
  • 网络Aluminum Melting Furnace
  1. 蓄热式燃烧技术在洛铜熔铝炉改造中的应用

    Application of Regenerating Combustion Technology in the Transformation of Aluminum Melting Furnace in Luoyang Copper Processing Group

  2. 介绍了某企业对熔铝炉采用的新型燃烧系统,并详细阐述了燃烧控制系统新技术及完成的主要控制功能。

    The new combustion control system for aluminum melting furnace in a certain enterprise was described . The new technology of the combustion oontrol system and its main control function were detailed in the following .

  3. 采用额定容量5t工频有芯感应熔铝炉,用电解铝液直接熔炼铸造铝合金,可提高劳动生产率、减少环境污染;

    The 5 ton cored induction furnace can be used for melting and casting aluminum alloy directly . The productivity can be increased and the environmental pollution can be reduced .

  4. 电磁搅拌技术(Al-EMS)是一项已被证实和广为采用的对熔铝炉和静置炉中铝液进行有效搅拌的技术。

    Electromagnetic stirrer ( Al-EMS ) is a well-established technology for stirring in aluminium furnaces .

  5. 提高熔铝炉铸铁坩埚使用寿命的有效途径

    Method for Improving Service Life of Iron Crucible for Aluminium Melting

  6. 熔铝炉烟气余热回收新途径

    A new approach to recover off-gas heat from aluminium melting furnace

  7. 中频无芯感应熔铝炉的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Medium Frequency Coreless Induction Melting Furnace for Aluminum

  8. 熔铝炉炉压测量控制系统改造

    Innovation on Pressure Measurement Controlling System for Aluminum Melting Furnace

  9. 田字型双级双向热底冷盖熔铝炉

    Four Chamber Smelting Furnace with Hot Bed and Cold Lid

  10. 往复炉排燃煤熔铝炉的设计与应用

    Design and application of coal combustion on reciprocating grate of aluminium smelting furnace

  11. 无芯感应熔铝炉用干法打结料的研制

    Study on the Refractory Used in Coreless Induction Furnace for Melting Aluminum alloy

  12. 变频调速器在熔铝炉上的应用

    Application of frequency converted regulator for aluminium melting furnace

  13. 熔铝炉节能改造与效益

    Energy saving reconstruction and benefits of aluminium melting furnace

  14. 运用国外先进技术改造1~熔铝炉

    Application on advanced Foreign Techniques to Transform 1 ~ # Aluminium Smelting Furnace

  15. 自身预热烧嘴在熔铝炉中的应用

    Applications of Self preheating Burner in Aluminium Melting Furnace

  16. 提高熔铝炉寿命的改进措施

    Reforming Experiment for Improving Melting Aluminium Furnace Life

  17. 传统的焦炭熔铝炉已不能适应现代微电机制造企业的生产要求。

    The traditional coke furnace can not meet with the requirement of modern micro-electrical machinery manufacture .

  18. 阐述了自身预热式烧嘴在熔铝炉中的应用情况及节能效果,提出了对目前采用自身预热式烧嘴熔铝炉的改进意见。

    Applications of self preheating burner in aluminium melting furnace , its energy saving effects and some suggestions are presented .

  19. 介绍中频无心感应熔铝炉用新型干式成型耐火材料和使用情况。

    A new type of ramming drier material and its working situation of medium frequency coreless induction furnace for melting aluminum are stated .

  20. 本文介绍了山东平阴铝厂在熔铝炉使用发生炉煤气的情况和取得的节能效果。

    This paper introduced on application of producer gas for meting aluminium furnace in Shandong Pingyin Aluminium Work and energy saving effect have been obtained .

  21. 分析了该系统在陶瓷辊道窑和熔铝炉上应用的节能减排效果。

    Further more , the effect of energy saving and emission reduction on premixed secondary combustion system in ceramic kiln and aluminium melting furnace was analyzed .

  22. 生产运行表明,整个系统控制精度高,既可以实现煤气熔铝炉的安全运行,又可以降低能源消耗。

    The operation shows that the control accuracy of the system is high which is helpful to safe operation of the furnace and lowering energy consumption .

  23. 简要介绍了蓄热式换热技术在熔铝炉上的应用情况及节能效果。蓄热式热交换器的可用能分析

    Application and energy saving effects of regenerative heat exchanging technology in aluminium melting furnace are introduced in this paper . The Exergy Analysis of Regenerative Heat Exchanger

  24. 阐述了新型铝熔铸机组的熔铝炉熔化速度快,热效率高;

    The process characteristics of newly introduced melting and casting machine are explained from five aspects , such as high melting speed and heat efficiency of melting furnace ;

  25. 本文分析了熔铸厂扁锭熔铸车间21熔铝炉炉压测量控制系统存在的问题,提出了改进方案。

    The questions existing in pressure measurement controlling system for 21 # aluminum melting furnace in Melting and Casting Branch of SWA are analyzed in the paper , and corrective plans are made out .

  26. 本文详细介绍了反射式熔铝炉燃烧系统节能改造的主要工程内容、技术措施、改造效果及取得的社会、经济效益。

    This paper introduced in detail on Chief engineering contents of energy saving reconstruction of reverberatory aluminium melting furnace burning system , technical measures , effects of reconstruction and obtaining remarkable economic and social benefits .

  27. 在分析有芯和无芯感应熔铝炉工作特点的基础上,提出了感应熔铝炉炉衬耐火材料应满足的要求,介绍了两种高性能耐火材料的性能和使用情况。

    On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of core and non core aluminium smelting induction furnaces , the requires for the lining refractory to meet are listed , also the properties and use results of two kinds of castables are introduced .

  28. 介绍300kg电气熔铝保温炉采用轻质保温砖与硅酸铝纤维毡作保温层,炉壳表面温度低、热效率高;

    A new type of furnace called 300 kg electric heat-insolating furnace for molting Al , which uses light heat-preserved bricks and sodium silicate fabric felt as heat-preserved layer so that the surface temperature is low and the heat efficiency is high .

  29. 无心感应熔铜、铝炉用耐火材料

    The Refractories for Coreless Induction Furnaces for Melting Aluminum and Copper