
tǒng guǎn
  • bobbin;skein
筒管 [tǒng guǎn]
  • [bobbin] 用以卷绕纱线的一种圆柱形筒子,在一端或两端有边盘,轴芯有孔

筒管[tǒng guǎn]
  1. 对筒管挂脚增添加强筋后,可用HT1533灰铁件代替KT306可锻铸铁生产,工艺简化。

    HT15-33 gray iron may be used in bobbin hanger instead of KT30-6 after redesigning the casting .

  2. 聚丙烯高速纺时筒管上的后收缩

    The post shrinkage on the bobbin in high speed spinning of polypropylene fiber

  3. FDY筒管皱缩变形的原因探讨

    Cause Analysis of Craping Deform of Bobbins FDY

  4. 高速纺丝机筒管夹紧装置的分析比较

    Comparison and Analysing about Bobbin Holder for High Speed Spinning Machine

  5. 高速纺丝机筒管夹头的研究

    The research of bobbin chuck in high speed spinning machine

  6. 无梭织机织边用筒管纱卷绕机的研制

    Development of winding machine of bobbin yarn on shuttleless loom 's selvage

  7. 整筒管式抽油泵泵筒径向变形的近似解

    Approximation of radial deformation of barrel of subsurface tubing pumps

  8. 塑料筒管轴向脱模力测试与分析

    Measurement and Analysis of Axial Mould Release Force in Plastic Bobbin Forming Process

  9. VC&442牵伸筒管试制中几个问题的探讨

    On Some Problems in Trial-production of VC-442 Drafting Bobbins

  10. 适用范围:本标准适用于保护仪器,电流供应器和电话机用之筒管式熔断保险丝。

    Available Range : For protecting instruments , power supplies and telephones sets .

  11. 阅读用于多种形状的货件的快捷包装箱和三角形筒管的使用说明和指示。

    Read specifications and guidelines about express box mailers used for a variety of shipments .

  12. 浅议全自动卷绕头对筒管结构的要求

    My Tentative View on the Requirement of the Full-auto Winding Head on The Bobbin Structures

  13. 纸粕筒管(供卷布用)导管套,皮革、硬化纸板、塑料薄膜、纸板或纺织品制

    Pipe case , of leather , vulcanized fibre , sheeting of plastics or textile materials

  14. 筒管控制装置,纺织机械用

    Bobbin control mechanism for textile machinery

  15. 筒管支架不合适。

    Improper arms of bobbin holder .

  16. 每个筒子纱的筒管内部必须贴有生产商的名字,生产日期,纱线说明。

    Identification labels inside each cone listing vendor name , yarn description , and date code .

  17. 卡尔·哈梅尔筒管式纺丝机纸浆、纸或纸板制筒管,用于纺织机

    Carl Hammel system bobbin frame bobbin of paper pulp , paper or paperboard for textile machines

  18. 络纱筒管注射模设计

    Mould Design for Spooling Cone Pipe

  19. 化纤纺丝卷绕头筒管直接驱动变频调速系统复合纤维纺丝

    The frequency varible speed regulating system for the chuck tube driven directly in chemical fibre spinning winders

  20. 间接纬纱筒管的设计

    Designing of Indirect Weft Bobbin

  21. 推荐该结构在多腔长型芯的筒管类塑料注射模中使用。

    Such a structure is recommended to be used for bobbin injection moulds of multi-cavities and long mandrels .

  22. 通过直接检测前罗拉输出速度,并由软件实现筒管卷绕速度和龙筋升降速度的改变;

    By detecting the speed of front roller directly , the software changes the speed of tuber and lifter .

  23. 分析表明:翼导卷绕方式的筒管转速始终比管导卷绕方式的筒管转速要低;

    The result shows : bobbin revolution speed of flyer lead winding is lower than that of bobbin lead winding .

  24. 聚丙烯高速纺丝工业化的技术难关是聚丙烯纤维在筒管上的后收缩。

    The post shrinkage of PP fiber on the bobbin is the technical barrier for the industrialization of high speed spinning technology .

  25. 纸浆、纸或纸板(不论是否穿孔或硬化)制的筒管、卷轴、纡子及类似品。

    Bobbins , spools , cops and similar supports of paper pulp , paper or paperboard ( whether or not perforated or hardened )

  26. 粗纱试验机的前两个罗拉、后两个罗拉、锭翼机构、筒管卷绕机构以及龙筋升降机构分别采用独立的伺服控制。

    The two front roller , two back roller , flyer , tuber and lifter of the roving testing frame adopted independent servo control .

  27. 长丝可以不经过清洗提纯等处理直接卷绕到筒管上。而对于湿纺工艺,清洗和提纯是十分必要的。

    The filaments can be wound directly onto bobbins , without any of the washing or purification treatments that are necessary with wet-spun fibers .

  28. 锭速的设定应在中纱前等高速,中纱以后逐渐降速,使筒管表层粗纱所承受的离心张力小于粗纱强力。

    Spindle speed should be high before medium yarn and decreasing after medium yarn to assure centrifugal tension of bobbin surface roving lower than roving strength .

  29. 将运输纸筒管放在地上,将控制装置小心的背朝下放在纸筒管上。卡尔·哈梅尔筒管式纺丝机

    " Place shipping carton tube on floor and gently lay the controller on its back , on top of the tube . " Carl Hammel system bobbin frame

  30. 其具有取纱定位准确,筒管便于归位、取纱效率高等优点。

    The utility model has the advantages of accurate yarn collection and positioning , easy resetting to the bobbin , high efficiency for yarn collection and the like .