
  • 网络reversible engine
  1. 这就是说,任何可逆热机的效率都是,负T2除以。

    So what this says is the efficiency of any reversible engine T1 has to be one minus T2 over T1 .

  2. 可逆热机()理想气体可逆卡诺循环()相互作用。(片由开放式课程提供。人格的形成是内外两个系统相互作用、循环运动的结果。

    Interaction between a reversible engine ( A ) and a reversible ideal gas Carnot cycle ( B ) . ( Illustration courtesy of OCW . The forming of personality is the results of these two pieces of systematic circulation movement .

  3. 两类循环模式下不可逆热机装置的有限时间热力学优化

    Finite Time Thermodynamic Optimization of Irreversible Heat Engine Plant in Two Cycle Mode

  4. 再来看看,不可逆热机的效率。

    So now let 's look at the efficiency of our irreversible engine .

  5. 燃料电池过程的理想效率随电池工作温度而变化,但包含可逆热机的联合过程的理想效率等于在环境温度下工作的燃料电池的理想效率,与燃料电池工作温度无关。

    Consequently , the ideal efficiency of fuel cell surpasses that of heat engine only under certain operation temperatures .

  6. 在证明卡诺定理时,不可逆热机只能作正向循环,不能令其作逆向循环。

    While proving Carnot theorem , the irreversible heat engine can only run on forward circulation , but not on the opposite .

  7. 本文以热力学第一定律和第二定律为基础,用可逆热机的运转来建立温度概念。

    In this paper the definition of temperature founded on the first law and second law of thermodynamics is evolved by the operation of reversible heat engine .

  8. 所得结果不同于仅存在热阻损失时的内可逆热机的功率效率特性,且与实际热机特性相一致。

    The power versus efficiency characteristics obtained here is qualitatively different from that for an endoreversible heat engine and is in agreement with that for a real heat engine .

  9. 在分析实际发动机工作过程的基础上,利用有限时间热力学理论方法,建立了一种新的不可逆热机热力循环模型。

    Based on the analysis of the real engine 's working process , a new model of irreversible thermal cycle for heat engine is proposed by using the finite time thermodynamics .

  10. 文中所建立的模型不仅摈弃了一般所采用的内可逆热机的假设,也避免了对不可逆热机活塞平均速率过于简化的描述。

    The cycle model established here discards not only the usual hypotheses of endoreversible cycles but also the over simple description of the piston mean velocity for the irreversible heat engines .

  11. 此外,还强调了有限时间热力学中研究不可逆热机时,必须考虑不可逆性对功率的影响。

    In addition , the author emphasizes that during the study of irreversible heat engines within the framework of finite-time thermodynamics the effect of irreversibility on power output must be taken into account .

  12. 广义不可逆Miller热机循环的性能优化

    Performance Optimization of a Generalized Irreversible Miller Heat Engine Cycle

  13. 导热规律服用q∝(ΔT)~n广义不可逆卡诺热机的最优性能

    Optimal Performance of a Generalized Irreversible Carnot Engine with Heat Conduction Law Subordinate to Q μ( DT ) ~ n

  14. 非线性传热条件下的内可逆卡诺热机最优性能有了一些讨论,本文将导出不可逆卡诺热泵工作于非线性传热Q■条件下,最佳供热系数д与泵热率π的关系。

    This paper derives the relation between optimal performance coefficient and heating rate of an ir - reversible Carnot heat pump for the case Q ∝ T ~ n.

  15. 在内可逆卡诺热机模型的基础上,以η~λ(P-μT0σ)为目标函数,导出内可逆卡诺热机的效率、功率和平均熵产的优化关系。

    We take η ̄λ( P - μ T0 σ) as an objective function based on the model of an endoreversible Carnot engine . We derive the optimal relation of the efficiency , power and the rate of average engine .

  16. 以内可逆卡诺热机模型为基础,考虑工质与热源间传热服从线性唯象传热定律Q∝(ΔT-1),寻求循环频率与热机特性的关系。

    On the basis of endoreversible Carnot heat engine model , the frequency-dependent performance was analyzed while the heat transfers between working fluid and heat reservoirs obey linear phenomenological heat transfer law Q ∝(Δ T - 1 ) .

  17. 部分不可逆卡诺热机的最大功率

    The Maximum Power of Share Non - reversible Carnot Engine

  18. 两有限热源间的不可逆斯特林热机的优化性能

    Optimal Performance of the Irreversible Stirling Heat Engine with Finite Thermal Sources

  19. 线性唯象传热规律时内可逆卡诺热机的角速度特性

    Angular speed-dependent performance of endoreversible Carnot engine with linear phenomenological heat transfer law

  20. 有热漏时定常态不可逆卡诺热机功率效率特性

    Power and efficiency characteristics for steady flow irreversible Carnot engine with heat leak

  21. 有限时间热力学中不可逆卡诺热机

    Irreversible Carrot Heat Engines in Finite-time Thermodynamics

  22. 不可逆卡诺热机的最佳效率与供热率间的关系

    Relation between the Optimal Efficiency and the Rate of Heat-Input of an Irreversible Carnot Engine

  23. 一类不可逆卡诺热机最佳效率和功率间的关系

    Relationship between the Optimum Efficiency and Output Power of a Kind of Irreversible Carnot Heat Engine

  24. 导出了考虑热阻、热漏和有限速率过程的内可逆斯特林热机的基本优化关系。

    Study on optimal performance of Stirling heat engine with finite heat capacities of external reservoirs ;

  25. 线性唯象传热定律下广义不可逆卡诺热机的频率特性

    Frequency Characteristics of a Generalized Irreversible Carnot Heat Engine Under a Linear Phenomenological Heat Transfer Law

  26. 不可逆狄塞尔热机输出功、效率及其参数优化

    Optimization on the Work Output , Efficiency and Other Performance Parameters of an Irreversible Diesel Heat Engine

  27. 对几种不可逆卡诺热机模型作了述评,并提出一种新的不可逆卡诺热机模型。

    Several kinds of irreversible Carnot heat engine models are reviewed and a new irreversible Carnot heat engine model is proposed .

  28. 由此导出不可逆卡诺热机的最佳效率与供热率间的关系,以及一些新的性能界限。

    From it , the relation between optimal efficiency and rate of heat-input , and some new bounds of performance are derived .

  29. 本文基于一级和二级化学反应动力学理论,讨论化学反应驱动有限热容热源内可逆卡诺热机系统的功率优化问题,得到了一些新的结果。

    Based on first and second order reaction kinetic theory , this paper discusses the problem of power optimization of a finite reservoir endoreversible Carnot engine driven by chemical reaction . Some new results are obtained .

  30. 在广义不可逆卡诺热机模型基础上,结合一般传热规律,得到了在有限结构材料条件下的热机构形优化特性,即最佳热导率的定量分配新的关系式。

    On the basis of a generalized irreversible Carnot heat engine model and in conjunction with a general heat transfer law the characteristics of heat engine configuration optimization under the condition of finite construction materials were obtained , namely , a new relation of quantitative allocation of optimum heat conductivity .