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  1. 其中,黎锦更是工艺繁多,绚烂多彩,黎锦中的绣面龙被汇集了黎族四大织锦工艺,即纺、染、织、绣。

    Among them , the Lebanon brocade is the process of variety , colorful , Li brocade embroidery dragons are brought together the four tapestry technique , namely the spinning , dyeing , weaving , embroidery .

  2. 采用摄影、摄像、手绘图片等采集方式对藏品绣面龙被以及它纺、染、织、绣四大织造工艺的原料、制作工具、技艺等做了详尽的收集整理。

    Using photography , video , drawing pictures collection on collection embroidered face dragon and its spinning , dyeing , weaving , embroidery and weaving technology of four raw materials , production tools , techniques and made detailed collection .