
  • 网络active medium;excitable media
  1. LiF:F2~-晶体作激活介质与调Q元件复合应用的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of compound application for lif : f_2 crystal as an active medium and Q-switching element

  2. 利用解释激活介质中非线性折射并修正ABCD矩阵的近似,确定了产生自锁模z-fold腔结构Yb:KYW激光器的腔参数的范围。

    Using a modified ABCD-matrix approach accounting for nonlinear refraction in active medium , we determined the ranges of cavity parameters providing a mode-locking of Yb : KYW-laser in usual z-fold cavity configuration .

  3. 采集成熟的大鳞大马哈鱼精子,在不同的激活介质、人工精浆(ASP)、pH和温度条件下进行活力观察。

    The activation and motility of spermatozoa from Chinook salmon collected by dissection were studied under different reactivators , ASP , pH and temperature .

  4. 因而,研究LD端面泵浦固体激光器激活介质的热效应,具有重要的意义。

    It is very necessary to study the thermal effects of laser media in LD end-pumped solid-state lasers .

  5. 它的原理是,在脉冲电光调Q激光器的光泵过程中,一定的轴向超辐射强度对应激活介质中一定的反转粒子数。

    The principle is as follows : The superradiant signal intensities near the axial correspond to certain population during the laser process of the optical pumping .

  6. 给出了考虑激活介质能级精细结构时固体自由运转激光器、脉冲透射式调Q激光器以及脉冲放大器的输出特性。

    This paper presents the output characteristics of pulsed laser , PTM Q-switched laser and pulse amplifier of solid & state medium whose fine structure of energy level is considered .

  7. 以掺Nd系LN光折变晶体为位相共轭镜,He-Ne气体为激活介质,构成外泵浦位相共轭激光器。

    Using Nd-doped LN crystals as phase conjugation mirror , He-Ne gas as activation medium , an externally pumped He-Ne phase conjugation laser was designed and built .

  8. 简化Hodgkin-Huxley反应-扩散方程描述的可激活介质中的旋转波

    Rotating waves in excitable media described by simplified Hodgkin Huxley reaction diffusion equation

  9. 为研究Nd∶GdVO4晶体在激光二极管(LD)端面抽运固体激光器中的热效应,给出了一种测量激光器稳态运转时腔内激活介质热透镜焦距的简便方法。

    In order to study the thermal effect of Nd ∶ GdVO_4 crystal in LD end-pumped solid-state laser , a simply method to measure the thermal focal length with stable resonator is presented .

  10. 具有一、二阶温度梯度激活介质稳定腔分析

    An Analysis of Cavity Stability with Linear and Nonlinear Temperature Grade

  11. 激光谐振腔内激活介质像差效应的数值分析

    Numerical Analysis for Aberration Effects of Stimulated Medium in Resonator

  12. 在铜蒸气激光器的激活介质中观察到四波混频现象。

    Four-wave mixing was observed in the active medium of a copper vapor laser .

  13. 共振激活介质的反射特性

    Reflectivity character of the resonance active medium

  14. 激活介质内部折射率梯度对传输波面质量的影响

    Effect of the refractive index gradient in active medium on the wave surface quality of light beam

  15. 建立了3维温度场及应力场模型,并采用有限元分析方法对Nd:YAG作为激活介质的固体热容激光器与热稳态固体激光器进行了对比研究。

    The temperature fields and stress fields of solid-state heat-capacity laser ( SSHCL ) and solid steady state laser were analyzed by finite-element analysis .

  16. 以掺杂铌酸锂单晶为相位共轭镜,氦氖气体为激活介质构成了外泵浦相位共轭激光器。

    The externally-pumped phase conjugate laser is constructed with a doped lithium niobate single-crystal as phase conjugate mirror and He-Ne gas as laser gain medium .

  17. 使用半导体激活介质的增益饱和效应,描述了激光器型全光波长转换器波长转换机制及其阈值转换特性。

    The wavelength conversion mechanism and the thresholding conversion characteristics of all-optical wavelength converter based on a laser diode are described by the gain saturation effect .

  18. 基于二能级原子系统的极化率理论,对共振激活介质界面的反常反射特性作了理论分析。

    An anomalous character of reflectivity of resonance active medium is analysed theoretically based on the treatment of nonlinear optical susceptibility of two level atomic system .

  19. 本文指出,在光学谐振腔的研究中应当区分用程函、有效光程、激活介质的几何长度等物理量。

    This article has shown that it is necessary to distinguish the eikonal function , effective optical path and geometrical length etc. of active medium while investigating optical resonators .

  20. 使用不同染料,在以Nd:YAG和钕玻璃为激活介质的激光腔中对被动锁模的统计特性详细作了理论和实验研究。

    The statistics of passive mode locking is investigated theoretically and experimentally in detail for different dyes and resonator configurations with Nd : YAG or Nd-glass as active medium .

  21. 利用泵浦脉冲在激活介质内所造成的折射率梯度的非均匀分布形成激光波导腔,充分利用了染料溶液的高增益区,由此获得高效率和高功率输出。

    The laser takes advantage of the non-uniform distibutrion of the refractive index by the pumping pulse in the active medium , and allows full utilization of the highest gain region of the dye solution .

  22. 与同样尺寸的棒状激光器相比,由于它可以通过管内外壁冷却激活介质,因此其热效应较小。

    As the laser tube can be cooled both on the inner - and outer - surfaces of the tube , the thermal effect in SSTL is smaller than that in a rod laser with the same geometry size .

  23. 采用光学度规模型,研究了光子在轴对称介质中的运动轨道,分析了光子在不稳定轨道附近的行为,进而讨论了它在激活介质中的受激发射。

    The orbits of a photon in an axially symmetrical medium are treated by using the optical metric model . The behaviors of the photon near instable orbits is analyzed , and its stimulated emission in an active medium is discussed .

  24. 适用于泵浦脉冲宽度与激活介质上能级寿命比值为任意值的情况,除它们可比拟外,因为此时一般无法得到输出功率(能量)的解析表达式。

    This expression is valid for arbitrary values of the pumping light pulse width and the upper laser level lifetime , except when they are comparable , because in this condition , one can not got the output power ( energy ) expression in general .

  25. 用准三能级系统速率方程对纵向泵浦TmYAG激光器的阈值、效率和激活介质最佳长度进行了计算和分析,讨论了温度对TmYAG激光器输出特性的影响。

    According to the rate equation of quasi three level system , the threshold power , slope efficiency and optimum length of the crystals of longitudinally pumped Tm ∶ YAG lasers have been calculated and discussed . The influence of temperature on the Tm ∶ YAG lasers has been studied .

  26. 用激活性非线性介质Nd:MgO:LiNbO3产生二次谐波

    Second harmonic generation using an active nonlinear medium Nd : MgO : LiNbO_3

  27. 结论:鼻渊舒口服液可通过多途径、多环节,治疗鼻窦炎,其在增强红细胞免疫功能,抑制细菌繁殖,抑制NF-kB激活,减少炎症介质释放,显示出良好的整体效应。

    Moreover , strengthening erythrocyte immune adherent function , restraining bacterium increase , restraining NF-kB and eliminating inflammation are one of principal mechanism of prophylactic therapeutic action of Bi Yuan Shu Oral liquid on ARS .