
  • 网络Impact corrosion;FAC;impingement attack
  1. 腐蚀磨损试验机的转速400转/分。在不同的介质(PH≈3)和不同的时间内,对低碳高合金钢、高锰钢和中碳合金钢进行了冲击腐蚀磨损性能的研究。

    The worn surfaces of the three steels show that the mechanism of the low carbon high alloy steel is impact abrasion , the high manganese steel is impact-corrosion , and the medium carbon alloy steel is the heaviest impact-corrosion .

  2. 在改进的MLD-10型冲击腐蚀磨损试验机上,对不同成分的低碳高合金钢的冲击腐蚀磨损性能进行了测试。

    LCHA with several variations of composition were tested with a modified MLD-10 wear tester to investigate their behavior under corrosive impact abrasion .

  3. 用改进的MLD-10型冲击腐蚀磨损试验机,在模拟工况条件下,对不同碳含量的新型衬板用低碳高合金钢冲击腐蚀磨损行为进行了比较;

    Researches were made on the impact wear properties of low carbon high steels with different carbon contents on simulated conditions by using a modified MLD-10 impact wear tester .

  4. 采用改进的MLD-10型冲击腐蚀磨损试验机,模拟湿磨工况条件,对新型衬板材质低碳高合金钢和传统材质高锰钢的抗冲击腐蚀磨损特性进行了研究。

    Under wet ball mill conditions , corrosive impact abrasion behavior of a newly developed low carbon high alloy steel liner material were researched with a modified MLD - 10 wear tester , and comparison with the traditional high manganese steel was made .

  5. 冶金矿山湿式磨机衬板钢冲击腐蚀磨损行为的研究

    Behavior of corrosion-abrasion of liner of wet-grinding machine in metallurgical industry

  6. 冲击腐蚀磨损系统中影响因素的正交分析

    Orthogonal Analysis on Influencing Factors of Corrosive Impact Wear System

  7. 两种钢冲击腐蚀磨损性能的试验研究

    Investigation on impact - corrosion - wear property of two kind of steels

  8. 镧对衬板钢在腐蚀料浆环境下的冲击腐蚀性能与机理的影响

    Effect of Lanthanum on Impact Wear Behavior and Mechanism of Liner-board Steels in Corrosive Slurry

  9. 衬板用钢在石英砂介质中的冲击腐蚀磨损行为

    The impact - corrosion - abrasion behavior of the steel used in liners in quartzite slurry

  10. 低碳高合金钢和高锰钢冲击腐蚀磨损特性研究

    Comparison of corrosive impact abrasion behavior between low carbon high alloy steel and high manganese steel

  11. 对三种湿磨衬板钢的冲击腐蚀磨损性能与机制的研究结果表明:冲击功增大,其磨损失重呈不同程度的增大;

    The impact corrosion and abrasion behavior of three steels for liner were investigated under different impact energy in ironstone slurry .

  12. 在冲击腐蚀磨损条件下研究了中碳合金钢、低碳高合金钢磨损特性和机理。

    The wear characteristics and mechanism of low carbon high alloy steel and medium carbon steel under impact-corrosion condition have been investigated .

  13. 文章最后还对以锰代镍低碳高合金钢的冲击腐蚀磨损机制进行了探讨。

    At last , this article also discussed the mechanisms of corrosive impact abrasion for these LCHA after substitution for nickel with manganese .

  14. 低碳高合金钢短时间内的冲击腐蚀磨损机制主要为显微切削,随着时间的延长,变为以浅层小块疲劳剥落为主;

    The wear mechanism of low carbon high alloy steel is mainly slight cutting in short-time running , and the slight fatigue flake after long time ;

  15. 在热强碱性铝矿浆冲击腐蚀磨损条件下,中铬钢的抗磨蚀性能优于高锰钢。

    In conclusion , the anticorrosion of medium-chromium steel is better than high manganese steel in the environment in hot strong alkaline and the ore pulp of aluminum .

  16. 而高锰钢短时间内的冲击腐蚀磨损机制主要为浅层累积变形疲劳剥落和腐蚀磨损,随着时间的延长变为相对较深层的疲劳剥落和腐蚀磨损。

    The wear mechanism of high manganese steel is mainly shallow accumulative deformation fatigue flake and corrosive wear , after long time is deeper fatigue flake and corrosion .

  17. 本文针对这种情况,在前人开发的基础上熔炼出湿式磨机衬板用稀土改性高锰钢后,对其冲击腐蚀磨损机理进行了一定的探讨。

    To explore the wear mechanism involved in milling processing , modification of Rare-earth ( RE ) high manganese steel was investigated under the laboratory conditions in this study .

