
  • 网络wave drag
  1. 在飞行器所在流场的下游一垂直于来流速度的截面上进行积分计算,得到升力、诱导阻力、激波阻力和总阻力。

    By doing integral computation on the wake surface that is down from the aircraft and vertical to the velocity of far field , it can get the lift , induced drag , wave drag and the total drag .

  2. 在平面形状优化基础上,在机翼容积不变约束下,再采用剖面翼型优化设计,通过机翼剖面细微变化弱化较大马赫数下的激波、减小激波阻力。

    In the second design step , improvement of wing 's aerodynamic characteristic is mainly depended on the weakening of shock which reduces wave drag during the wing section optimization .

  3. 但由于凹环对气流的扰动增加了激波阻力,故包含底部阻力及激波阻力的压差阻力减小并不显著,仅为0.4%。

    However , the rings only reduce the pressure drag by 0.4 % because the rings disturb the external flow and increase the shock wave drag .

  4. 高超声速飞行器在高空飞行过程中,前缘受到强大的激波阻力和严重的气动加热,因此,如何减小阻力,减小飞行器表面气动加热是高超声速飞行器设计中要考虑的最重要的问题之一。

    The leading edge of a hypersonic vehicle suffers serious shock resistance and heating problems . How to reduce drag and heat flux is one of the most important issues in the aircraft design .

  5. 在追击穿越中,楔形物体追上激波后所受阻力急剧的变小;

    In the case of colliding overtaking , the drag , which is rapidly reduced in pursuing overtaking is greatly increases , after the projectile goes through the shock wave .