
  • 网络plastic refractory
  1. 高性能可塑料的研制与应用

    Development and Application of High Performance Plastic Refractory

  2. 高温耐火可塑料在锅炉高温烟道中的应用

    Application of High Temperature Plastic Refractory in the High Temperature Gas Duct of Boiler

  3. 蓝晶石、粘土矿物在耐火可塑料中的作用

    The Functions of Kyanite and Clay in the Plastic Refractory

  4. 影响可塑料加热炉炉顶拱顶的因素和预防措施探讨

    Discussion on Factors Affecting Plastic Arch of Heating Furnace and Prevention Measures

  5. 早强型耐火可塑料在锅炉高温炉烟管中的应用

    Application of Early Strong Refractory Plastic Materials in High Temperature Furnace Gas Pipe of Boiler

  6. 浅谈耐火可塑料在加热炉炉顶的应用

    The application of fire - resistant plastic materials in the top of the heating furnace

  7. 耐火可塑料的应用与效益

    Application and benefits of plastic refractories

  8. 高铝质耐火可塑料的组成与性能关系研究

    A study of the relationship between the composition and the properties of the high alumina mouldable refractory materials

  9. 阐述了耐火可塑料运用在加热炉炉顶时的优越性、应注意的问题、仍存在的不足。

    The paper demonstrates the advantages of application of the fire-resistant plastic materials in the heating furnace top , the problems worthy of attention and deficiency .

  10. 介绍了可塑料的性能特点、施工方法和在鞍钢热轧带钢厂加热炉炉顶上的使用效果。

    This paper introduces the characteristics , construction methods of the mouldable refractory and its application effect on the roofs of the reheating furnaces in Angang Hot Rolled Strip Plant .

  11. 本文介绍了加热炉用耐火可塑料和粘土浇注料的性能、炉衬构造型式、施工与烘炉、使用效果和今后的发展趋势。

    The properties of plastic refractory and castable refractory of clay , the lining type , lining work , preheating practice , effect and the future for their application to reheating furnace are reviewed .

  12. 耐火可塑料运用在加热炉炉顶耐急冷急热性能好,可大大提高炉顶的使用寿命,具有良好的发展和应用前景。

    The fire-resistant plastic materials have good performance of cold resistance and heat resistance and can greatly increase the service life of the furnace top . They have good prospect of development and application .

  13. 《民航行业塑料污染治理工作计划(2021-2025年)》提出:到2025年,民航行业一次性不可降解塑料制品消费强度较2020年大幅下降。

    By 2025 , the consumption of disposable non-degradable plastic in the civil aviation industry will decline sharply from the 2020 level .

  14. 12月1日起,海南省全面禁止一次性不可降解塑料袋、塑料餐饮具等用品的生产、销售及使用。

    Disposable plastic bags and tableware that are non-degradable have been banned from production , sale and use starting Tuesday in China 's island province of Hainan .

  15. 民航局表示,明年起,国内客运航班将禁止提供一次性不可降解塑料吸管、餐具、包装袋等用品。

    China will ban the use of disposable plastic packaging bags , tableware and straws made from non-degradable materials on domestic flights starting next year , the Civil Aviation Administration of China said .

  16. 将其与天然高分子或各种可降解塑料混合也可以有效促进PP的生物降解;

    The biodegradability can also be improved by blending some natural polymer or degradable plastics ;

  17. 可降解塑料PCL的活性聚合研究

    Study of active polymerization of degradable plastics of polycaprolactone

  18. PHB在生产可降解塑料方面的应用及其微生物累积的研究进展

    Application of PHB Used in Production of Degradable Plastics and Research Progress in Microbial Synthesized PHB

  19. 动胶菌发酵生产可降解塑料PHAs

    Fermentation of Biodegradable Plastic & PHAs

  20. 用于塑料工业,该产品可用于塑料ABS原料的填料,使产品光泽亮丽,同时可以提高产品强度,刚度和耐磨性。

    For the plastics industry , the product can be used in ABS plastic packing materials to make our products shine bright , as well as improve product strength , stiffness and wear resistance .

  21. 这种被称为Lexion-XLS的高分子膜发明于1998年,它可使塑料更能经得起刮擦、化学药品侵蚀以及UB射线侵害。

    This polymer film called Lexion-XLS was invented in 1998 to make plastic more resistant to scratches2 , chemicals , and UB rays .

  22. 利用筛选出的预测模型对上海地区霜霉病的发生情况进行了预测模拟,RMSE值在5左右,表明模型可对塑料大棚中黄瓜霜霉病的流行状况进行定量预测。

    The RMSE values are about 5 , and the disease index errors are 0.08-8.33 between model forecasting and field surveying . The results showed that the models could be also used in practical forecasting for disease index of cucumber downy mildew in the plastic greenhouse tunnel .

  23. 这已促使耐克投入资金开发了一些商业潜力不大的产品,比如它为马术队新开发的带有模铸可拆卸塑料马刺的ippeas马靴,其设计者是一位通常为乔丹品牌工作的美国设计师。

    This has required Nike to spend money on developing products of limited commercial potential , such as its new " ippeas " riding boot with molded and detachable plastic spurs developed for the Equestrian Team by a US designer who normally works on the " urban " Jordan Brand .

  24. 这样解决了机加工问题,又可使塑料挤压成为螺旋状。

    It solves the machining problem and plastic mouldings are spiral .

  25. 综述了可降解塑料的研究开发现状及其进展。

    The state of the arts in degradable plastics is reviewed .

  26. 本产品不可用于塑料或乙烯表面。

    It should not be used on plastics , and vinyl .

  27. 生物可降解塑料代替现有的不可降解塑料,对于保护环境,减少污染具有十分重要的意义。

    Biodegradable plastics have great significances in the field of environment protecting .

  28. 可降解塑料的应用现状和发展趋势

    The Present Situation and Development Tendency of Degradable Plastics Application

  29. 可降解塑料&多聚羟基丁酸的高密度发酵研究

    Study on Synthesis of Degradable Plastic PHA by High Cell Density Fermentation

  30. 公司另有分厂可生产塑料配件及金属辅料制品。

    Another company plant can produce plastic parts and metal accessories products .