
  • Romeo;Alfa Romeo;ROMEO Y JULIETA
  1. 罗密欧在热烈的掌声中离开了舞台。

    Romeo left the stage , to enthusiastic applause

  2. 他们将表演阿什顿的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的两场舞。

    They will dance two performances of Ashton 's ' Romeo and Juliet ' .

  3. 她在《罗密欧与朱丽叶》里饰朱丽叶。

    She played Juliet in Romeo and juliet .

  4. 罗密欧和朱丽叶这一对莎士比亚笔下命运多舛的恋人

    Shakespeare 's star-crossed lovers , Romeo and Juliet

  5. 小贝家的小儿子罗密欧8岁生日party主题囊括了未来世界玩酷内容。

    The Beckhams entered a futuristic world of lasers and mazes to celebrate their son Romeo 's eight birthday yesterday .

  6. 汽车厂商中,阿尔法•罗密欧(AlfaRomeo)让我想起一位上了年纪的电影女明星。

    Among car companies , Alfa Romeo reminds me of an aging movie actress .

  7. 菲亚特-克莱斯勒拥有奢侈品牌阿尔法o罗密欧(AlfaRomeo),大众曾经公开承认过对菲亚特-克莱斯勒的兴趣。

    Fiat Chrysler owns the Alfa Romeo luxury brand , which VW has openly admitted coveting .

  8. 与此同时,这是十岁的罗密欧负责16个月的Harper,被看到推着婴儿车走着。

    Meanwhile , it was Romeo , ten , who took charge of little 16-month-old Harper and was spotted pushing her stroller .

  9. 科鲁兹一身巴宝莉外套看上去酷劲十足,罗密欧穿了米色的MAC,长子布鲁克林穿了一件符合他年纪的黑色夹克。

    While Cruz looked cool in his Burberry coat , Romeo cut a sharp figure in his beige mac while eldest child Brooklyn dressed for his age in a black puffer jacket .

  10. 二公子罗密欧曾为时尚大牌巴宝莉(Burberry)拍摄圣诞节广告片,使该品牌营业额增长了15%。

    Younger brother Romeo meanwhile has fronted a Burberry Christmas campaign and was credited with driving a 15 % sales boost .

  11. 如果说星巴克是最新款的本田雅阁(HondaAccord),配有全套浮华虚饰,那蓝瓶就是一辆1955年款的阿尔法•罗密欧Giulietta。

    If Starbucks is a late-model honda accord with all the bells and whistles , blue bottle coffee is a 1955 Alfa Romeo Giulietta .

  12. 阿尔法o罗密欧4C采用碳纤维座舱和铝制车身框架,而外部则使用了塑料复合材料,使车身达到极度轻量化。

    Its light weight is achieved by a carbon fiber cockpit , extensive use of aluminum in the structure and plastic composite for the exterior .

  13. 克莱斯特缺乏一个真正的豪华车品牌,现在它正打算增加更多的菲亚特车型,最终将菲亚特的阿尔法•罗密欧(AlfaRomeo)豪华运动轿车引入美国市场。

    Chrysler lacks a true luxury franchise and aims to add more fiat models and eventually to bring the Alfa Romeo sport luxury franchise to the U.S. as well .

  14. 前几日,贝克汉姆家三公子布鲁克林(Brooklyn),罗密欧(Romeo),科鲁兹(Cruz)在HomeDepotCenter球场与父亲共同庆祝洛杉矶银河队卫冕大联盟冠军。

    As previously reported by GossipCenter , David , along with their three sons Brooklyn , Romeo and Cruz , were at the Home Depot Center basking in the glory of the 37-year-old soccer stud 's second MLS championship title .

  15. 他的早期剧作《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的情节结构与《圣经》的U形结构颇为相似,其主人公在此结构的构建过程中起到了救赎作用,饰演了小型基督的角色。

    The plot structure of his early play Romeo and Juliet is quite similar to the U-type structure of Bible . The protagonists of the play have the function of redemption in the construction of the structure and play the role of miniature Christ .

  16. 早在两个月前,菲亚特克莱斯勒公司(FiatChrysler)首席执行官塞尔吉奥o马尔基翁就曾经宣布,经过多次推迟之后,阿尔法o罗密欧(AlfaRomeo)4C终于做好了最后的准备,迎接自己在美国即将到来的黄金时代。

    Less than two months ago Sergio Marchionne , Fiat Chrysler 's chief executive , announced that the Alfa Romeo 4C was finally ready for prime time in the U.S. , following several delays .

  17. 它计划至2018年推出另外八款阿尔法车型,全部在意大利生产,全部具有法拉利的工程与设计特点。即将由85家阿尔法o罗密欧经销商销售的4C只是阿尔法扩充计划的第一步。

    The 4C , to be sold at 85 Alfa Romeo dealerships , is the precursor of eight more Alfa models through 2018 , all built in Italy and all containing a dose of Ferrari engineering and design expertise .

  18. 今年43岁的贝嫂已经是四个孩子的母亲,常常在Instagram上分享在西伦敦价值3150万英镑的家,家庭成员有42岁的贝克汉姆,6岁的小七,12岁的罗密欧,15岁的克鲁兹和18岁的布鲁克林。

    The mother-of-four , 43 , regularly uses Instagram to share glimpses into the £ 31.5million family home in West London she shares with David , 42 , Harper , six , Romeo , 12 , Cruz , 15 , and Brooklyn , 18 , when he 's home from New York .

  19. 什么?我是指,为什么?罗密欧惊呼道。

    What ? I mean , why ? @ exclaimed Romeo .

  20. 巴瑟萨匆匆离去了,罗密欧转身遥望维洛那城。

    Balthasar hurried off and Romeo turned to look towards Verona .

  21. 很罗密欧与朱丽叶地说,这是我的生存动力。

    Dramatically speaking , he is power of my lasting life .

  22. 罗密欧我支付的是你的贫穷,而不是你的意愿。

    Romeo I pay thy poverty , and not thy will .

  23. 别对月亮发誓,罗密欧。

    No , don 't swear by the moon , Romeo .

  24. 因此即使罗密欧不姓蒙特鸠,我还是一样会爱他。

    I would love Romeo if his name were not Montague .

  25. 我会立刻送个讯息给罗密欧。

    Eg. I will send a message to Romeo at once .

  26. 我不希望你为某些痴情罗密欧伤心。

    I don 't want you worrying about some riffraff romeo .

  27. 罗密欧和班伏里奥正竭力把两个格斗者分开。

    Romeo and benvolio were endeavouring to part the two combatants .

  28. 罗密欧吃惊地问道:她母亲是卡布利特家族的人?

    Romeo was stunned . @ Her mother is a Capulet ?

  29. 这就好比是现代版的罗密欧和朱丽叶。

    It 's like a modern tale of Romeo and Juliet .

  30. 不过我还是要找时间和罗密欧先生见面。

    But I still have to make time for Mr. Romero .