
  • 网络controllability;degree of control
  1. 并且,引进振型相对控制度概念,以帮助选择控制力初始位置。

    The relative degree of controllability of an individual mode is introduced for choosing an initial solution to the problem .

  2. 你放置的点越多,那么你在河流整体方向,曲率的控制度也会更高。

    The more points you place , the greater the degree of control you will have over the general direction and curvature of your river .

  3. 本文通过研究在设计WWW课件过程中存在的问题及相应的解决方法,总结了超文本课件控制度、参与度和创造度的关系框架。

    This paper does some research on the problems and their corresponding resolving methods in the process of designing WWW-based courseware .

  4. 第四章是对REITs投资制度安排以及投资后管控制度安排的理论分析。

    Chapter 4 gives the theoretical analysis of the institutional arrangements of investment , project management control of REITs .

  5. 提出了控制度的概念。

    The chapter has proposed the concept of " Controlling Value " .

  6. 这样一种政策的成本非常高,但是它能够提供很高的控制度。

    The overhead of such a policy is quite high , but so is the control that it offers .

  7. 而如意是等管控制度不足,其不足的性及程度;

    And , if the opinion is that those systems were not adequate , the nature and extent of any inadequacies ;

  8. 教练员与运动员的关系是决定情境控制度的最重要因素之一。

    The relationship between coaches and players is one of the most important factors in deciding the degree of situation control .

  9. 结果表明:1、被测校长中工作导向与关系导向的领导者占一半,他们对情境的控制度与领导效能较高;

    The findings indicate that 1 . Half of the candidates have relationship-motivation and work-motivation , who have higher level of situation control and leadership effectiveness ;

  10. 分析竞争调控手段在我国的可行性,系统地分析了竞争调控主体和竞争调控法律控制度的相关理论。

    Moreover , the author analyzed the feasibility of competition regulation method in our country , and some relative theories about competition regulation body and law .

  11. 在批发和零售贸易业中,股权融资偏好主要来自私人收益对其正的影响效应,而内部控制度对其正的影响效应位之其次。

    In the retail trade industry , it primarily comes from the positive influence of the private benefits , the positive influence of internal control degree following by .

  12. 本文以如何控制度高校学生管理权为立足点,目的是探讨如何维护高校学生权益的问题。

    With how to control the administrative power of student management as stand , this article purposes to probe into the issue of how to safeguard the right and interests of university students .

  13. 基于控制自由度组合的多电平逆变器载波PWM控制方法

    Multilevel inverter carrier-based PWM method based on control degrees of freedom combination

  14. 二维结构采用直接的行列分离变换方式,通过增加一个较小的内部RAM单元有效减少系统的控制复杂度。

    With an additional small RAM , the control complexity of 2-D architecture can be efficiently reduced .

  15. 为了验证所提出的控制自由度组合的思想和新型的PWM控制方法,对二极管箝位型三电平逆变器和五电平逆变器进行了仿真和实验研究。

    The idea of control degrees of freedom combination and the validity of the novel PWM strategies are demonstrated by simulation and experimentation of three-level inverter and five-level inverter .

  16. 首先推导了fuzzyC-Means算法在特征空间的迭代公式,然后就其隶属度信息在特征空间的分布缺陷提出两种改进方法:一是通过引入选择注意性参数控制隶属度信息的分布;

    The iterative formulas of Fuzzy C Means algorithm in feature space were deduced before two methods were presented to improve the distribution property of membership information . The first was to control the distribution of membership information by introducting selective attention parameters .

  17. 发现适当控制颗粒度大小,可获得具有稳定阻值和TCR的厚膜电阻。

    It is found that thick film resistor with stable resistance and TCR can be obtained by appropriately controlling the size of the conductive particle .

  18. 并基于控制自由度和开关频率优化思想,提出并讨论了三电平中母线箝位SVPWM;

    On the basis of freedom degree control and switch frequency optimization , five types of bus clamped SVPWM are proposed , correspondingly , the switch sequences and application are analyzed .

  19. 基于TDMA的系统通过增加时隙的利用率来增加系统容量,但这种方法带来控制复杂度的增加,而且由于时隙分割的限制,使得在一定频率范围内系统容量增加有限。

    The system based in TDMA increase system capacity through improve the using-ratio of time-slice . But because the limit of time-slice , this method only improve limit system capacity .

  20. 其优点在于可真正实现传感器和执行器的同位配置、提高控制稳定度、减小系统体积和重量,在结构的振动主动控制、故障诊断、系统辨识及MEMS技术中有着广泛的应用前景。

    SSA has advantages in implementing true collocation , increasing control stability , decreasing system volume and weight , optimizing system design . SSA have potential application in vibration control , health monitoring , damage detection , system identification and MEMS .

  21. 基于Hiley打桩公式,考虑地基土对桩的压缩影响,按变形协调原则,提出了控制贯入度计算公式,经与试沉桩资料对比分析,具有较好的吻合性。

    Based on Hiley piling formula , and considering the compressing impacts of foundation soil on piles , this paper establishes a formula for penetration of piles according to the principle of deformation coordination . Comparing with the data of test piles , the calculating results show better consistency .

  22. 基于变形协调原则的打桩控制贯入度计算

    Penetration Calculation of Piles Based on the Principle of Deformation Coordination

  23. 飞机滚转运动的控制余度与重构效能

    The Control Redundancy and Reconfiguration Benefit for an Aircraft 's Roll Motion

  24. 二是流控制精密度不需要很高。

    Second , flow controls do not need to be very accurate .

  25. 夯扩桩沉管控制贯入度计算法

    Calculation of penetration controlled by immersed tube for rammer-reamed pile

  26. 控制坍落度损失的缓凝剂优选研究

    Optimization of Set-retarder Admixtures to Control Concrete Slump Loss

  27. 通过对一特大超深基坑嵌岩支护结构进行可靠度分析,并与整体位移控制可靠度分析结果进行比较。

    The comparison to reliability analysis with so-called whole deformation control is made .

  28. 控制发酵度、稳定啤酒风格

    Control of Fermenting Degree to Stabilize Beer Style

  29. 拉伸试验中的控制响应度问题研究

    Study on controlling responsiveness in tensile testing

  30. 本文就比能量控制打浆度的数字模型进行了分析研究。

    This paper analyses the digital model for power - controlled pulp - beating degree .