
kònɡ zhì lèi
  • control class
  1. 两年以上企业内部控制类相关经验或咨询公司咨询经验;

    Two years of relevant experience of internal control class or consulting firm consulting experience ;

  2. 将控制模块封装在新建的控制类中,由于计算机完成每条指令的时间与转换后的电压控制振镜转动时间不一致,所以在控制过程中加入延时设置。

    Control module is encapsulated into the control class . Because the time of statement is not coincident with the time of galvanometer 's turning controled by voltage , delay is considered in the control process .

  3. 这些结果验证了该IP核可以适用于控制类芯片的嵌入应用设计。

    So the Analog-to-Digital Converter Hard IP core can be embedded in every type of micro-controller .

  4. 在控制类操作方法中有多种访问URL参数的方式。

    There are several ways to access URL parameter values within the action methods of Controller classes .

  5. LeapMotion公司表示,这款感应设备并非鼠标的替代品,它只是3-D控制类软件的一个附件。

    Leap Motion says its device isn 't a replacement for the mouse , just an accessory for software that benefits from 3-D controls .

  6. 控制类将会调用一个独立的“视图”组件来产生针对请求的HTML输出。

    Controller class will then typically call a separate " View " component that owns generating the actual HTML output for the request .

  7. 其次,RUP过程把这个定义扩展出三种不同的分析类:实体类、控制类和边界类。

    Second , RUP extends this definition by defining analysis classes in three disjoint categories : as entity , controller , and boundary classes .

  8. 间歇线性反馈控制类Henon吸引子

    An Intermittent Linear Feedback Method for Controlling Henon-like Attractor

  9. Christian将多形性转变、块状转变、再结晶、晶粒长大、有序化等无成分变化的非切变型相变&并划入界面过程控制类是恰当的。

    Christian was appropriate , which attributed the shear-free transformations with no changes in composition to those controlled by interfacial process , such as polymorphic , massive , recrystallization , grain growth and ordering .

  10. IEC61850对于具有严格时序要求的控制类操作采用状态机来定义其通讯服务。

    In IEC 61850 the communication services of the controlling operations with strict sequence requirement were defined by state machines .

  11. 另外,由于VB没有端口操作函数,而许多控制类程序又必须使用I/O端口操作,本文给出了一种I/O端口函数制作方法;给出了动态使用FoxPro数据库的方法。

    Because VB has no port operate function , and a lot of control programs must use I / O port operate , this paper provides a kind of I / O port function manufacture method and the method to use FoxPro database dynamically .

  12. 加强电力电子技术和电机控制类课程实验教学

    Enhancement on Experimental Teaching of Power Electronics and Electrical Machine Control

  13. 平衡天下看似简单实际很容易上瘾的平衡控制类游戏!

    Pipe Dream-the simple looking yet incredibly addictive small motor action game !

  14. 总线仲裁器模块广泛地应用于控制类芯片的各个领域。

    Bus arbiter module is used in many fields of industry control .

  15. 自动控制类基础课程实践教学体系的探索

    Research of Practice Teaching System of Basic Courses in Automation

  16. 电机控制类水轮机调速器的研究与应用

    The Research and Application of Motor - controlled Turbine Governor

  17. 控制类专业计算机实践教学体系的研究

    Research and Practice on Computer Practice Teaching and Learning System of Control Specialty

  18. 自动化专业控制类课程群建设与实践

    Construction and Practice of Control Technology Courses Group for the Specialty of Automation

  19. 弧长控制类方法使用中若干问题的探讨与改进

    Discussion on some problems in using arc length type methods and their improvement

  20. 国家自然科学基金资助采动损害与控制类项目分析

    Analysis of projects of mining damage and control funded by national natural science fund

  21. 自动化专业控制类课程教学内容优化的探讨

    Teaching Content Optimization of Automatic Control Serial Courses

  22. 地方工科院校智能科学与技术专业控制类课程教学的探讨

    Research on Control Courses of Intelligent Science and Technology Department in Local Engineering Colleges

  23. 逻辑控制类系统建模的实现

    Implementation for System Modeling of Logic Control Systems

  24. 控制类专业计算机应用能力培养体系的研究

    Research and Practice on Three-Dimensional Culture System on Computer Application Ability of the Control Specialty

  25. 可编程控制器逻辑控制类程序经验法编程思路的探讨

    The Programming Thoughts of The Method of Personal Xperience in Logical Control Program of PLC

  26. 具有我国自主知识产权的电机控制类水轮机调速器

    The Electric Speed Governor of Hydraulic Turbine Provided with Intellectual Property Owned By Our Country

  27. 方法注入在您不控制类的实例化时很有用。

    Method injection can be useful if you don 't control a class 's instantiation .

  28. 基于网络环境的微机控制类实验教学平台的开发与实践

    Development and practice of the experimental teaching platform for microcomputer control specialty based on network environment

  29. 其中,组成元素可划分成传感器类装备、指挥控制类装备、通信类装备和行动类武器装备四类;

    Component elements include sensor equipment , command and control equipment , communication equipment and operational weapons .

  30. 面对多品种小批量和个性化需求不断增长的产品市场和众多国外知名企业的涌入,国内的控制类柜体机电产品企业普遍缺乏竞争力。

    Facing the personalized product market and many well-known foreign enterprises , the domestic enterprises generally are uncompetitive .