
lǐ xiǎnɡ liú dònɡ
  • ideal flow;frictionless flow
  1. 目前仅限于考虑物料处于理想流动时的产物分布。

    Sor far , only the distribution of products for ideal flow reactors has been considered .

  2. 应用电子计算机对两种理想流动模型的苯乙烯本体热聚合反应器进行了初步数学模拟试验。

    Mathematical simulation has been performed by means of electronic computor for two types of ideal flow reactor systems used for the thermal bulk polymerization of styrene .

  3. 填料精馏塔中液体非理想流动对当量理论塔板数的影响

    Influences of non-ideal flow of liquid on equivalent NTP in packed column

  4. 研究了气相色谱柱内的非理想流动过通,并提出了一个描述非线性吸附/分配过程的概率模型。

    Based on the study of nonideal flow in gas chromatography column , a model of nonlinear adsorption / partition processes was developed .

  5. 本文探讨了填料塔中液体微观流动机理,提出了多区多级模型,对填料塔在非理想流动状况下的塔效率进行了模拟。

    Based on the study of the microscopic flow mechanism of liquid in packed column , a zone-stooge model is proposed , by which the efficiency of the column is simulated in the non-ideal flow state .

  6. 本文采用二维不可压理想流动和湍流边界层的流动模型计算了多叶风机的内部流场,子午面和回转面的位流速度计算采用积分方法;

    This article adopts the flow model of 2-D non-compressible ideal flowing and turbulent flowing boundary layer to compute the internal flow field for a multiblade fan , while potential flow speed for meridian plane and rotational plane uses integrated method ;

  7. 从固/液界面的粘附功和内聚功平衡分析入手,结合流体在填料环壁表面的理想流动,通过湿润准数,利用热力学方法,导出了填料塔最小润湿速率的计算公式。

    Beginning with adhesion and cohesion work equilibrium analysis of solid / liquid boundary , and combining idle flow of liquid on packing round surface , through allowable wetness value , it leads to calculation formula for packing tower minimum wetness rate via utilizing thermodynamic method .

  8. 理想气体流动的几何拓扑分析

    Geometric topological analysis of perfect gas flow

  9. 它用作会议扩声或高质素背境音乐播送至为理想,流动或固定安装均可。

    It is an ideal loudspeaker for conference sound reinforcement and BGM , portable or fixed installation .

  10. 该脉轮带给我们理想的流动性和恩典,深度的感觉,获得性的满足,并有能力接受改变。

    Ideally this chakra brings us fluidity and grace , depth of feeling , sexual fulfillment , and the ability to accept change .

  11. 因而,文中还讨论了理想流体流动下游边界条件(7)的近似性并提出了进一步改进的设想。

    Some reasons of the difference and the reliability of the down-stream boundary condition ( 7 ) are discussed . The fluid in up layer is ideal and the lower layer is the Voigt model of the viscoelastic medium .

  12. 热虹吸窄矩形流道内多元非理想物系流动沸腾传热

    Flow Boiling Heat Transfer of Mixtures in a Thermosiphon Rectangular Channel

  13. 理想流体稳定流动的热力学解释

    The thermodynamic of the stable flow of ideal fluid

  14. 本文给出了绕弯曲头锥理想气体超音速流动差分数值计算方法。

    This paper presents a numerical calculation with finite difference method for supersonic flow of ideal gas over bent cones .

  15. 本文根据流体力学理想气体一维流动的理论,导出了油蒸汽流泵的临界前级压力和扩压器喉部直径的计算公式,并且讨论了提高临界前级压力的措施。

    In this paper , according to one-dimension flowing theory of ideal gas , calculation formulas of critical backing , pressure and diffuser throat diameter of oil vapour pump are introduced , and then some methods of improving critical backing pressure are discussed .

  16. 通过引入热力学焓,给出了伯努利方程的正确解释,证明了理想流体的稳定流动是等焓过程。

    By introducing enthalpy , the thermodynamic interpretation of Bernoulli 's equation is given . It is also proved that the stable flow of ideal fluid is an isoenthalpic process .