
rǎn fà
  • dye the hair;tint
  1. 你染发有多长时间了?

    How long have you been colouring your hair ?

  2. 涂抹染发剂可能会搞得一团糟,特别是长发。

    Applying the dye can be messy , particularly on long hair .

  3. 理发2英镑,染发6英镑。

    Haircuts cost £ 2 , tints £ 6 .

  4. 很多女人在三十五岁左右开始染发。

    Many women begin colouring their hair in their mid-30s

  5. 她是位善于染发的美发师。

    She 's a hairdresser who specializes in dyeing hair .

  6. UNCGreensboro的高年级学生奥利维亚·肖上个暑假终于做了染发的决定。

    Olivia Shaw , a senior at UNC Greensboro , finally decided4 to get her hair dyed last summer .

  7. 对于越来越多的女性来说,美白牙齿已经变成她们美容护理项目中不可分割的一部分,跟染发或者除腿毛一样稀松平常。

    For an increasing number of women , whitening their teeth has become an integral part of their beauty routine - as normal as colouring their hair or waxing their legs .

  8. 按照JustForMen(著名染发产品)的标准,我如今只剩5分黑了。我觉得我要是染成6分黑也应该不会有人注意吧。

    Right now like a five on the Just For Men scale . I think I would go to 6 and nobody would notice .

  9. 目的:探讨氧化型染发剂主要成分对皮肤角朊细胞DNA和脂质合成能力及对真皮成纤维细胞蛋白质合成能力的影响。

    Objective The experiment was designed to evaluate the effect of oxidation hair dye on DNA , lipids and protein synthesis in rat skin cells .

  10. 本课题主要研究了发用含巯基保湿剂N-巯基乙酰丝氨酸及含巯基染发剂巯基改性DC红No。

    STUDY ON THE USE OF GLYCOL GLUCOSIDE AS HUMECTANT OF COSMETICS The synthesis of the thio-modified hair humectant N-thioacetyl-DL-serine and the thio-modified dye thio-modified D C Red No.

  11. 本文比较系统地研究了氧化染料、染料配比、染色剂pH值范围以及包装材料等因素对氧化型染发剂的影响。

    In this paper , the influence of oxidative dyes , dye dose , pH value of dyeing agents and packaging on oxidative hair dyes was investigated .

  12. 方法:用Ames试验和体外哺乳动物细胞(CHL)染色体畸变试验来检测氧化型染发剂的致突变性。

    Methods : The Ames test and chromosome aberration test in vitro in CHL cells were used .

  13. 目的用中国地鼠卵巢(CHO)细胞检测染发剂致染色体畸变的情况。

    Objective To evaluate the safety of the hair dyes by Chinese hamster ovary ( CHO ) cells chromosome aberration test .

  14. 结果14种氧化型染发剂的小鼠急性经口LD50均大于5000mg/kg。

    Results All of the LD50s for 14 hair dyes were over 5000 mg / kg .

  15. 目的以小鼠骨髓PCE微核率为指标,观察三种品牌的染发剂是否具有诱变性。

    Objective To study the mutagenesis of three kinds of hair dye using mouse bone marrow PCE micronucleus test .

  16. 对十几岁的青少年来说,吸烟是最佳排忧途径之一,仅次于ManicPanic牌染发剂和谋杀。

    Smoking is one of the perfect solutions to being a teenager , right up there with Manic Panic hair dye and murder .

  17. 美国发布的这些细节也披露了本拉登的可笑之处,如他非常关切自己的形象,所以使用JustForMen染发剂染发,以免暴露出头发灰白。

    The details released by the US also hold him up to ridicule , including the fact that he remained concerned enough about his image to keep the grey out of his hair , using the Just for Men hair dye .

  18. 本文提出一种能提高对苯二胺型染发剂贮存稳定性的W/O/W复合乳膏的制备方法。

    The preparative method of a new compound emulsion cream ( W / O / W ) was presented in this paper . The cream can increase storage stability of p-phenylenediamine oxidative hair dye .

