
  • 网络Removable partial denture;RPD;removable partial denture,RPD
  1. 不同因素对可摘局部义齿铸造支架适合性影响的实验研究

    The Study of the Influence of Different Factors on the Fit of RPD Frameworks

  2. 结果:①患者戴用可摘局部义齿后,唾液流率有所降低,唾液pH值有所升高。

    RUSULTS : 1 . After wearing RPD , flow ratio of saliva dropped .

  3. SD附着体固位远中游离端可摘局部义齿三维有限元应力分析

    Three-dimensional finite element analysis of SD attachment retained distal - extension removable partial denture

  4. 锯齿状缺口物体边缘V形或锯齿形的缺口附着体义齿与卡环可摘局部义齿咀嚼效率研究

    A notch or jagged cut in an edge . Comparative study of masticatory efficiency between attachment dentures and clasp removable partial dentures

  5. SD球帽式附着体义齿与传统可摘局部义齿修复后基牙存留状况分析

    Comparative study on condition of abutments between the SD ball-cap attachment dentures and traditional removable partial dentures at different stage

  6. 可摘局部义齿(Removablepartialdenture,RPD)在临床上是修复缺失牙尤其是多颗牙缺失的有效手段,被广泛应用及认可。

    Removable partial denture ( Removable partial denture , RPD ) is an effective means of repairing missing tooth , and is widely used and recognized .

  7. 不同加载条件下RPI卡环固位可摘局部义齿的三维有限元分析

    Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of RPI Removable Partial Denture under Different Loading Directions

  8. 可摘局部义齿改良RPI卡环固位力测试

    Retentive force of modified RPI clasp

  9. Nd-YAG激光在可摘局部义齿基牙预备的应用

    Using Nd YAG laser to desensitize the hypersensitive dentine in preparing the abutment teeth for removable partial dentures prosthesis

  10. 可摘局部义齿(Theremovablepartialdenture,RPD)是一种价格低廉,形式灵活的可逆的治疗方法,适用于任何年龄的失牙病人。

    The removable partial denture is a excellent cure method with price cheap , the style active and removable , and it serve for the lose teeth patient with any age .

  11. 方法建立牙颌计算机三维模型并以其为基础,采用个别建模、组合模拟的方式,运用3DSTUDIOMAX对可摘局部义齿各类部件单元在统一坐标下进行三维建模。

    Methods On the basis of having established a computerized 3-D model of defect dentition , 3D Studio Max was used to reconstruct a series of 3-D models of elements for removable partial dentures under the same coordinating system .

  12. 方法:28例对于原先普通可摘局部义齿不满意的KennedyП类牙列缺损患者,均采用MK1精密附着体义齿进行修复。

    Methods : 28 cases that were not satisfied with traditional removable denture were replaced with MK 1 universal attachment denture .

  13. 目的:分析RPI卡环固位可摘局部义齿在垂直、水平和斜向加载条件下义齿的基牙及基托下支持组织的应力分布情况。

    Objective : To evaluate the stress distribution of RPI removable partial denture under the vertical load , horizontal load and oblique load .

  14. 目的:探索MK-1附着体可摘局部义齿修复牙列末端游离缺损病例的临床适应证。

    Objective : To explore MK-1 attachment removable partial denture adaptation at distal-extended teeth missing cases .

  15. Twin-Flex美观卡环在可摘局部义齿中的临床应用

    Clinical application of Twin-Flex clasp in removable partial dentures

  16. 目的:分析临床Co-Cr合金铸造可摘局部义齿(RPD)折断原因,以提高义齿质量。

    Objective : To Analysis the fracture of the casting cobalt-chromium alloy removable partial denture ( RPD ), then to achieve the quality and avoid the fracture of RPD .

  17. Bio-oss和Bio-oss骨胶原保持牙槽骨量的临床研究游离端可摘局部义齿基牙牙槽骨及剩余牙槽骨改变的两年追踪观察

    Early changes of alveolar ridge contour following ridge preservation using Bio-oss and Bio-oss Collagen A two-year clinical study on the alveolar bone loss of the terminate abutment and residual ridge with free-end partial dentures

  18. 目的:观察烤瓷熔附金属可摘局部义齿(PFMRPD)在前牙修复中应用的临床效果。

    Objectives : To observe the result of the application of the porcelain-fused-metal removable partial dentures ( PFMRPD ) for anterior teeth .

  19. 结果:戴用可摘局部义齿5a后,基牙的患龋率(17.38%)显著高于非基牙(7.10%);

    RESULTS : The removable partial denture in 5 years after wearing , the dental caries rate of the abutment teeth ( 17.38 % ) was significantly higher than the non abutment teeth ( 7.10 % )( P < 0.01 ) .

  20. 目的对比患者不同的口腔卫生习惯、不同的义齿设计、不同的义齿材料等,以分析可摘局部义齿(removablepartialdentures,RPDs)对口腔微生态的影响。

    Objective To compare the effect of different factors (① oral hygiene habits ,② designs of dentures ,③ material of dentures ) on abutment teeth of removable partial dentures ( RPDs ) .

  21. 结论:MK1精密附着体义齿修复KennedyП类牙列缺损患者,满意度明显优于普通可摘局部义齿。临床观察还提示,MK1义齿尚不致造成短期基牙牙槽骨损害。

    Conclusions : The restorative effect of MK 1 universal attachment denture was better than that with traditional removable denture on Kennedy ⅱ dentition defect , and it won 't damage alveolar bone in short term .

  22. 作者选择了41例牙列缺损患者,为其设计并制作成无基托的可摘局部义齿(RPDS).对其中的29创作了追踪观察,效果良好。

    Partially edentulous patients were selected and hare treated with the removable partial dentures ( RPDs ) without the hase from 1991 tO 1995 , 29 of the patients were follow-up observed and the dentures which had been used by them were found successful .

  23. 可摘局部义齿患者口腔内环境变化的动态观察

    Dynamic study on oral environment of patients with removable partial denture

  24. 牙列缺损伴重度磨耗的老年人可摘局部义齿修复

    Treatment of serious attrition with defect of dentition in old people

  25. 磁性附着体在可摘局部义齿修复中的应用

    Clinical application of Magnetic attachment in restoration of removable partial denture

  26. 牙列游离缺失可摘局部义齿稳定不良原因分析

    Analysis of Unstability Causes of the Distal Extension Removable Partial Dentures

  27. 套筒冠固位可摘局部义齿的建模及其力学特征分析

    Model establishment and stress analysis of telescopic crown-retained removable partial dentures

  28. 游离端可摘局部义齿戴用疼痛的临床分析

    The Clinical Analysis of the Ache in the Distal Extension Removable Denture

  29. 整体铸造在可摘局部义齿中的运用

    Study on the Effects of the Monobloc Casting on the Removable Denture

  30. 可摘局部义齿修复中的医技交流质量评估

    Quality of communication between dentists and dental technicians for removable partial denture