
  • 网络three phase balance;three-phase equilibrium;Lw-H-V
  1. 以SDS阴离子表面活性剂作流动相,酸性、中性及两性药物为受试药物,运用三相平衡理论考察影响阴离子型胶束液相色谱(AMLC)溶质保留行为的几个因素。

    The retention characteristics of solutes in anionic micellar liquid chromatography ( AMLC ) were investigated in terms of three-phase equilibrium theory , using an anionic surfactant ( sodium dodecyl sulfate ) solution as mobile phase . Acidic , basic and amphoteric solutes were investigated .

  2. 相平衡模型表明,多孔介质的表面张力作用使多孔介质毛细管中的气体水合物水达到三相平衡;

    The phase equilibrium model shows that the surface tension in porous medium makes the gas-hydrate-water in capillar - ies keep three-phase equilibrium .

  3. 其中气液(富烃相)液(富水相)三相平衡闪蒸计算采用PatelTeja状态方程,ChenGuo水合物模型用于气相与水合物相平衡的计算。

    Patel-Teja equation of state was used in performing the vapor-liquid-liquid ( V-L_HC-L_W ) three-phase flash calculation and Chen-Guo two-step hydrate model was used for calculating the vapor-hydrate phase equilibria .

  4. 本文研究了在电网电压三相平衡电压跌落情况下的系统动态特性以及基于飞轮储能的柔性功率调节器(FPC)的动态模拟实验。

    In this thesis , dynamic behavior of the doubly fed induction machine during three-phase voltage dips and dynamic simulative experiment based on Flexible Power Conditioner are studied .

  5. 根据相稳定性判据设计了液-液-汽(LLV)三相平衡的算法。

    A new algorithm for calculating LLV equilibrium based on phase stability test has been presented .

  6. 结果表明,Helmholtz自由能考虑CO2与醇分子的交叉缔合作用时,可显著改善相平衡的计算结果,并有效地避免模型对低温区间中三相平衡和三相点的错误预测。

    The results showed that when the cross-association was taken into account for Helmholtz free energy , the calculated equilibrium properties could be significantly improved , and the error prediction of the three phase equilibria and triple points in low temperature regions could be avoided .

  7. 采用CPA方程模拟了水、醇、烃多组分体系气液液三相平衡,与实验数据比较后可知,CPA方程能够较好地预测极性组分PVT特性和相平衡。

    The vapor-liquid-liquid phase equilibria of multi-component system of water , methanol and alkane were simulated with CPA equation . It shows that CPA equation can be used to calculate the PVT properties and phase equilibria of polar components by comparing the calculated results with experimental results .

  8. 基于气-液二相平衡理论的K-K方程,在临近水合物生成条件下实验或计算确定亨利常数等参数后,可计算三相平衡甲烷水合物溶解度,且简单易用。

    The K-K equation that is based on the theory of vapor-liquid equilibrium is also used to calculate methane solubility in three-phase equilibrium hydrate system . The parameters in this K-K equation , like Henry law constant , are experimentally determined under incipient clathrate hydrate formation condition or empirically computed .

  9. 三相平衡化原理和应用

    The Principle of Improving Balance Among Three Phases and Its Application

  10. 三相平衡和不平衡系统中有害电流的检测技术

    Detecting Techniques of Harmful Currents in three-Phase Balanced and Unbalanced Systems

  11. 通常情况下,电力系统是被当作三相平衡系统分析的。

    Generally , power system is analyzed as a balanced system .

  12. 三相平衡装置在机车设备试验系统中的应用

    Application of Three-phase Balance Device in Locomotive Equipments Testing System

  13. 乙醇-水-4A分子筛体系三相平衡研究

    Study on the three phase equilibria of ethanol water 4A molecular sieve

  14. 三相平衡式单可控硅充电电路的研究

    The investigation of a three - phase charging circuit balanced with one thyristor

  15. 一种液-液-汽三相平衡新算法

    A New Algorithm for LLV Equilibrium Calculation

  16. 在三相平衡条件下,这个模型可简化为三阶模型。

    Under three-phase balance condition , this model could be reduced to that of a third-order .

