
  • 网络Dyed paper;Mulberry fiber paper
  1. 通过一种使用将亚甲基蓝染色透明纸浸在甘油中或放在玻片之间的技术,可在粪便标本中发现肠血吸虫病的虫卵。

    The eggs of intestinal schistosomiasis can be detected in faecal specimens through a technique using methylene blue-stained cellophane soaked in glycerine or glass slides .

  2. 因此,建议在染色修复配纸前对染液的pH值做一调整,至中性或微碱性,消除酸性隐患的存在。

    Therefore , adjusting pH values to neutral or alkalescent should be done before dyeing papers for restoration , so that can eliminate the hidden trouble of acid to durability of papers .

  3. 生产优质装裱用的珠光卡纸、染色压纹纸等系列产品。

    We produce high quality card paper of pearl-smooth for decoration use , dyeing and creasing paper production and soon .