
  • 网络University of Jerusalem;Jerusalem University
  1. 他们是七个在耶路撒冷大学的学生。

    They were seven students studying at universities in jerusalem .

  2. 新的研究利用中国各地数十年期间的污染数据,并由美国麻省理工学院(MIT)、北京的清华大学和北京大学,以及耶路撒冷希伯来大学(HebrewUniversityofJerusalem)的多名教授联名发表报告。

    Using decades of pollution data from across China , the new study , co-authored by professors from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US , Tsinghua University and Peking University in Beijing , and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem ,

  3. 这是来自耶路撒冷希伯来大学(HebrewUniversityofJerusalem)的教授尤尔瓦•诺亚•哈拉里(YuvalNoahHarari)的预言,他相信这种巨变会在未来200年内发生。

    This is according to Yuval Noah Harari , a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem , who believes the radical shift will take place in the next 200 years .

  4. 为了解决这个问题,以色列耶路撒冷希伯莱大学的BorisRubinsky及其同事拆分了医学成像系统所需的组件。

    To address this , Boris Rubinsky at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem , Israel , and colleagues separated the components required in a medical imaging system .

  5. 耶路撒冷希伯莱大学的科学家将果汁和硼酸化合研制出了这种含糖诱捕剂。

    Scientists at Hebrew University in Jerusalem developed the sugary bait by fruit juice oils and boric acid .

  6. 布罗德赫斯特是耶路撒冷希伯来大学的客座教授,他曾发现一些已知的最遥远星系。

    Broadhurst , a visiting professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem , is the discoverer of some of the most distant known galaxies .

  7. 在耶路撒冷希伯来大学教授政治学的塔米尔·谢弗认为,奥尔默特突然宣布辞职的幕后至少有两个原因。

    Tamir Sheafer who teaches politics at Jerusalem 's Hebrew University says there are at least two reasons behind Mr. Olmert 's surprise announcement .

  8. 康涅狄格大学和耶路撒冷希伯来大学的研究人员在《美国国家科学院学报》上刊登了这项发现。

    The discovery was published by researchers from the University of Connecticut and Hebrew University in Jerusalem in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .

  9. 耶路撒冷希伯来大学历史学教授尤瓦尔诺亚哈拉里表示:7万年前,现代人类拥有的新语言技能使他们能够连续几个小时不断地闲聊。

    Yuval Noah Harari , a history professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem , told the paper : ' The new linguistic skills that modern humans acquired about 70 millennia ago enabled them to gossip for hours on end .

  10. 除此之外,耶路撒冷的希伯来大学一支由尤里·盖特(UriGat)领导的科研团队研发出一种由基因改造而成的蜘蛛网纤维。

    Also , a team led by Uri Gat at Hebrew University in Jerusalem developed a genetically engineered spiderweb fiber .

  11. 这个实验室的主任MukhlesSowwan与位于西耶路撒冷的希伯来大学的物理学家DannyPorath一起向IPSO提交了一份研究申请。

    The laboratory 's director , Mukhles Sowwan , submitted a research proposal to IPSO together with Danny Porath , a physicist at the Hebrew University in West Jerusalem .

  12. 电电池的基础上煮土豆可提供的电力在发展中世界的廉价来源,根据耶路撒冷的希伯来大学技术转让公司。

    The electric battery based on boiled potatoes could provide a cheap source of electricity in the developing world , according to the technology transfer company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem .

  13. 在耶路撒冷的希伯来大学的政治学教授迪斯金说,双方在耶路撒冷的地位、难民和犹太人定居点这些关键问题上分歧仍然很大。

    Abraham Diskin , a political science professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem , says both sides remain far apart on the key issues of the status of Jerusalem , refugees , and Jewish settlements .