  18. 因此,研究开发新型的耐冲击腐蚀磨损材料,提高工件在冲击、腐蚀和磨损交互作用下的服役寿命具有现实意义。

    So , it is significant to develop the new impact-corrosion-wear resistant materials and increase the service life of the workpieces under the interaction of impact , corrosion and wear .

  19. 比较两种材料试样在一定时间内的失重变化情况,表明低碳高合金钢的抗冲击腐蚀磨损性能优于高锰钢。

    Wear loss of specimens for these two steels during a certain time show that low carbon high alloy steel is much more resistant to corrosive impact abrasion than high manganese steel .

  20. 另外分析了冲击腐蚀磨损面形貌、磨面表层及亚表层的状态变化,发现两种材料的冲击腐蚀磨损机制有明显差异,并且都随时间变化而发生转变。

    Besides , SEM morphology of worn surfaces and metallography of subsurface zones were observed after test , which shows that corrosive impact abrasion mechanisms of these two kinds of steels differ greatly and may both change along time .

  21. 结果表明:低碳高合金钢的耐冲击腐蚀磨损性能优于高锰钢及中碳合金钢;

    It was found that the low carbon high-alloyed steel had much better impact corrosion and abrasion properties than the high manganese steel and medium carbon alloyed steel , which was ascribed to the differences in the compositions and microstructures of the three steels .

  22. 在此次研究中,首先测定了湿式磨机衬板用低碳高合金钢的抗冲击腐蚀磨损性能,作为比较,高锰钢和中碳钢的性能也被同时测试。

    In this study , we first tested the resistance of low carbon high alloy steel used in wet-grinding machine lining board to high impact corrosion and abrasive wear , and for comparison , the high manganese steel and the medium carbon alloy steel were also tested .

  23. 超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)管道具有优异的耐冲击、耐腐蚀、耐磨损、自润滑、无毒和耐低温等性能,其寿命是普通钢管的7~8倍。

    Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene pipe ( UHMWPE ) has excellent properties of impact-resistance anti-corrosion abrasion-resistance self-lubricating non-toxicity and low temperature resistance .

  24. 抗冲击、耐腐蚀的聚丙烯材料结构。

    Impact and corrosion resistant Polypropylene construction .

  25. 要求耐重压、耐强力冲击、耐腐蚀的机械厂、五金制品厂、化工厂操作区、汽车修理厂等。

    For machinery plant hardware factory , chemical factory , car-fixed factory , which need impact-resistance and anti-corrosion .

  26. 要求其具有耐高温、防震动、抗冲击、耐腐蚀等能力,并能在恶劣的环境下正常运行。

    It required the ability of tolerance the high temperature and vibration , shock a corrosion resistance . The encoder can operate in bad environment normally .

  27. 介绍了耐浓硝酸介质腐蚀的新型低铬高硅铸造不锈钢的化学成分,着重研究了含镍量对其组织、冲击韧性与腐蚀行为的影响。

    The chemical composition of new type low chrome high silicon casting stainless steel resisted concentrated nitric acid corrosion was recommended . The influence of nickel content on its structure , impact flexibility , and corrosion behavior was researched emphatically .

  28. 在煤液化工程、钢铁冶炼、石油化工、核电等重大工程项目中,耐高温、耐高压、耐磨损、抗热冲击、抗热腐蚀球阀一直是关键部件之一。

    High-performance sphere valve , which can resists high temperature , high pressure , wearing , thermal impact and heat erosion , is one of key components used in coal liquefaction engineering , steel smelting , petroleum chemical engineering and nuclear power .

  29. 由于工件应用的环境多为存在气流或腐蚀溶液中,工件内表面长期暴露于持续冲击、高温腐蚀的,因此对其进行表面处理以求提高表面性能也是十分必要的。

    But application environment is almost of air flow or corrosion in the solution , so the surface of workpiece exposures to lasting impact and high temperature corrosion in long-term . So the surface treatment is very necessary in order to improve surface performance .

  30. 采用磷酸盐石墨铸型浇注中低铬白口铸铁,以试样的硬度、冲击韧度和腐蚀耐磨性作为考察试样性能的指标,用正交试验研究了中低铬白口铸铁的成分设计问题。

    The low-medium chromium white cast iron was cast in the phosphate graphite mould , taking the hardness , impact stiffness and corrosive wear resistance . As an examining index of sample performance , the design of ingredient of these white cast irons was researched by using orthogonal test .