
  • 网络flammable liquid;combustible liquid
  1. 汽油作为人类生产生活中一种最为常见的可燃性液体,具有很高的燃烧爆炸危险性。

    Gasoline is one of the most common combustible liquids inhuman production and life . It has a high combustion and explosion hazard .

  2. 从石油或煤焦油提炼出的无色的可燃性液体;可以用来做树脂和漆的溶剂和新颖的燃料。

    A colorless flammable liquid obtained from petroleum or coal tar ; used as a solvent for gums and lacquers and in high-octane fuels .

  3. 使用中的可燃性液体须用安全的分装容器妥善储存。

    Flammable liquids in use should be properly stored in safety dispensing containers .

  4. 结果表明,通过高分子覆膜工艺,可以有效地抑制固体燃料中可燃性液体的挥发,达到安全环保的作用。

    The result shows that it can effectively prevent the flammable liquid volatilizezing from the solid alcohol fuel by coating polymer on surface for the environment-friendly purpose .

  5. 搭建了基于微波透射衰减法原理的可燃性液体检测系统的实验平台,验证了该检测系统的可行性和应用范围。

    Experiment platform is built to test the flammable liquids and water using attenuation of microwave transmission . Feasibility and applicability range of this detection system is discussed .

  6. 主要研究工作为:1.针对液体混合物和可燃性液体的介电特性,利用微波检测的基本原理,设计了一个完整的微波介质检测系统。

    In this paper , The main ideas go as follows : 1 . A complete medium microwave detection system is designed based on the microwave nondestructive testing techniques , the characteristics of liquid mixtures and general flammable liquids , and the basic principles of microwave detection . 2 .

  7. 当这些工厂企业使用普通搬运设备在可燃性的液体、气体或粉尘存在的环境下进行工业生产时,风险很大。

    When the factories use normal handling equipments to work in an environment with existence of flammable liquid , gas or dust , they have high risks .