
  • 网络control frequency
  1. 基于阻尼系数控制频率补偿的无电容型LDO设计

    A Capacitor-less Low-dropout Regulator Based on Damping Factor Control Frequency Compensation

  2. 实验表明:在20Hz的控制频率下,该控制算法在JUTIV-型智能车上表现出很好的效果。

    With the 20 Hz control frequency , the algorithm gives good performance .

  3. 介绍了可编程控制频率合成器接口类型,设计了一种基于PC并口的频率合成器编程控制装置。

    This paper introduced the interface modes of programmable synthesizer , and designed a control unit based on PC print port .

  4. 传统TMD因其控制频率的单一性显然不能满足多工作频率的结构减振要求。

    Because of the singleness of frequency control , the traditional TMD method obviously does not meet the vibration reduction requirements of the multi-frequency structure .

  5. 该文提出了基于参考电压分解的多电平直接PWM算法,分析并给出了该直接PWM算法在混合七电平逆变器中的应用方法,给出了主逆变器及辅助逆变器开关频率与控制频率的关系;

    This paper proposes a multilevel direct PWM control strategy based on reference voltage decomposition , analyzes and gives the application of the proposed strategy in hybrid 7-level VSI . Relationship between switching frequency of individual switching component and the control frequency is given .

  6. 这种新型装置能够克服传统TMD控制频率的单一性,通过调谐自身频率与结构的各个工作频率相适应,适用于多频率工作结构的减振。

    This new device is able to overcome the singleness of traditional TMD control frequency , and is applicable to the vibration control of the multi-frequency structure through Tuning its frequency to suit for structure . 2 .

  7. 跳频是通过伪随机码(PN码)来控制频率合成器,使得携带信息的发射信号的载波频率发生跳变,扩展发射信号的频谱,提高抗干扰能力。

    In frequency-hopping , a Pseudo Noise ( PN ) code is used to control frequency synthesizer , which makes the carrier frequency of transmitted signal hop in certain way and spreads the spectrum of transmitted signal in order to improve the anti-interference capability .

  8. 采用2片555时基电路,其中一片控制频率,另一片控制占空比.产生频率为30Hz~10MHz连续可调;

    Using two pieces of 555 time base circuits , one control frequency another control width , produce adjustable series frequency in 30 Hz ~ 10 MHz .

  9. 刺激左侧HVC所诱发的叫声,其基本音的频带起止均明显高于右侧诱发叫声,暗示左侧HVC控制频率较高、较复杂的音节,也为左侧优势理论提供了声学上的证据。

    That the calls from left HVC have higher starting and ending frequency than that of right HVC suggests left HVC control the higher frequency and more complicated syllables , the results provide the evidence for left dominant theory of the vocal control .

  10. 对控制频率调速的三相鼠笼式异步电动机的分析

    Analysis of Three-Phase Induction Motor to Frequency Conversion of Motor Control

  11. 二进制编码控制频率合成设计方法的研讨

    A Comparative Study of Design Methods for Binary Coded Control Frequency Synthesis

  12. 噪声的危害与控制频率伪随机捷变引信研究

    The Study on Pseudo - Noise Frequency Agile Fuze

  13. 并采用数字控制频率补偿电路来补偿工艺和温度对滤波器频率的影响。

    And a frequency compensate circuit is using for compensation the effect of process and temperature variations .

  14. 这种跟踪滤波器以状态变量滤波器为基础,通过锁相倍频器和开关电容实现滤波器的中心频率与控制频率相等。

    This tracking filter is based on state variable filter and make central frequency be equal to control frequency .

  15. 设计了相应的程序流程图,实现了拨动开关控制频率档位、线圈控制口依次导通的功能。

    The paper also designs the corresponding program flowchart to realize that switches control frequence tap position and the coil controlled ports conduct successively .

  16. 分析了锥形可展桁架的模态性能,得出桁架的固有频率和对应的振型,航天器的控制频率应当避开桁架的固有频率,以免发生共振。

    Through modal analysis , natural frequencies and corresponding vibration mode of truss is acquired . The control frequency of spacecraft should avoid the natural frequencies of truss in order to avoid resonance .