  19. 黑色染发剂是以对苯二胺(PPD)为主要成分的,彩色染发剂也都是有对苯二胺的衍生物与其他化学成分不同配比而成的。

    The main component of black hair dye is PPD , multicolor hair dyes are composed of derivate of PPD and other chemical constituent .

  20. 本文采用气相色谱质谱选择离子存储法(SIS)同时测定氧化型染发剂中9种组分。

    A method of determination 9 components in oxidation hair dyes by gas chromatography-selected ion storage mass spectrometry ( GC / MS / SIS ) was studied .

  21. 方法:采用鼠伤寒沙门氏菌/哺乳动物肝微粒体酶试验(Ames试验)对国内外的10种知名品牌染发剂进行致突变性检验。

    Methods : The mutagenicity of the 10 hair coloring creams was tested by salmonella typhimurium / mammals microsomal enzyme test ( Ames assay ) .

  22. 结论:氧化型染发剂组分中的H2O2以及PPD与H2O2的氧化产物均具有直接遗传毒性作用;

    Conclusion : The genotoxicity of oxidation hair dyes is the result from the effect not only of H 2O 2 but also of oxidized product of PPD .

  23. 为进一步探讨长期使用染发剂对人体健康的危害,对78种染发剂进行了Ames试验检测。

    In order to investigate the hazard to human health of long term use of hair dyes , 78 hair dyes were evaluated by Ames test .

  24. 系统研究了用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定八种植物染发剂中Pb、Cd和Cu的仪器测定条件,包括干燥温度、灰化温度、原子化温度、基体改进剂等,得到最佳仪器测定条件。

    Apparatus conditions of GFAAS for determination of Pb . Cd and Cu in eight kinds of plant hair dyes were inquired . The factors affecting the result were investigated including the drying temperature , atomization temperature , ashing temperature and matrix modifier .

  25. 结论对苯二胺氧化产物具有诱导NIH3T3细胞恶性转化的作用,提示氧化型染发剂对机体有潜在的致癌危险性。

    Conclusion It was possible that malignant transformation of NIH3T3 cells could be induced by oxidized products of PPD and oxidized hair-dyes might have potential carcinogenicity to humans .

  26. AmusedByMuse慕斯带来的惊喜东京东急株式会社旗下的慕斯美容美发,想出了一个巧妙地使用染发样品头发的替代方法。那些染过色且被扭绞并编成辫子的头发,曾在染发剂机架上,被公开地展出。

    The Muse Beauty Salon ( c / o Tokyu Agency Inc. , Tokyo ) has come up with an ingenious alternate use for those twisted and braided samples of dyed hair commonly displayed at the hair dye rack .

  27. 法国化妆品巨头丝芙兰(Sephora)曾考虑采用璀璨兰花紫用作一款染发剂的颜色,但最终还是放弃,转而决定只将其用于唇彩、腮红、指甲油和眼影产品。

    French cosmetics giant Sephora considered using radiant orchid as a hair color , but backed off , deciding instead to focus on lips , cheeks , nails and eyes .

  28. 她是药剂师厄让·许勒尔(EugèneSchueller)的独生女。1907年,许勒尔在自己巴黎公寓的厨房里创造了一种被他称为Auréale的染发剂。

    She was the only child of Eug è ne Schueller , a chemist who , in the kitchen of his Paris apartment in 1907 , created a hair dye he called Aur é ale .

  29. 两个最畅销的染发剂,Renbow染发剂的银色系列以及Stargazer银发系列染发剂,销量分别增长了200%和80%。

    The two bestselling dyes , Renbow Hair Color Cream in Silver and Stargazer Silverlook Hair Dye are up over 200pc and 80pc respectively .

  30. 采用SOS/Umu试验对氧化型染发剂中的两种主要成分双氧水(H2O2)和对苯二胺(PPD)及二者混合物的遗传毒性作进一步探讨。

    The genotoxicity of two main components of oxidative hair dyes , such as p phenylenediamine ( PPD ) and hydrogen peroxide ( H 2O 2 ), and their mixture were determined by SOS / Umu assay to confirm the genotoxic origin of oxidative hair dyes .