
  • 网络romano;Ray Romano
  1. 2006年的时候,我也做过类似但却没有这么极端的预测,当时我写道,罗马诺??普罗迪(RomanoProdi)政府为意大利提供了在欧元区获得持久地位的最后机会。

    I made an ultimately similar , though less dramatic , prediction in 2006 when I wrote that Romano Prodi 's administration offered Italy 's last chance to achieve a sustainable position in the eurozone .

  2. 在文艺复兴时期,艺术家和作家开始成为有声望的人(卡林罗马诺)

    In the Renaissance , artists and writers start to serve as midwives of fame ( Carlin Romano )

  3. 我以为罗马诺先生可以帮我

    I thought Mr. Romero might help shed some light

  4. 在17世纪早期,新的罗马诺王朝继续从西伯利亚往太平洋扩张。

    In the early17th century , a new Romanov Dynasty continued this policy of expansion across Siberia to the Pacific .

  5. 许多专家提出了报告,这自不必说。罗马诺医疗委员会和科尔比医疗委员会则建议设立一个国家药物机构。

    Both the Romanow commission and the Kirby committee on health care to say nothing of reports from other experts recommended the creation of a national drug agency .

  6. 因此第一眼看到罗马诺?普罗迪的中左翼政府让坎帕尼亚大区,那不勒斯周边地区的环境如此难闻,令人惊讶。

    So it is at first sight surprising that Romano prodi 's centre-left government should have let the situation in campania , the region round naples , get so smelly .

  7. 罗马法诺成契约制度的成因及意义

    The Formation Reasons and Significance of the Consensus Contract System of Rome Law

  8. 罗马法诺成契约制度以合意作为契约成立的核心要素,从而实现了人类契约制度发展史上的一次重大飞跃。

    The Consensus contract of Rome law which regards the agreement as the key element to establishing contract is a great leap in the development of human contract system history .