
  1. 对分辨率最高的Quickbird图像校正所需的地面控制点坐标采用静态GPS地面实测的方法,使校正后的图像具有较高精度。

    The coordinates of GCPs for Quick Bird image rectification with the highest resolution ratio were measured by GPS in the field , in order to ensure the accuracy .

  2. 设计变量是叶栅型线的Bezier曲线控制点坐标。

    The Bezier curve is applied to represent the blade profile and the corresponding control points are used as the design variables .

  3. 在1954北京坐标系和西安80坐标系平面平差时,采用原有坐标控制点坐标改正数之和为零的条件,保证了GPS网的内部一致性。

    For Beijing 54 and Xi ′ an 80 coordinate systems , the sums of coordinate change of existed points equal to zero as the con dition adopted , which can keep the internal consistency of the GPS network .

  4. 借助于虚拟实验设计,建立了叶片终锻件形状优化目标函数与表示预成形毛坯形状的三次B样条曲线的控制点坐标之间的相关关系&多元非线性回归预测模型。

    The optimal arithmetic is selected . By the dummy experiment design , the multivariant nonlinear regression model between the blade final forging shape optimal objective function and the coordinate of the control points of the B-spline to describe the preform shape is built .

  5. 利用GPS采集的高速公路控制点坐标,经过数据处理、坐标转换、录入,最后生成高速公路图层,和上述高速公路附属物共同构成了完整的高速公路电子地图。

    The coordinate of reference points in the freeway are gathered by GPS , then after data processing , coordinate transition , data inputting , it turn into the freeway graph , which composes the freeway electronic map with the materials subsidiary to the freeway .

  6. 采用精度为3mm的激光经纬仪测量控制点坐标,得到的盾构姿态参数的误差范围比规范要求小得多。

    The error band of the shield posture parameters , which was obtained by measuring the coordinate of controlling points with a 3 mm precision laser transit , was far less than that recommended by the specifications .

  7. 还有一个类似的quadraticCurveTo(cpx,cpy,x,y)方法,该方法以一个坐标和一个曲线控制点坐标为参数,但是其行为类似于lineTo()。

    There is also a similar quadraticCurveTo ( cpx , cpy , x , y ) method that takes a coordinate and a curve control point coordinate , but otherwise behaves similarly to lineTo () .

  8. 在换带计算时控制点坐标处理分析探讨

    Investigation and Analysis on processing the coordinates of control points while changing strips

  9. 详细介绍了用公路路线上控制点坐标进行公路直线和曲线平面位置定线的数学模型。

    This paper introduces the mathematical model for highway route alignment . This model can determine plan position of highway straight and curve by the control points .

  10. 利用等距曲面原理,推导出求解面层以下其他结构层控制点坐标的计算公式。

    The calculation formula is made in terms of the every control point of the structural layer beneath the pavement by means of the principle of the curved surface with equal space .

  11. 利用全站仪进行森林三维导线测量,根据控制点坐标测算树木的三维位置,利用坐标可绘制树木分布图和森林资源分布图;

    By using the total station , the surveyors can carry out three-dimension lead forestry surveying , the tree position can be surveyed and calculated by dominate point coordinate , the tree and forestry resources can also be distributed and mapped .

  12. 标定控制点图像坐标的提取则利用Hough变换的方法来提高精度。

    Hough transform was borrowed to improve the detect precision of control points in the images .

  13. GPS新技术的出现,可以高精度并快速地测定各级控制点的坐标,在地形测量中已得到广泛地应用。

    With the appearance of new technology GPS , the coordinate of different levels controlling points may be surveyed in high precision and it has been applied widely in topographic survey .

  14. 多项式法利用已知控制点的坐标对应关系,通过最小二乘法拟合求解地图投影反解变换的多项式函数,其优点是反解模型与地图投影无关,算法具有通用性,缺点是反算精度较低。

    The polynomial fitting method is carried out by least squares fitting based on control points , it is universal but has lower reverse resolutions .

  15. 本文研究利用测区前期的地形图来获取进行空中三角测量时所需的控制点三维坐标信息,对整个测区进行自动空中三角测量,获取每张像片的外方位元素,建立立体模型。

    It is studied that the aerial triangulation surveying is auto-finished to whole area to get elements of exterior orientation of every photo and build stereoscopic model using topographic map to acquire 3D coordinates of control points .

  16. 这种方法的优点是只须给出控制点的坐标通过解一线性方程组就可以得到各结点坐标,避免了初始坐标问题和非线性收敛问题。

    The advantage of this method is that with the constrained point coordinate , the coordinate of every node can be known by solving a linear equation group , and the problem of initial coordinate and nonlinear convergence are avoided .

  17. 电子地图是地理信息系统(GIS)的基础,在电子地图的制作过程中,为实现从地图的平面坐标到大地坐标再到屏幕坐标的转换,必须利用控制点的地理坐标。

    E-map is the foundation of GIS . The coordination of control points must be used in making electronic map in order to realize the coordination transformation from screen to geography and to screen again .

  18. 利用3个控制点与其像坐标间的几何关系求得3个控制点在摄站坐标系下的坐标;

    Firstly , the coordinates of three control points in photogrammetric coordinates system are calculated by three control points and their photogrammetric coordinates .

  19. 最后,结合实际工程,给出了利用无人机提供的相关数据,解求控制点三维绝对坐标的算法。

    Finally , using the data information that was provided by unmanned air vehicle ( UVA ), the arithmetic about three-dimensional coordinate of control points gived .

  20. 新算法为形状矩阵定义了一种新的表示方法,并提出了一种根据物体形状某些点(轮廓点)的坐标来估计剩余点(控制点)的坐标的新的方法。

    The new algorithm give a new definition of the shape matrix , and proposed a new method to estimate coordination of some points ( control points ) of the shape from the others points ( contour points ) .

  21. 介绍利用双目立体视觉坐标测量技术对汽车车身关键质量控制点的三维坐标进行测量的工作原理,论述了基于该项技术的多传感器激光视觉检测站和视觉测量机器人的工作模式。

    Depict the theory of three-coordinate measuring technology that is based on double-eye laser vision sensor and apply to measure the key quality points on white body , discuss the working model of the multi-sensor laser vision measuring station and vision measuring robot .

  22. 确定了齿廓曲面拟合的控制点个数和坐标转换公式。

    The amount of control points is fixed and the formula of coordinate conversion is provided to match the tooth profile .

  23. 为使问题得到有效解决,本文提供了直接设站于控制点,利用城建坐标进行放样的方法。

    To put the axe in halve effectively , the method of setting location in control point directly is provided and urban engineering control coordinate is used .

  24. 通过曲线控制法定位主造型线的关键控制点坐标值,以此作为研究样本的参数。

    Critical control-point coordinate-values were located at main styling line through curve control method , and as study sample parameters .