  17. 接着以平衡化的理论为基础,论述了三相平衡化的补偿原理。

    According to the theory of balance , discusses the three phase of the compensation principle .

  18. 对其利、偿电流在三相平衡和不平衡系统下的检测技术进行分析和比较。

    This paper analyses and compares detecting techniques of compensating currents in three-phase balanced and unbalanced systems .

  19. 汽轮发电机负载一般都是三相平衡负荷,但在电网运行中,会出现三相不平衡负荷。

    Turbo-generator generally withstands three-phase balanced loads , but in the power operation , there will be three-phase unbalanced loads .

  20. 对单相负荷进行三相平衡优化,能有效地降低低压配电网的损耗,是一种投资少、见效快的降损方法。

    The three-phase balance optimization on single-phase load will obviously , effectively reduce the loss in low voltage distribution network .

  21. 仿真结果证明,有源电力滤波器对于三相平衡负载或三相不平衡负载的谐波电流都起到了很好的补偿作用;同时当负载电流突变时,有源电力滤波器具有良好的动态补偿特性。

    The simulation results prove that Active Power Filter can not only eliminate harmonic current effectively , but also have well dynamic compensation characteristics .

  22. 润湿性是固体表面的重要性质之一,通常由液体在固体表面三相平衡时的接触角来表征。

    Wettability is one of the important properties of solid surface , usually characterized by contact angle of liquid on solid surface when three-phase equilibrium .

  23. 单相正弦电路或三相平衡正弦电路中,有功功率、无功功率、视在功率和功率因数的概念非常明确。

    Definitions for active - , reactive - , apparent - power , and power factor are clear in the 1-phase or 3-phase balanced sinusoidal circuit .

  24. 验证了淬火机的功率因数补偿和三相平衡补偿的要求,证明两者补偿容量符合设计要求。

    The quenching machine 's compensations mentioned above have been validated , and the fact that the compensation capacity can meet the former design request has been proved .

  25. 不平衡电流保护不能够识别故障相、不能够对三相平衡故障保护以及在多相同时发生故障时会发生误操作。

    Shunt capacitor unbalanced current protection fails to identify the faulted phase and three-phase balanced failures and causes misoperation when failures exist in two or three phases simultaneously .

  26. 集成化电力谐波智能监测系统可用于单相电路、三相平衡系统以及三相不平衡系统,为实时、连续的谐波监测提供了一种实用而有效的方法。

    The designed harmonics-monitor may be applied to single-phase circuit , balanced or unbalanced three-phase system . It provides an effective and utility method for continuous and real-time harmonics monitor .

  27. 通过对裂解炉结焦机理和气-液-水三相平衡的研究,提出结焦由对流段产生结焦先兆物引起。

    After studying coke reaction mechanism and vapor - liquid - water three - phase equilibrium , we think that the coke is produced by coke precursor in convection section of cracking furnace .

  28. 异步电机的变频调速,需要控制相关变量,保证异步电机输入三相平衡的正弦电流,这样才会合成恒定的电磁转矩。

    In variable-frequency drives of AC motor , it needs to control the relevant variables to ensure three-phase equilibrium of the sinusoidal input current in order to keep the electromagnetic torque of AC motor constant .

  29. 基于三相平衡条件,采用对称分量法计算,得出高压侧输入电力电网系统的谐波分量电流及线电流;

    Based on the condition of three-phase balance and by using rule sampling computational method , the harmonic sequence current and line current of the high-tension side injected current into power supply system are obtained .

  30. 该方法成本低,检测精度高,特别适用三相平衡系统的谐波电流实时检测,经实验和仿真验证了该方法的准确性和实时性。

    Its character is that low cost and high detecting sensitivity . This method can precisely detect harmonic current in the system of balance . The experiment and simulation results demonstrate the veracity and precise of this method .