
  • 网络Understanding Consumption
  1. 另一个挑战是理解消费模式。

    Another is understanding consumption patterns .

  2. 具体来说,营销的目的是充分理解消费需求,在此基础上提供满足需求的产品和服务,从而使得产品可以自行销售。

    The aim is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits and sells itself .

  3. 消费文化中最为核心的问题是对商品的认识,而这也对理解消费文化的实质和审美逻辑有重要作用,同时也引发人们对于消费文化中认同危机和文化失序问题的思考。

    Consumer culture is the core problem in understanding of commodities , and this is also in understanding the essence of the consumer culture play an important role and aesthetic logic , but also cause people to consumption culture identity crisis and cultural disorder problem thinking .

  4. 理解文艺消费

    Understanding the Consumption of Literature and Art

  5. 随着中国迅速迈向超级大国,理解其消费文化是理解这个国家的良好开端。

    Understanding China 's consumer culture is a good starting point for understanding the nation itself , as it races toward superpower status .

  6. 他说:我确实认为,相对于传统上人们理解的消费电子产品,苹果手表有所不同。

    I do see that the Watch is a move away from what is traditionally understood as consumer electronics , Sir Jonathan said .

  7. 深入理解生态消费的内涵与界定,不断调整制度安排,有利于促进生态消费模式的构建。

    Deeply understanding the meaning and definition of ecological consumption and adjust its institutional arrangements continuously , we can promote construction of ecological consumption patterns .

  8. 传统价值观仅仅把自然界的价值理解为消费性价值,否定生态价值的存在;

    The traditional view of value took the value of natural world for its consuming value only , but rejected the existence of its ecological value .

  9. 主要是了解现代消费文化的新的特性体现,在这种变化中所具有的符号属性以及如何理解符号消费。

    It mainly concerns with the new properties of modern consumption culture , the symbolic properties it possesses during the change and the ways of understanding the symbolic consumption .

  10. 而安全工具生产商之间技术标准的不一致使得彼此之间不能相互理解和消费对方生产的安全数据,使得漏洞评估日趋复杂,不利于漏洞的快速排除。

    Differences between standards in use make manufacturers can not understand and consume security data produced by them each other and vulnerability assessment more difficult and complex to cleanup .

  11. 因此,如何正确地实现品牌文化推广,理解中国消费文化中的传统文化价值观,是本文要解决的问题。

    Therefore , how to carry out the brand culture expansion with accuracy , comprehend the traditional cultural value within Chinese consumption culture , is the problem that this thesis wants to resolve .

  12. 社会区隔是理解中产阶层消费的重要理论分析视角。

    Class consumption and social distinction is one of important theoretical perspectives in understanding middle class consumption .

  13. 从消费文化的视角来理解日本卡通消费要素之收藏性,可以看见,卡通收藏者的目的不在于实用性,而是为了意义的齐备,为了意义的完整。卡通商品消费的机能要素之二为话题性。

    Comprehended from the point of view of consumer culture , the intention of the character-collector is not for practicability but for entirety of meaning .

  14. 虽然许多调查所用的随机取样不能覆盖大部分人口,但是这一过程使人们能更深刻地理解选举和消费的模式。

    Although random sampling used for many surveys fails to cover large segments of the population , the procedure nonetheless offers insight into voting and consumption patterns .

  15. 企业在运用快乐体验营销时,应以创造快乐体验满足消费者精神需求为出发点,采取加深对消费者的理解,使消费过程趣味化,赋予产品象征意义,创建生动品牌体验等对策。

    When modem enterprises are implementing happy experiential marketing , they may focus on creating happy experience to satisfy customers ' spiritual requirements by taking measures to deepen customer understanding , make consumption procedure interesting , endow the products symbol significance , and establish vivid brand experience .

  16. 要进行能源需求管理,关键是深入理解并掌握能源消费主体的需求行为,并把握其规律性。

    The key of energy-demanding management is to find out the law of consumption behavior .

  17. 本论文实证研究显示:消费者具有道家文化价值观特征越显著,对绿色产品概念会有更好的理解,认为绿色消费更有利于环境改善,产品购买行为更倾向于绿色品牌;

    The empirical research display , the consumers who posess taoist culture value characteristic , preferably grasp the green products conception , think that green consume is favourable for environmental improvement , tend to purchase green product .