
  • 网络melt fracture
  1. 熔体破裂(MF)是挤出成型的一种不稳定流动。

    Melt fracture ( MF ) is a kind of instable flow in extrusion .

  2. 简要介绍了ACR加工助剂发展历史及其改进PVC加工性能的作用,包括对PVC的离模膨胀、熔体破裂、熔体粘度和融化的影响。

    The development history of ACR processing aid and its effects on processing characteristic , which are swell , melt fracture , melt viscosity and melting , of PVC were introduced .

  3. 结果表明,在LLDPE挤出成型过程中加入含氟改性剂可有效消除熔体破裂现象,降低熔体温度,减小挤出机头压力,提高挤出效率,改善制品的外观质量。

    Result shows that the melt fracture phenomenon can be abolished by adding the fluorine-bearing modifier during LLDPE extruded forming , with melt temperature lowered down , extrusion efficiency in-creased and product apparent quality improved .

  4. 线型聚合物毛细管挤出中熔体破裂研究进展

    Progress in Study of Linear Polymer Melt Fracture in Capillary Extrusion

  5. 聚丙烯挤出发泡中熔体破裂现象分析

    Melt Fracture and Its Effects on Foam Quality in Extrusion Foaming of PP

  6. 熔体破裂的第二光滑区现象研究

    Study on Second Smooth Section Phenomena in Melt Fracture

  7. 几种消除熔体破裂的方法

    Several methods to eliminate melt fracture

  8. 研究了聚丙烯挤出发泡过程中熔体破裂现象及其对发泡体质量的影响。

    The melt fracture during the extrusion foaming process of PP and its effects on foams qualities were studied .

  9. 检查物料的树脂是否过度潮湿或者树脂降解,检查是否存在熔体破裂或者排气不良。

    Check for excessive moisture in the resin and for resin degradation , possible melt fracture , or inadequate venting .

  10. 挤出成型中遇到的最严重问题是熔体破裂,应用含氟改性剂可很好地消除熔体破裂现象。

    Most critical problem confronted during extruded forming is melt fracture , using fluorine-bearing modifier can properly eliminate melt fracture phenomenon .

  11. 同时复合加工助剂对改善鲨鱼皮熔体破裂也有一定的作用。

    Meanwhile , binary processing aid also showed effect on increasing the critical shear rate for the onset of sharkskin melt fracture .

  12. 但由于其分子量分布较窄,粘度较大,在高速挤出成型时,易出现鲨鱼皮和熔体破裂现象。

    Because of its more narrow molecular weight distribution and bigger viscosity , shark skin and melt fracture at high speed extruding can easily appear .

  13. 对有关挤出胀大、减粘降阻、熔体破裂及壁面滑移的研究进展进行了综述,指出气辅挤出技术是解决以上问题的有效方法。

    The research advances about die swell , the reduction of friction between die wall and polymer melt , wall slip and melt fracture in polymer extrusion are described in the paper .

  14. 采用Instron3211型毛细管流变仪对(?)η分别为49、68、96万的三种稀土顺丁混炼胶的流动性、挤出膨胀及熔体破裂性能进行了考察。

    The rheological properties of three compounded samples of cis-1,4-polybutadiene rubbers ( BR ) prepared with rare earth catalyst system and having a M η of 49 , 68 and 96 , respectively , were studied with Instron 3211 capillary rheometer .