
xì shā
  • spun yarn
细纱 [xì shā]
  • [spun yarn] 用粗纱再纺而成的较细的纱,用于织布或纺线

细纱[xì shā]
  1. 介绍了降低细纱条干CV值、减少管纱纱疵的一些尝试性措施。

    This paper introduced some measures to decrease the spun yarn evenness CV and cop faults per million-metre .

  2. 为了将HHT分析法应用到棉条、细纱故障的诊断中,详细介绍了Hilbert-Huang变换(HHT)的Hilbert时频谱分析方法,并将其应用到棉条、细纱信号分析中。

    To apply HHT analyses method in diagnosing fault of cotton sliver and spun yarn , Hilbert-Huang analyses method was analyzed , and it was applied in cotton sliver signal and spun yarn signal .

  3. 预报细纱条干不匀率的BP神经网络方法

    BP Neural Network Method for the Prediction of Yarn Unevenness

  4. 对细纱机常采用的依纳V型牵伸机构进行了优化改进。

    A new method is designed to improve the V type draft system .

  5. 细纱机V型牵伸工艺探讨

    A Study on V-type Drafting System of Spinning Frame

  6. 该数据模型已成功地应用于细纱机产品CAD动态数据库系统中。

    This data model has succeeded in developing dynamic database system of ring spinning frame product CAD .

  7. 细纱机的PC控制系统

    PC controlling system of normal ring

  8. Elite纺纱装置代表了细纱机的最新技术的发展。

    Elite spinning system represent the latest technological development of spinning frame .

  9. 应用模态置信标准(MAC)的概念对细纱机机架的模态进行了辨识。

    With MAC concept , the modal of spinning frames is identified .

  10. 基于SOC的细纱机自动控制系统设计

    Spinning Machine Control System Design Based on SOC Technology

  11. 改善细纱条干CV值的试验分析

    Test Analysis of Improving CV Value in Spinning Production

  12. 本研究采用改进的环锭纺细纱机,纱芯使用PVA短纤纺制的细纱,外面包覆棉纤维。

    A PVA yarn is used as the core and cotton fibers form the sheath .

  13. 利用PC技术对纺织厂细纱机控制系统进行改造,给出了控制系统梯形图并说明了其工作过程。

    This paper is about the design of PC controlling system of normal ring in textile factories and indicates the ladder diagram of controlling system and its working process .

  14. MCS-51细纱机工艺参数测试显示仪的研制

    Study on the Technological Parameter Measurement Instrument constituted with MCS 51 single chip microcomputer for spinning frame

  15. NRC涂料胶辊在细纱生产中的试用

    The Trial-use of Rubber Cots with NRC Coating in Ring Spinning

  16. JF型细纱牵伸形式、工艺及其成纱质量

    Spinning Draft JF and Draft Process in Relation to Spinning Quality

  17. 又通过环锭细纱机将水溶性PVA包覆于棉纱上,制成水溶性PVA包覆棉芯的包芯纱。

    Meanwhile , core-spun yarn was made by ring spinning frame , which involves a core of cotton yarn with a covering of PVA fiber .

  18. WRC849软弹性胶辊与RCⅡ型涂料对降低细纱条干不匀率的影响

    A Study of the Influence of WRC-849 Soft Rubber Cots and RC-2 Coating on Improvement of Unevenness of Yarns

  19. 芯纱使用PVA短纤细纱,皮层采用棉纤维,芯纱的毛羽和皮层的棉纤维形成一定程度的交错,对退维后空心纱中空部分的定形有一定的帮助。

    The PVA yam as the core and the cotton fiber as the sheath are interlaced , which is helpful to set the boiled hollow yarn .

  20. 通过在传统环锭纺细纱机上加装纺纱附件,研制出一种生产低扭矩纱(扭妥TM纱)的新型纺纱方法。

    Put a attachment on conventional ring spinning frame , a lower torsion moment yarn ( Nu-Torque TM yarn ) was produced by this new spinning method .

  21. 探讨JF型细纱双短胶圈牵伸的性能特点及纺纱效果。

    Property speciality and spinning effect of JF spinning double short apron draft were discussed .

  22. 说明合理配置细纱、牵伸和加捻、卷绕部分的工艺参数,保持良好机械状态是减小细纱条干CV值的有效措施。

    Conclusion is made that proper configuration of specifications in process of spinning , drawing and twisting sections plus good mechanical performance will be a good measure reducing spinning CV value .

  23. 作者由波谱图建立细纱样本观察值向量,运用Fisher线性判别分析法,得到评定细纱不匀的判别函数。

    Using the spectrograph , the authors derive the sample vector of yarn and make use of the Fisher linear discriminative method to obtain linear discriminative functions for assessing the yarn irregularity .

  24. 空芯棉纱的生产主要是利用水溶性PVA纤维的水溶性,将PVA短纤维纺制成细纱作为芯纱,纯棉纤维作为包覆纱,形成棉/PVA包芯纱。

    Producing hollow cotton yarn mainly utilizes water soluble PVA fiber and a PVA yarn is used as the core and cotton fibers form the sheath and then form cotton / PVA core-spun yam .

  25. 该工艺采用的细纱第三代大牵伸(50~100倍)是在我国自主开发的VC牵伸及其相应工艺配套下实现的,另外全面提高前纺半制品质量也是细纱大牵伸的必要条件。

    This high efficient cotton spinning technology is now realized on the selt-developed VC draft mechanism of 50-100 times of draft . Long draft of spinning is also the key to improve the quality of semi spinning product .

  26. 谈WRC-849型软弹性胶辊与细纱老机改造

    WRC-849 Soft-Elastic Roller and the Improvement of Former Spinning Frame

  27. 棉纺赛络纺将细纱,并纱,捻线合为一道工序,可以生产出特殊风格的AB纱,麻灰纱,具备较少的设备投资和较强的品种适应性。

    The cotton siro-spinning makes the spinning , combining and twisting into one working procedure , and can produce the AB yarn and the hemp ash yarn with special style , and can have less equipment investment and better adaptability .

  28. A504细纱机用于纺制强弱捻纱的改造

    Spinning variational twist yarn by ring spinning frame

  29. 阐述了本色涤粘AB纱的生产工艺流程、工艺特点以及所采取的关键技术措施和质量控制要点,认为提高AB纱质量的重点是细纱工艺的优化。

    This paper explains technological process , processing features , crucial technological measure and points of quality control of gray polyester / viscose AB yarn , found that to optimize spinning process is very important in order to improve quality of AB yarn .

  30. 经简单的设备改进,可在环锭纺细纱机上生产形成空心纱所需的包覆效果良好的ZZ和SZ包芯纱。

    Through simple modifying ASS 11 ring spinning frame , a cotton / PVA core-spun yarns with " ZZ ", " SZ " direction of twist can be made and the sheath fiber hide the core completely .