
  • 网络Rawlsianism;Rulsianism
  1. 温和的左翼知识分子牢牢抓住罗尔斯主义路线。

    Intellectuals of the moderate left seized on the Rawlsian approach .

  2. 本论文从五个方面展开了对罗尔斯自由主义政治哲学的研究。

    In the present paper , our study on Rawls ' liberal political philosophy is carried out from the following five aspects .

  3. 文章通过梳理了理性主义方法在正义论证中的脉络,概括出罗尔斯理性主义方法的特点,并由此讨论了关于理性主义方法在正义论证中的限度问题。

    Through analyzing the rationalism methods in Rawls ' context , the thesis summaries the characteristics of Rawls ' rationalism method , and discusses the limitation of rationalism methods in justice theory .

  4. 在反对罗尔斯的建构主义基础上,麦金太尔提出了语境主义的正义探究模式。

    Opposing Rawls 's constructivism , MacIntyre insists a mode of contextualism on the research of justice .

  5. 但是,由于规则功利主义自身的缺陷,以及罗尔斯对传统报应主义、功利主义认识的局限,这种调和的努力被证明是失败的。

    But because of the weakness of rule utilitarianism , the limits of Rawls ' understandings of traditional utilitarian and retributive theories , the reconciliation failed .

  6. 在当代资本主义深陷城市化、阶层冲突、种族歧视、贫富差距等问题之中,认真分析极左自由主义代表罗尔斯和极右自由主义代表诺齐克也许能从中发现造成资本主义当前危机的端倪。

    As the contemporary capitalist Mired in urbanization , class conflict , racial discrimination , rich-poor and so on . Carefully analyses Rawls that is on behalf of left liberalism and Nozick that is behalf of far-right liberalism that may be find t source of the current crisis of capitalism .