
  • 网络surface mount
  1. 翻转芯片焊球点阵排列是一种表面贴片封装技术,使用翻转芯片与焊球点阵排列相结合的结构。

    Flip Chip Ball Grid Array , is a type of surface mount package which bridges the gap between flip chip and surface mount technology , using a combination of flip chip and BGA structures .

  2. 总体说来,它大概有三次重大的革新:第一次是在上世纪80年代从引脚插入式封装到表面贴片封装,极大地提高了印刷电路板上的组装密度;

    General speaking , It has three significant steps of innovation : first is the translation to surface mounting package from through hole package in the end of last eighties , it significantly increase the density of printed wire board ;