
  • 网络control line;line of control;LOC;RVVP;console
  1. 噪声曲线y(x)的评定采用的是基于控制线旋转的最小区域法。

    The noise curve y ( x ) is evaluated by the control line based on the extreme fit method .

  2. 当器件准备与主机通信时,输出信号USBDPPUP通过其控制线激活DP上拉。

    The output signal USB_DP_PUP made DP pull up by its control line when all parts of the apparatus were ready to communicate with host .

  3. GPS与单片机实时控制线扫描摄像机的研究

    Research on the Real-time Control of Line-scan Camera By GPS and Single-chip Microcomputer

  4. 设计了控制线阵CCD进行图像采集程序和检测结果输出控制程序。

    The programs of image acquisition with a linear CCD and control for testing result output are designed .

  5. ADAMS中控制线的一种建模方法

    Method of Control Cable Modeling in ADAMS

  6. GTAW(钨极气体保护电弧焊)是一种能够很好控制线能量,进行高质量薄板焊接的方法。

    GTAW is that controls linear energy easily and has high quality welding of sheet metal .

  7. 然后利用NURBS曲线构造程序计算生成前翼子板曲面三维控制线框,并用参数化修改模块;

    Thirdly , NURBS curve construction program was adopted to calculate and create the three-dimension control wire frame of front fender curve , the parameterization was also used to modify modules ;

  8. 综合考虑机组效率及管壁温度对氧化皮生成速度的影响,通过安全和经济校核,得到了超(超)临界锅炉经济运行的高温受热面的温度控制线(B线)。

    Considering the unit efficiency and wall temperature the influence on the oxide skin generating speed , through checking the security and economy , the temperature control line ( B line ) of high temperature heating surfaces of the ( ultra - ) supercritical boiler under economic operation is got .

  9. 本文介绍了MNC数控线切割机控制台和GD&A高频电源的简单工作原理,对老线切割机床的改造,以及作为今后发展方向的PC自动编程/自动控制线切割机系统。

    The article describes the operation principle of control console of MNC wire EDM machine and GD-A high frequency power supply , transformation of an old machine and self-programming by PC / automatically controlled wire EDM system for future development .

  10. 并行接口在EPP模式下能实现8位数据的双向传输,具有数据/地址线、控制线和状态线,能响应中断请求,已初步具有总线的接口特性,为开发平台的实现提供了基础。

    This kind of interface provides 8-bit bidirectional communication , has data / address bus , control bus and status bus , and responds to the requirement of interruption . It almost has the features of microcomputer bus and makes the design feasible theoretically .

  11. 为了提高量子逻辑电路的优化技术,减小量子逻辑电路的代价,对现有的模板技术进行了研究与分析,发现Maslov等人的模板并不完整,体现在模板控制线的寻找不完全。

    To improve the technique of optimizing quantum logical circuit and reduce the cost of quantum logical circuit , the current template technology is analyzed . It is found that Maslov 's templates are incomplete for their control lines are incomplete .

  12. 总结了拉伸件设计的知识和准则,建立了基于知识的截面控制线设计模型。

    The knowledge-based design model of section control curve was established .

  13. 基于截面控制线模型的拉伸工序件设计

    Design of drawing operation part based on section control curve model

  14. 中密度板自动控制线的改进

    Improvement on the Auto-control Production Flow System of Medium Density Plywood

  15. 四通道总线弯线。调整高度手柄可控制线间距。

    4-channel bus elbow . Adjust height handle to control line spacing .

  16. 低腰皮鞋基本控制线的研究

    Study on the Basic Control Lines of Low-waist Shoe

  17. 联合国监督的印巴实际控制线把两国分隔开来。

    A UN-backed Line of Control separates them .

  18. 简言之,双方应该同意接受目前的实际控制线为边界。

    In short , both sides should accept the present line of actual control .

  19. 控制线是用从城堡搁置区弄来的电线做的。

    Control wires were made from electrical wiring in unused portions of the castle .

  20. 在实际焊接中控制线能量有利于预防冷裂:纹的产生。

    Controlling the linear energy is good for preventing the cold crack when welding .

  21. 互通式立交平面线形控制线元法

    The Controlled Segmentary Element Design Method of Interchange

  22. 基于控制线模式的高分辨率遥感影像几何纠正模型

    Line Based Geo - Correction Model for HRSI

  23. 一种基于u/v控制线实现股骨三维重建的曲面造型方法

    A surface modeling method of 3D femoral image reconstruction based on u / v control line

  24. 关于在中印边境实际控制线地区保持和平与安宁的协定

    Agreement on Peace and Tranquillity along the Line of Actual Control in the India-China Border Areas

  25. 三通道总线弯线。调整高度手柄可控制线间距。右击指定延长线。

    3-channel bus elbow . Adjust height handle to control line spacing . Right-click for extensions .

  26. 排气旁通阀控制线转环

    Exhaust by-pass valve control wire switch

  27. 我们把国家一级和二级环境大气质量标准作为上限控制线。

    We present the National Primary and Second Ambient Air Quality Standards as upper bound guideline .

  28. 这个地区在分割印度和巴基斯坦的克什米尔控制线附近。

    The area is close to the line of control that divides Kashmir between India and Pakistan .

  29. 据报道,最近几个月控制线沿线的冲突和越界炮击造成多名平民死亡。

    Clashes and cross-border shelling along the Line of Control in recent months reportedly killed multiple civilians .

  30. 这次发生在控制线附近的暴力已经造成7人丧生,其中包括3名安全人员。

    The violence close to the line of control has claimed seven lives , including three security personnel .