
  • 网络Oil Control;oil-control
  1. 本品含有祛痘精华素ACNE-CLEAR(物理杀菌剂)和植物暗疮清素及防疤痕修复因子,控油因子,皮肤修复因子等高精原料配制而成。

    This product contains anti-acne essence ACNE-CLEAR ( physical fungicides ), plant acne serum and various effective factors such as anti-scar repair factor , oil control factor , skin repair factor , etc.

  2. 济阳坳陷同沉积构造的控砂、控油作用

    Sand control and oil control effect of syndepositional structure in Jiyang depression

  3. 对治敏感性皮肤可选用微酸性洁面品,多补充维他命C,日霜忌用控油配方。

    To sensitivity skin can choose acidic taste , more cleansing cream to supplement vitamin C , avoid oil-control formula .

  4. BP公司成功地将控油帽防止在漏油钻井上方,这是最新动向。

    Here 's the latest , BP has successfully placed a new containment cap on the gushing well .

  5. 但美国官员迅速指出,应由他们(而非bp)决定控油罩可否留在原位。

    But US officials were quick to point out that it was up to them , not BP , whether the cap could stay in place .

  6. BP还曾表示,控油罩可保留在现在位置,直至减压井完工;减压井是最终的解决办法,预计将在8月中旬完工。

    BP also said the cap could remain in place until the completion of the relief well – the final solution – which is expected by mid-August .

  7. 这封措辞严厉的信件清楚表明,美国政府对于控油罩仍有严重疑虑,而且尽管围堵措施取得成功,也无意放松对bp的要求。

    The sharply worded correspondence makes clear that the US still has serious doubts about the cap and that it does not intend to reduce its demands on BP following the success of the containment measure .

  8. 美国政府昨日允许英国石油(bp)将切断macondo油井漏油的控油罩的测试时限延长24小时,但表达了严重关切,认为原油仍在向外渗漏。

    The US government yesterday allowed BP to extend for 24 hours the containment cap shutting off the leak from the Macondo well but voiced strong concern that oil was still seeping out .

  9. 并保持清爽,控油一整天。

    Result : skin stay clear and matte all day long .

  10. 新疆塔里木盆地推覆-滑脱构造及其控油作用

    Nappe-detachment structures and hydrocarbon-controlling significance of Tarim basin , Xinjiang

  11. 喷油泵柱塞控油槽设计的一种解析方法

    An Analytical Method of Designing Spill Groove of Plunger in Injection Pump

  12. 柴达木盆地构造样式控油作用分析

    Analysis on control of tectonic style to petroleum in the Qaidam Basin

  13. 渤海湾盆地中、浅层非典型油气藏的非均质控油作用

    Control of heterogeneity on non-typical hydrocarbon reservoirs in middle-shallow Bohai Bay Basin

  14. 塔里木盆地碳酸盐岩层序地层特征及其控油作用

    Characteristics of Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy and Its Control on Oil-gas in Tarim Basin

  15. 砂岩透镜体成藏门限及控油气作用机理

    Accumulation thresholds of sand lens and controlling mechanism for oil and gas distribution

  16. 焉耆盆地构造变形样式及其控油(气)作用

    Structural Deformation Styles in Yanqi Basin and Their Control on Oil and Gas

  17. 顺宁油田低渗透砂岩储层沉积特征与控油因素

    Sedimentary characteristics and oil-controlling factors of low permeable sandstone reservoirs in shunning Oilfield

  18. 高邮凹陷构造转换带控油机制研究与实践

    Research and Implementation of Oil-control Mechanism in the Transition Section of Gaoyou Depression

  19. 在整个面部从下往上涂抹控油化妆水。

    Apply the oil control lotion all over your face using upwards movements .

  20. NNENE走向的控油断层;

    NNE NE strike faults that controlled oil ;

  21. 将培根转移到纸巾上控油。

    Transfer pancetta to paper towels to drain .

  22. 本论文还从对该区现有典型油气藏分析着手,总结出控制该区油气藏分布的因素:①古隆起控油;②断裂控油;

    This paper also summarized factors of controlling distribution of oil / gas distribution .

  23. 今天,该公司将对该控油罩的有效新进行关键性的测验。

    Now today the company will begin critical tests on the cap 's effectiveness .

  24. 柴西地区近南北向构造系统及其控油作用分析

    The S-N tectonic system in the west of Qaidam basin and its control on petroleum

  25. 多旋回叠合盆地构造控油原理

    Control principles of structures and tectonics over hydrocarbon accumulation and distribution in multi-stage superimposed basins

  26. 新的控油大礼帽是一个好消息。

    The new cap is good news .

  27. 源边不整合断控油气成藏组合模式;

    The oil and gas reservoir pattern controlled by unconformity faults on the source periphery ;

  28. 中国南方晚古生代深水碳酸盐岩及控油气性

    Late Paleozoic Deep Water Carbonates and Their Relation-ship with Oil and Gas , South China

  29. 现在,我们安置控油罩已经13天的时间。

    And what I say , we are now 13 days with the well cap .

  30. 他们将首次关闭新的控油罩上的阀门。

    They 'll be closing the on that new containment cap for the first time .