
  • 网络available time;uptime;up time
  1. 架构师的职责包括在可用时间及财务限制范围内交付所需的功能。

    Part of the architect 's role is to deliver the required functionality within the available time frame and finances .

  2. 在机械台班可用时间模糊,人员和材料供给量模糊的情况下,建立了工期-成本均衡优化的模型。

    We establish a time-cost tradeoff model under fuzzy available time of machinery , fuzzy available amount of labor and material .

  3. 池塘溶解氧呈24小时周期连续变化,因而可用时间序列分析的方法来建立池塘溶解氧的ARMA(p,q)模型。

    DO changes continuously with a period of 24 hours , so that the ARMA ( p , q ) model of pond DO may be founded by the method of time series analysis .

  4. 通过数据接口设置任务的约束要求,利用STK(satellitetoolkit)的时间窗口计算能力,计算卫星传感器对于地面目标的可用时间窗口,以简化资源调度模块的求解过程。

    Restrictions for tasks are set by data interface and available time windows between sensitive satellite sensors and ground targets is calculated by STK ( satellite tool kit ) to simplify resolution of scheduling model .

  5. 西里尔•诺思科特•帕金森(CyrilNorthcoteParkinson)首先注意到了这个无可争议的事实:工作会扩张到占满所有可用时间。

    C Northcote Parkinson was the first to notice the indisputable truth that work expands to fill the time available .

  6. 一项工作通常均可用时间单位来衡量,并可换算成美元。

    Work in general can be measured in units of time and translated into dollars .

  7. 例如,IT服务提供商需要计算在服务不可用时间段内所遭受的商业损失。

    For example , IT service providers need to calculate business losses when their infrastructures are unavailable .

  8. 某一沉积事件周期性出现的频繁程度可用时间序列中的频率来表示。

    The periodic occurrence of any sedimentary event may be expressed by the frequency in the time series .

  9. 在四维地质学的概念中,地质过程可用时间链来描述。

    In terms of concept of 4D geology , the geologic process could be described as the time chain .

  10. 关键是每天可以留出大量的可用时间来完成课程。

    The key is to set aside a realistic amount of time each day to " do " the course .

  11. 额外的限制原油生产加剧了这种短缺,因而减少了开发替代能源的可用时间。

    Additional constraints on oil production will hasten this shortage , thereby reducing the time available for action on alternatives .

  12. 回答以下五条问答题的三题。留意考试的可用时间,和尽可能引用数据来源。

    Write on three of the following five questions . Remember to conserve the time available to you and to give citations where possible .

  13. 杉木林土壤总呼吸、异养呼吸、根系呼吸随林龄变化均可用时间动态曲线很好地拟合。

    The age-related changes of total soil respiration , heterotrophic respiration and root respiration can be fitted very well by a time curve model .

  14. 根据可用时间和资源以及确信度,您可以决定基准确定工作的开始和结束时机。

    Depending on the time and resources available and your confidence level , you can decide where the benchmarking exercise can begin and conclude .

  15. 机床可用时间更长,交货时间更短,批量更小,这些特点必定会促进这种刀具的使用。

    The pressure for greater machine uptime , shorter delivery times and smaller lot sizes will only encourage the use of this kind of tooling .

  16. 其次研究了基于ON/OFF信道使用模型的资源可用时间的预测方法及其在资源选择中的应用。

    The mobility prediction method of available resource time based on ON / OFF channel model and its application in resource selection are studied subsequently .

  17. Parkinson's法则1“工作如此扩展以至于占据了所有完成它的可用时间”。没有什么比需求相关工作更真实的了。

    Parkinson 's law1 ," Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion ,", has never been truer than for requirements-related work .

  18. 带不可用时间段和恶化加工时间的几个多项式可解问题工件加工时间是开工时间线性函数的单机排序问题

    Several polynomial solvable problems with deteriorating jobs and an availability constraint Single Machine Scheduling Under job Processing time is a Linear Deterioration of its Start time

  19. 无论是曲面拟合法还是路径线法,各量计线上增殖误差可用时间多项式函数来表示,且多项式最高幂次数与量计线数目有关。

    Propagation error for each gage can be expressed as polynomial of time and the highest power of polynomial ism-1 , which mis the number of gages .

  20. 对于没有可用时间窗口的任务,时间窗口模块能分析时间窗口分配失败的原因,用户可以根据失败原因来分析卫星系统的动态能力。

    If there is no available time window , the module will give the reason . Users can analyze the satellite system 's dynamic ability by the reason .

  21. 网络管理的目标是最大限度地增加网络的可用时间,提高网络设备的利用率、网络性能、服务质量和安全性,提供网络的长期规划。

    The purpose of Network Management System ( NMS ) is to improve farthest network usability ~ utilization rate , network performance , service quality and security so as to serve network 's long-term plan .

  22. 对课表编排系统中涉及的搜索课程的可用时间集合、择优选取时间片、搜索所选定时间的空闲教室、择优选取教室以及解决冲突等环节的算法实现进行了讨论。

    The usable time sets , the timeout of optimization , free classrooms , classrooms of optimization and algorithms for resolving the conflicts in the course searching involved in the courses scheduling system are discussed .

  23. 动态更新是一种新型的软件演化技术,旨在不停机的条件下实现对软件模块的更新,以减少在系统维护期间的不可用时间和系统性能的降级。

    Dynamic updating is a kind of software evolution technology that updates software modules without interrupting the running system . So it can help to decrease the downtime and avoid the performance downgrade of a system during the period of maintenance .

  24. 总的可用CPU时间用在垃圾收集上的百分比是多少?

    What percentage of the total available CPU time is spent in garbage collection ?

  25. 对于很多存储需求而言,这些空间已经足够了,并且它还留出了足够的可用CPU时间用于运行各种小的服务。

    That 's enough space for a lot of stuff , and it leaves enough CPU time free to run all sorts of small services .

  26. 然而,如引言中所描述的,已知可用的时间,甚至RUP方法也不足以确保客户的成功。

    However , as described in the introduction , even the RUP approach was not enough to ensure customer success given the timeframe that was available .

  27. 在OSGi领域,我们不是总知道另一服务可用的时间,因此我们需要对此进行说明。

    In the world of OSGi , we do not always know when another service is available , and , as a result , we need to account for this .

  28. 时间管理服务实现的关键是最大可用逻辑时间GALT的计算。

    The key problem of the implementation of time management service is the computation of Greatest Available Logical Time ( GALT ) .

  29. 恢复一个损坏的数据库需要数小时的时间,然而可用的时间只有数分钟。

    Recovering from a corrupted database may take hours when only minutes are available .

  30. 剩余的时间就是我们完成工作项可用的时间。

    Remain Time is the time we have available to finish the work item .