
  • 网络Impulse Voltage;Uimp;BIL
  1. 冲击电压波形对GIS由固定导电粒引发的击穿电压的影响

    Influence of Impulse Voltage Waveshape on particle Initiated Breakdown Voltages of GIS

  2. GIS绝缘子在冲击电压下沿面闪络的分析

    Analysis of the surface flashover on GIS basin insulator under lightning impulse voltage

  3. 利用MATLAB计算冲击电压发生器的参数

    The Parameters Evaluation of Impulse Voltage Generator Using MATLAB

  4. 冲击电压发生器放电回路数学分析及Matlab在其中的应用

    Mathematic Analysis for the Discharging Circuit of Impulse Voltage Generator and Application of Matlab

  5. 为了对气体绝缘变电站站(GIS)二次电子设备进行冲击电压抗扰度试验。

    A combination wave generator is developed for impulse immunity test of gas-insulated substation 's secondary equipment .

  6. 本文提出一种测量单次冲击电压的仪器SE100冲击电压测量仪。

    An instrument for measuring single-impulse voltage , SE-100 , is provided in this paper .

  7. 补偿型RC积分器在冲击电压测量中的应用

    Compensated Integrators Applied to Measuring Impulse Voltage

  8. 用FFT法重建冲击电压测量系统的输入波形

    The Reconstruction of the Input Voltage Shape for the Impulse Measuring System by FFT Method

  9. SF6气体在交流叠加冲击电压下的放电特性

    The Breakdown Characteristics of SF_6 under Superposed Power-frequence and Impulse Voltage

  10. 冲击电压作用下SF6绝缘特性计算方法

    A Method for Calculating SF_6 Insulating Characteristics under Impulse Voltage

  11. SF6中绝缘子在快速振荡与非振荡冲击电压下闪络特性

    The Flashover Characteristic of Spacer in SF_6 under Fast Oscillating and Nonoscillating Impulse Voltage

  12. 冲击电压上升率对SF6放电由流注向先导转变的影响

    Influence of Impulse Rising Rate on the Streamer to Leader Transition in SF 6

  13. 研究冲击电压下SF6预放电过程的光电及电流信号方法

    PMT And Current Probe Methods Used for Studying Predischarge Process in SF_6 under Impulse Voltages

  14. 直流叠加冲击电压下极不均匀场中SF6气体的击穿特性

    The Breakdown Characteristics of SF_6 Gas in Non-uniform Field Gap under Combined DC and Impulse Voltages

  15. Marx发生器最早应用于高电压专业中被用作冲击电压发生器,是高压试验中的常用设备。

    Marx generator , as impacting-voltage generator , is originally applied to the specialty of high-voltage , which is the common device in high-voltage experiment .

  16. 基于离散Gabor变换和增量Wiener滤波器的冲击电压波形重构算法研究

    Algorithm of Reconstruction of High Voltage Impulse Waveform Based on Discrete Gabor Transform and Incremental Wiener Invert Filter

  17. 分析了冲击电压发生器二次回路在任意波形下的参数选择法,提出了一种采用MATLAB的数学计算功能进行冲击电压发生器在任意波形参数下的参数计算方法。

    The paper analyzed the algorithm of the second discharge circuit based on any double-exponential fitting , introduced the method of the parameters evaluation of impulse voltage generator using MATLAB .

  18. 500kV同塔4回线路真型塔冲击电压的试验研究

    Surge tests for 500 kV four-circuit lines on the same tower

  19. 本文提出用APPLEⅡ微型计算机系统管理组合控制柜的自动控制器,使冲击电压发生器按计算机程序的设置对试品进行冲击电压试验。

    This article proposes using an APPLE ⅱ microcomputer to manage the automatic controller of the control box so as to let the generator perform the impulse test following what is arranged by the computer program .

  20. 本文研究确定冲击电压测量系统方波响应时间T1时,实际方波的波前上升时间tf对测量结果带来的影响。

    This paper describes an investigation into the influence of rise time t_f of a practical step on the determination of response time T_1 when the unit step response method is used for a high voltage impulse measuring system .

  21. 冲击电压下±500kV直流线路分压器电位分布数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of voltage distribution of a ± 500kv DC power transmission line divider subjected to an impulse voltage

  22. 本文利用电子光子MonteCarlo方法模拟单个电子入射阳极后的游动厉史,运用不同的电极材料,计算了正针负板电极在不同的冲击电压作用下所产生的X射线的能量分布及角度分布。

    In this paper the moving process of electrons injected into anode is simulated by Monte Carlo method , and the radiation energy spectrum , angle distribution in positive rod plate gap with different voltage and different electrod materials are calculated .

  23. 再根据冲击电压发生器结构,使用EMTP仿真软件搭建36级冲击电压发生器充电回路模型。

    According to the structure of impulse voltage generator , the EMTP simulation software is used to build a 36-stage charging circuit model of impulse voltage generator .

  24. 研究了不同气压下SF6间隙在直流和冲击电压作用下的击穿通道,并对不同气压下SF6气体的电晕稳定化作用进行了探讨。

    The breakdown channels of a SF6 gap under DC and impulse voltages of different gas pressures are investigated in this paper . The corona stabilization of SF6 under different gas pressures is also discussed .

  25. 设计了一种计算SF6绝缘特性的方法。可用它计算在不均匀间隙中,各种波头的冲击电压下、不同的SF6气压时,SF6的最小击穿电压。

    A method for computing the insulating characteristics of SF6 is designed which can be used to calculate the minimum breakdown voltages in the case of nonuniform field gap at different SF6 pressures under applications of impulse voltage with different front-times .

  26. 它由冲击电压发生器和平行板横电磁室(PPTC)组成。

    The device is composed of a set of shock voltage generators and a set of parallel plates transverse chambers ( PPTC ) .

  27. 为了研究在陡波前、高冲击电压作用下,脉冲变压器(PT)锥形绕组中的特快速暂态电压分布特性,文中建立了基于多导体传输线(MTL)理论的绕组分布参数模型。

    In order to study the very fast transient voltage distribution in taper coils of pulse transformer ( PT ) under high voltage surge of steep front , a distributed model is built based on multiconductor transmission line ( MTL ) theory .

  28. 本文介绍了用于冲击电压测量的波形采集处理系统,该系统由DM&902数字式暂态记录仪及M68微型计算机组成。

    This paper presents the waveform acquisition processing system which consists of DM-902 digital memory and M68 microcomputer .

  29. 通过对±500kV三峡-常州直流输电系统的可控硅换流阀的计算,分析了阀参数及分布参数对冲击电压分布的影响,并提出了改善电压分布的措施。

    The influence of valve parameters and the value of stray capacitance on lightning impulse voltage distribution is analyzed based on calculation of the thyristor valve used for the Three Gorges - Changzhou ± 500 kV DC transmission line . Optimal measures for improvement of transient voltage distribution are recommended .

  30. 本文主要介绍了一套用普通数字示波器(2430A)组成的超高冲击电压测量系统。介绍了系统的概况、组成、试验程序、测试功能及现场应用的试验结果。

    This paper introduces a set of ultra - high impulse voltage measurement system , which is composed of a general digital oscillograph 2430A and introduces the general feature , the components , the test procedure , the measuring and detecting capability together with its test results of on-site practice .