
  1. 其四,控辩平衡能有效阻止国家对个人的违法侵害。

    Fourthly , it efficiently prevents illegal encroachment to the individual from the state .

  2. 控辩平衡原则是程序主体性理论的内在要求。

    Balance between prosecution and the defense is the inherent requirements of procedural subject theory .

  3. 辩护制度是控辩平衡的核心内容。

    The system of defense is the core of the principle of balance between prosecution and defense .

  4. 完善未决羁押阶段律师的辩护制度,真正实现控辩平衡、诉辩对等。

    To improve the system of advocacy in the pretrial custody phases to make sure the balance of charge and defence .

  5. 控辩平衡能充分体现程序的参与性、中立性、对等性、理性、自治性、及时性和终结性。

    The accuser-defendant balance can fully display participation , neutrality , equity , rationality , autonomy , timing , and finality of the procedure .

  6. 在整个刑事诉讼中,若相互对立的控诉与辩护双方对抗的能力旗鼓相当,那么,控辩平衡就得以实现。

    During the whole criminal suit , an accuser-defendant balance is reached when the opposing accuser and defendant have comparable ability of confronting each other .

  7. 以积极的态度应对我国辩护制度的新发展。寻求新的控辩平衡关系。

    We should reply to the new development of the defense system with active attitude and explore a new balance between the prosecution and the defense .

  8. 控辩平衡是程序正义在刑事司法领域最主要的内容,它反映了平等这一现代社会的重要价值。

    Balance between Prosecution and Defense is the main content of Due Process in the field of criminal justice , which reflects the significant value of this modern society .

  9. 其次,笔者分析了刑事证明责任的分配理念。具体包括:无罪推定原则、控辩平衡原则和诉讼经济原则。

    Secondly , the writer analyze the distribution philosophy of the criminal proof , which conclude the presumption of innocence , prosecution and defense principle of balance , litigation economy .

  10. 有的国家并没有明文规定被害人承诺行为的阻却违法性,但在司法实践中将其解释为超法规的违法阻却事由。在英美法系国家中,其犯罪构成呈现出独特的双层控辩平衡模式。

    Some countries define explicitly the victim to pledge behavior anti - actually illegality , but in judicial practice its explanation for ultra laws and regulations illegal anti - actually matter .

  11. 侦查阶段律师会见权的行使有利于保障犯罪嫌疑人的合法权利,制约侦查权,对维持刑事诉讼中的控辩平衡发挥着重要的作用。

    Investigation phase meeting right of the lawyer is conducive to ensuring the legal rights of the criminal suspect , restricting distinguish procurator , maintaining the balance of the accused and the defendant criminal litigation .

  12. 沉默权具有加强犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的防御力量,加强控方举证责任、维持控辩平衡等诉讼价值。

    The Right to Silence is to empower the suspect and the defendant , strengthen the prosecution the burden of proof , to maintain the balance of the prosecution and the defense and so on .

  13. 1996年我国《刑事诉讼法》修改以来,我国刑事诉讼程序改革一直在不断强化辩方力量,制约控方权力,向着控辩平衡的方向发展。

    Since The Criminal Procedure Law was modified in 1996 , criminal procedure reform has been constantly strengthen defense forces , restricted the prosecution power , and balanced the direction of the accused and the defendant .

  14. 诚然,羁押性强制措施在行使其诉讼保障功能的同时,公民的人身权利、司法公正、控辩平衡等也不应该被忽视或者弱化。

    Admittedly , custodial coercive measures play an important role in guaranteeing the suit . However , the citizens ' personal rights , justice , the balance between prosecution and the defense should not be neglected or weakened .

  15. 非法证据排除规则对控辩平衡具有重要的诉讼价值,通过非法证据的排除,可以督促控诉方守法办案,遏制警察的非法取证行为。

    Rule of exclusionary illegal evidence is important to realize the value of balancing prosecution and defense , with the rule , the law could supervise the prosecution to handle the case lawfully and defer the illegal police conduct for evidence .

  16. 先悉权是刑事诉讼中对维护控辩平衡,促进司法公正,保障犯罪嫌疑人、被告人合法权益有着重要作用的一项权利。

    First learn right in the criminal prosecution is one right which has vital action to maintain the balance of control and debate sides , promote the fair of judicature , safeguard crime suspect , the defendant person legitimate rights and interests .

  17. 有效保障犯罪嫌疑人知情权的实现,是犯罪嫌疑人诉讼主体地位的需要,是控辩平衡的需要,也是程序公正的基本要求。

    Effective protection of criminal suspects , the right to know is finally achieved the status of criminal suspects , the need for the subject of proceedings is the balance between prosecution and the defense needs , but also the basic requirements of procedural fairness .

  18. 在第四章证据关联性排除规则部分,笔者在详细梳理英美法上富有特色的品格证据排除规则的一系列原则与例外基础上,认为其体现了控辩平衡、公平、效率等普适价值。

    Based on the explication of a series of principles and exceptions of exclusionary rule of character evidence with characteristic at Anglo-American evidence law , the author thinks that it embodied the universality value of the balance between accusation and defense , fairness and efficiency .

  19. 控辩平衡程度越高,控辩对抗就越是激烈,整个案件的事实将被全方位、多层次地呈现在法官面前,也就越有利于法官对事实真相的发现。

    The higher the extent of the balance is , the more violent the rivalry is . Consequently , the fact of the whole case will be totally presented to the judge so as to make it easier for the judge to discover the truth .

  20. 论刑事诉讼中控辩职能的平衡

    On the Balance of Charge and Defence in the Criminal Procedure

  21. 调查取证权有利于保障控辩双方的平衡,使法官全面客观地了解案件事实,有效地实现司法公正,因此探索完善辩护律师调查取证权意义重大。

    It will help protect the balance between the prosecution and the defense lawyer , so that the Judges objectively and effectively understand the facts of the case , so completing the right of investigation and evidence collection of defense lawyer is significant .