  17. 它是使用一种精密控制频率和相位稳定的弹性波,对发射和接收两点间的传递函数进行精密测定从而监视和观测地下构造和状态的一种新型手段。

    It is a new tool to detect and observe the structure and status of underground media by accurately measuring its transfer function through sinusoidal elastic wave accurately controlled in frequency and stable in phase .

  18. 介绍了表面微坑超声加工的基本原理,分析了相位控制频率跟踪的原理及实现方法,给出了表面微坑超声加工装置超声电源的总体结构。

    The fundamental of ultrasonic machining method of micro-pits of working surface is introduced in this paper , and the principle and method of phase controlling frequency tracking are analyzed , and the whole structure of ultrasonic power for ultrasonic machine of micro-pits of working surface is presented .

  19. 基于MATLAB的控制系统频率特性实验的开发

    Developing of Frequency Characteristic Experiment System Based on MATLAB

  20. 基于多DSP的网络稳定控制系统频率异常控制研究与实现

    Study and Implementation of Abnormal Frequency Control Based on Several DSPS for Stability Control on Electric Power Systems

  21. 玉米和水稻全基因组控制重组频率QTL的遗传定位分析

    Genetic Analysis of QTL Affecting Recombination Frequency in Whole Genome of Maize and Rice

  22. 通过对两个相同的LC振荡器进行交差耦合,用耦合系数来控制输出频率,设计了一种新型精准正交正弦波压控振荡器。

    The design of a new quadrature VCO ( Voltage Controlled Oscillator ) is obtained through a cross-coupled double LC oscillator , using the coupling coefficient to control oscillation frequency .

  23. 文章利用容性耦合电流放大器作为压控振荡器的基本反馈单元,并在输出端增加MOS电容来控制振荡频率;

    The capacitive coupled current amplifier is used herein as the basic feedback unit of the VCO and the oscillation frequency is controlled through MOS capacitance in the output .

  24. 该辅助分析系统的应用有助于上海电网在CPS考核标准下提高AGC控制和频率控制水平。

    The application of the supplementary analysis system is helpful for Shanghai Power Grid to enhance AGC control and frequency control ability under the control performance standard .

  25. 在对多种提升设计进行了对比分析后指出,提升方法并不能真正用于H∞优化设计,并给出了一种计算采样控制系统频率响应和L2诱导范数的方法。

    And it is pointed out that the lifting technique is not suitable for H_ ∞ optimal design . A method for computing the frequency response and the L_2-induced norm of sampled-data control systems is given .

  26. 研究了Droop控制,频率电压(VF)控制,PQ控制三种微源控制方法,并分别对其结构进行了分析。

    Studied three control methods of microsource , that is Droop control , frequency voltage ( VF ) control and PQ control , and analyzed their different structures .

  27. 传统的RC有源滤波器不能用数字量来控制截止频率,采用数/模转换器代替可调电阻,实现用数字量改变电阻值,从而达到改变截止频率的目的。

    In traditional PC active filters , digital variables cannot be used to control the cutoff frequencies . A D / A converter is used instead of the adjustable resistance so that the resistance can be altered by digital variables and the cutoff frequency changed .

  28. 对文中所得出的结论进行实验验证,给出试验结果,并实现了松耦合全桥谐振变换器的PFM控制和频率跟踪控制,并给出了实验结果。

    The PFM control and frequency tracking control of the loosely coupled full-bridge resonant converter are realized , and experimental results from a prototype of full-bridge converter are given , which verify the correctness of analysis and conclusion in the paper .

  29. 所设计的基于PLL的小数频率合成器具有较宽的频带和小数分频能力,采用Sigma-delta小数分频控制和频率信息中心调节,满足数字电视接收芯片对各个频段的本地振荡信号的要求。

    The PLL-based fractional frequency synthesizer possesses wide frequency band and fractional-N capability . Using the Sigma-delta fractional-N frequency control and information center regulation , it can meet the requirement of a digital TV receiver chip for local oscillation signals of each band .

  30. 设计了一种自适应开启时间的Buck型控制器,基于输入电压前馈和输出电压反馈技术来解决COT控制开关频率变化的问题,利用充电电流补偿电路,实现了输入电压与开启时间的线性化。

    An adaptive on-time control buck controller is presented . The techniques of input feedforward and output feedback are adopted to solve the problem of switching frequency variation in COT control . By using the charging current compensation circuit , the linearization of on-time with input voltage is realized .