
sān lèi àn jiàn
  • case of the third category;case of the third class
  1. 在这三类案件中,同类网络虚拟物针对不同的主体而言,实际上代表着不同性质的权益。

    In these three kinds of cases , the same virtual product in fact means different interests for different legal subject .

  2. 专属管辖的修改制度方面:不动产物权纠纷规定为专属管辖;将不动产债权纠纷、港口作业中发生的纠纷、继承遗产纠纷这三类案件规定为特殊地域管辖。

    Exclusive jurisdiction to modify the system : the real property disputes to the exclusive jurisdiction provisions ; the property claims disputes , disputes arising from port operations , inheritance disputes , the provisions of these three cases , the special territorial jurisdiction .

  3. 第二节研究涉外刑事案件的司法管辖,分别讨论了上述三类犯罪案件的司法管辖情况。

    The second section discusses the jurisdiction of foreign-related criminal cases .

  4. 取消第三类自诉案件,建立被害人申请司法审查制度。

    Cancel the third type of private prosecution case , establish the victim apply for the system of judicial review .

  5. 调解案件类型分布不平衡,在常见的民事三大类案件中,案件分布特征层次分明,地区发达程度不同调解案件的分布也比较明显。

    The mediations type imbalances in the distribution of the common civil cases of three categories , the distribution characteristics of cases structured regional level of development of the distribution of the different mediation cases .

  6. 减少三类犯罪案件在理论上具有必要性,在实践上具有可行性,主要措施是:把握三大要素,实现多层面预防;

    To diminish the three kinds of crimes is not only of necessity in theory but also of feasibility in practice . The major countermeasures are : carrying out the all-level prevention while holding three main factors ;

  7. 刑事起诉模式之我见&从我国三类刑事自诉案件看我国的刑事起诉模式刑事自诉案件研究

    View on the Mode of Criminal Prosecution & Considering the Mode of Criminal Prosecution from Three Kinds of Criminal Cases of Private Prosecution in Our Country