安全机制的研究与应用

    Research on Security System of Digital Watermark in ISTFS & Its Application

  29. 建立了基于ASP平台的网络制造资源管理数字签名安全系统模型,企业间网络交易数字签名安全通用模型和传输文件防篡改安全验证模型等;

    This paper set up the digital signature safety system model of network manufacturing resource management based on application service provider ( ASP ), the safety general model of digital figure signature in the network of the business enterprise trades and the safe verification model of the Delivered document ;

  30. 混合密钥体制在数字图书馆安全运营中的应用

    Usage of Mixed Private-key Cryptography in the Safe Operation of Digital Library