
  • 网络water mist system
  1. 细水雾灭火系统在电厂电缆大厅中的应用

    The application of water mist system to the cable hall of power plant

  2. 细水雾灭火系统在钢铁企业液压站消防中应用的探讨障碍物对高压细水雾灭火性能影响试验研究

    Discussion about the application of water mist system in steeling works Experimental investigation of the effect of obstructions on fire suppression performance of high pressure water mist system

  3. 细水雾灭火系统的PLC控制设计与实验

    Design & experiment of PLC control for water mist fire-extinguishing system

  4. 第三章设计了固定式高压单相流细水雾灭火系统,并对其进行了灭A类火及B类火的标准消防试验。

    In chapter 3 , stationary single-fluid high-pressure water mist fire suppression system is designed and experimented with A type and B type fire protection standards .

  5. 本文介绍了以PLC为核心构建的细水雾灭火系统的自动控制原理和流程。

    Principle and process of automatic control on water mist fire-extinguishing system created based on PLC are instructed in the paper .

  6. 结果表明研制的细水雾灭火系统释放的雾滴属于1级细水雾,能在50s内灭B类火灾和180s内灭A类火灾。

    Tests of water mist suppression on fires were carried out . The results show that the system can spray high grade water mist and is able to extinguish class-B fire in less than 50 seconds or class-A fire in less than 180 seconds , respectively .

  7. 浅谈细水雾灭火系统在地铁设备房中的应用

    Application of Water Mist Fire Extinguishing System in Metro Equipment House

  8. 细水雾灭火系统在聊城大学演播厅中的应用

    The thin spray fire extinguishing system application in Liaocheng University studio

  9. 高压细水雾灭火系统在城市轨道交通中的应用

    Application of High Pressure Water Mist System in Urban Rail Transit

  10. 移动式高压细水雾灭火系统试验研究

    Study on fire-fighting experiment of portable water-mist fire suppression system

  11. 对含添加剂细水雾灭火系统的分析

    Performance analysis of the water mist containing an additive fire protection systems

  12. 高压单相细水雾灭火系统的可靠性分析

    Analysis on the Reliability of High-pressure Single-fluid Water Mist Fire Extinguishing System

  13. 新型细水雾灭火系统实验研究

    Experimental Study on New Fire Suppression System of Water Mist

  14. 本文还对细水雾灭火系统的设计进行了探讨。

    I still discusses the design of the fine water mist system .

  15. 细水雾灭火系统研究思想和方法探讨

    Ideas and methods about water mist fire extinguishing system

  16. 含添加剂的高压细水雾灭火系统的灭火效能实验研究

    Experimental Study on Mist Fog Extinguish System With Additive

  17. 舰船细水雾灭火系统

    Water-mist fire fighting system for ships Fine Singular Points

  18. 细水雾灭火系统在图书馆的应用研究

    The application of water mist extinguishing system in library

  19. 隧道中固定式高压细水雾灭火系统研究

    Research on Fixed Type High Pressure Water Mist Fire Fighting System in Tunnel

  20. 细水雾灭火系统规范中有关问题的讨论

    Discussion on code of water mist fire-extinguishing systems

  21. 船舶特种细水雾灭火系统中的微差全引射技术研究

    A Tiny-pressure-difference Full Ejectors Technique in Marine Special Fine Water Mists Fire Fighting System

  22. 船舶动力机舱细水雾灭火系统的优化设计与评价

    Optimal Design and Evaluation of Water Mist Fire Suppression System in Ship Engine Room

  23. 高压细水雾灭火系统在地铁车站公共区的应用研究

    Study on the Application of High Pressure Water Mist Fire-extinguishing System in Metro Stations

  24. 基于水压传动的舰船高压单相细水雾灭火系统

    High-pressure and Single-fluid Water Mist Fire Extinguishing System Specialized for Marine Based on Water Hydraulics

  25. 移动式纯水液压细水雾灭火系统及其企业标准拟定的探讨

    Portable High-pressure Water Mist Fire Suppression System and Discussions on the Draft of Enterprise Standards

  26. 气泡雾化细水雾灭火系统的实验研究及数值模拟高压细水雾灭火系统抑制地铁列车车厢火灾的有效性

    Study on Effectiveness of High-Pressure Water Mist Fire Protection System to Restrain Metro Carriage Fire

  27. 高压细水雾灭火系统技术

    High Pressure Fine Atomizer Fire Control System

  28. 细水雾灭火系统已被建议用于保护对水敏感的区域,如档案库房。

    Water mist fire extinguishing system has been suggested to protect water sensitive areas like archives .

  29. 可燃液体火灾危险场所细水雾灭火系统的试验研究

    Test and research of water mist extinguishing system for the protection of combustible liquid fire hazard compartment

  30. 采用细水雾灭火系统,该设备灭火成功率高、火灾损失小、节水等特点。

    The device has some advantages like higher fire extinction rate , less fire damage and better water-saving .