- 网络Excitation Function;activation function

Experimental results show that the genetic algorithm can not only replace the BP algorithm for neural network training , but can also be used to train those neural networks with the neuron activation function undifferentiable .
The Radial Basis Function Network is adopted to establish the mathematical model but its activation function is setup by sigmoid function forming a kind of hybrid RBF network to promote the convergence of the model .
The systematics research on ( p , n ) reaction excitation functions
Fission excitation function in interactions of ~ ( 12 ) c ions with various targets
Measurement of the Complete Fusion Excitation Function for the ~ ( 16 ) O + ~ ( 12 ) C Reaction
Resonance-like Structure of Complete Fusion Excitation Function for  ̄( 16 ) O + ( 24 ) Mg Reaction
Measurement of Near-Barrier Fusion Excitation Function of ~ 6Li + ~ ( 208 ) Pb
The Systematics of the Excitation Function for ( N , 3N ) Reactions
Statistical Relationships of the Chandler Wobble Excitation with Geophysical Excitation Functions
Effects of different Chandler periods and Q on estimates of the excitation function and their comparisons
Complete Fusion Excitation Function for the  ̄( 16 ) O +  ̄( nat ) S Reaction
Excitation function for elastic collision between 4N nuclei
In this paper , the rate of the Earth 's rotation and the atmospheric circulation in 1976 & 1980 are analysed with AR spectral analysis and Harmonic analysis .
The measurement of the excitation functions of isotopes of FR and at , produced in the bombardment of ~ ( 12 ) c on ~ ( 209 ) bi
The nuclear reaction analysis ( NRA ) was used to measure the 15N content in metal surface layers , based on the cross section which were got by us before .
In consideration of the competition between the fission and neutron evaporation , the excitation functions of the capture cross section , complete fusion cross section and neutron evaporation cross section have been calculated for Ar + ~ ( 223,235,238 ) U system .
The formation cross sections of the super-heavy nuclei from Pb-based cold fusion and excitation functions from ~ 48Ca induced hot fusion are reasonably consistent with known experimental data .
Resonant structures appeared in the excitation functions for the ~ ( 16 ) O + ~ ( 20 ) Ne elastic scattering have been studied by using the nuclear molecular orbital theory . The theoretical results agree well with the experimental data .
By means of an annular mica detector , the half-life and excitation function had been measured for the shape isomer ~ ( 240m ) Pu produced in the reaction ~ ( 238 ) U ( a , 2n ) .
The excitation functions and recoil characteristic of the target fragments have been studied from the interaction of gold with 8 2,12 1,16 2,20 0 and 24 2 MeV / nucleon 40 Ar ions using nuclear chemical techniques .
In-beam y-ray spectroscopy experiment for odd-odd nucleus 142 Pm has been performed via the 128Te ( 19F , 5n ) 142Pm reaction at beam energies of 75 MeV through 95 MeV . Excitation functions and γ - γ coincidences have been measured .
The excitation function method is mainly used in UHV transmission lines .
Fluctuations in the Excitation Functions of Dissipative Heavy Ion Collisions
Determination of Fission Time scales from Excitation Function Data
The Excitation Functions of the Reactions of Alkaline Earth Metal with Polyatomic Halides
Application of Correlation Function in the Fluctuation of Excitation Function in Dissipative Nuclear Reaction
The effects of cross correlation between different isotopes on fluctuation amplitude are also discussed .
Excitation Function Measurement of Total Reaction Cross Section at Intermediate Energy for Light Exotic Nuclei
Excitation function for α transfer reaction
The correlation function method is applied to analyze the fluctuation of the excitation function in the dissipative nuclear reaction .