
  • 网络dye chemistry;Dyestuff Chemistry;dyestuffchemistry
  1. 杂环化合物及其金属配合物因在生物工程、食品香料化学、有机合成和染料化学等领域内的应用而成为研究的热点。

    Heterocyclic compounds and their coordination complexes have received much attention for their application in biological engineering , food perfume chemistry , organic synthesis and dyestuff chemistry .

  2. 染料化学结构对稀土染色效果的影响

    Effect of Chemical Structure of Dyes on Rare-Earth Dyeing

  3. 根据隔离机理,超增感作用是由于J-聚集态染料与化学增感产物之间的空间分离而减少电子与空穴的复合。

    An isolation mechanism of supersensitization of cyanine dyes J - aggregates is considered . It consists of decrease of electron - hole recombination due to space separation of the J - aggregates and the products of chemical sensitization .

  4. 弱酸性蒽醌紫色染料的化学结构与颜色、应用性能的研究

    The Chemical Structure and Colour Properties of Anthraquinone Violet Acid Dyes

  5. 模拟染料废水化学絮凝法脱色的过程分析方法研究

    Analysis Methods for Decolorization Processes of Simulated Dye Wastewaters by Chemical Flocculation

  6. 染料木素化学修饰物的合成及其生理活性研究

    Synthesis and Biological Activities of Genistein Chemically Modified Compounds

  7. 染料由于化学作用而久不褪色。

    A dye is fixed with chemicals .

  8. 毛发染料的化学

    The chemistry of hair dyes

  9. 涂料用1∶2金属络合染料的化学组成及合成方法

    The Chemical Component and The Way of Synthesis of 1 ∶ 2 Metal Complex Dyes Used for Paint

  10. 显色染料&化学药剂先与纤维亲合,下一步接着显色。

    Developed dyes , a first chemical with fabric affinity , is applied followed by a second for colour development .

  11. 三苯基甲烷类染料属于化学合成类染料,结构稳定,难以降解,具有致突变、致畸和致癌的危险。

    Triphenylmethane dyes are chemical synthetic dyes , which are structurally stable , difficult degradation , intense carcinogenesis , tetratogenesis , and mutagenesis .

  12. 第二阶段,活性污泥中菌胶团细菌表面的酶对染料进行化学吸附,这一阶段吸附时间长,吸附量小。

    The second step is zoogloea bacillary surface enzyme chemical adsorption , in the step , the adsorption time is long , the adsorption quantities is little .

  13. 人们可能会对衣物中的纤维、染料、化学制品和防腐剂过敏——比如乳胶,内裤的束腰带中通常含有乳胶。

    People can be allergic to fabrics , dyes , chemicals and preservatives in clothes - like latex , which is commonly found in the waistbands of underwear .

  14. 例如,鱼鳞看上去必须有光泽,因此不诚实的供应商可能使用染料或化学药物,在长途运输过程中,人为地保持鱼的新鲜。

    Fish scales have to look shiny , for example , so dishonest suppliers may use dyes or use chemicals to artificially preserve freshness during the long transport .

  15. 文章对纤维、织物结构、活性染料的化学性质及固色动力学进行了全面研究,优化了藏青色丝光斜纹棉织物的水洗和服用性能;

    This paper reviews a comprehensive study of fiber , fabric construction , reactive dye chemistries , and fixation dynamics to optimize wash and wear performance of a navy chino fabric .

  16. 由于共轭型双光子染料的化学结构易于修饰,光学性质可控,光物理与光化学性质的可调节性强,因而受到人们的广泛关注。

    Conjugated two-photon dyes have drawn of the increasing interests of people , as they can be modified easily , controllable in optical properties , and adjustable in photophysical and photochemical properties .

  17. 本文系统介绍了染料按化学结构及应用的分类、染料结构与生色机理的关系,染料脱色微生物,脱色机理及其相关的遗传背景。

    The paper gives a systemic introduction to the dyes classified by their chemical structures and applications , the relationship between the dye stucture and coloring mechanism , dye degrading microbes , degrading mechanism and the relevant genetic background .

  18. DC行业顺位前3位的是化工原料、染料涂料和化学试剂助剂;

    Top 3 industries were chemical raw material , dye and paint , and chemical reagent and auxiliary .

  19. 阳离子染料-蒙脱石化学修饰电极的电化学性质&与Nafion膜化学修饰电极的比较

    Electrochemical Properties of Cationic Dye-Clay Modified Electrode ── Comparison with Nafion Polymer Film Modified Electrode

  20. 本文按吸附、膜滤、混凝、氧化剂、离子交换、Fenton试剂、光催化氧化、湿式氧化、电化学等方法分别论述了染料废水物理化学处理技术的现状和发展趋势。

    The paper reviews the technical progress in dye wastewater treatment by physical and chemical method , including adsorption , membrane filtration , coagulation , oxidative reagent , ion exchange , fenton reagent , photocatalytic oxidation , wet oxidation , and electrochemistry , and then points out its development trends .

  21. 染料废水物理化学脱色技术的现状与进展

    Advances in Physical and Chemical Technologies for Decolorization of Dye Wastewater

  22. 直接染料对漂白化学浆的染色比未漂浆的染色效果更好;

    Direct dyes had a better dyeing result to bleached chemical pulp than to unbleached pulp .

  23. 任何一种黄色的染料,在化学上与茜素没有联系,但以同样的方式使用。

    Any of various yellow dyes ; not related chemically to alizarin but applied in the same manner .

  24. 论述了从染料、中间体化学结构和中间体同素异构体化学结构识别染料致癌性的方法;

    Methods for identifying carcinogenic dyes by chemical structures of dyes , intermediates and allotropes of intermediates are introduced .

  25. 天然染料姜黄色素的化学改性及改性染料的染色性能研究

    Chemical Modification of Turmeric & the Properties of the Modified Dyestuff

  26. 合成活性染料,不论是否化学规定的

    Dye , reactive , synthetic , whether or not chemically defied

  27. 染料木黄酮的化学结构、生物学功能、作用机制研究受到普遍的关注。

    The chemical structure , biological effects and the mechanism of genistein attracted much attention .

  28. 有些研究发现,雌性大鼠青春期前喂养染料木素可减少化学方法诱导的乳腺肿瘤数量;

    Some found that feeding genistein to female rats prior to puberty reduced the number of chemically induced mammary tumors .

  29. 前言:介绍了三聚氯氰在染料、农药、化学助剂、医药等精细化工领域中的应用。

    The essay introduces the application of Cyanuric chloride in fine chemistry : dyestuff , pesticide , chemical auxiliary , medicine and so on .

  30. 研究了反应装置、添加剂、染料结构、初始浓度对染料脱色效率和化学需氧量(COD)的影响。

    The influence of reaction equipment , additives , dye structure and initial concentration on the efficiency of decolorization and chemical oxygen demand ( COD ) was investigated .