
tàng fǎ
  • perm;permanent;give or have a permanent wave;crimp;wave hair;have one's hair permed;give a permanent wave
烫发 [tàng fà]
  • [give a permanent wave;perm;have one's hair permed] 一种美容方法。用加热或使用药物使头发卷曲

烫发[tàng fǎ]
  1. 烫发水是使头发卷曲保持发型的日用化学品。

    Wave hair water is a daily-use chemical for keeping the curling hair style .

  2. 卡萝尔一头略鬈的烫发。

    Carol 's hair had a slightly frizzy perm .

  3. 她烫发了。

    She 's had her hair waved .

  4. 她表兄是美发师,正在免费给她烫发。

    Her cousin , a hairdresser , was perming her hair as a special treat

  5. 今年烫发的发型很流行。

    Curling hair styles are all the cry this year .

  6. 街边烫发者打量着匆匆行人。

    A person is marceling on a street , watching passersby passing .

  7. 并以此模型,研究了两种护发成分(发因子C和角蛋白)烫发后头发的修护作用。

    The model of perm damaged hair was established , and the protection effects of two conditioners ( Protective factor C and Keratin ) were compared using the model .

  8. 烫发前修一下好吗?

    Shall I trim a little before giving you a permanent ?

  9. 头发烫发的损伤与修护的研究

    Study of Perm - damage to Hair and Protection by Conditioner

  10. 您要烫发,还是做头发?

    What would you want , a perm or a set ?

  11. 你是要烫发还是只是做一下?

    Would you like a permanent or just a setting ?

  12. 我要稍稍修一下跟烫发。

    I 'd like a light trim and a perm .

  13. 要多长时间才能让我的烫发完全消失?

    How long will it take my perm to grow out completely ?

  14. 烫发的电帽在后面那个角落。

    The Hot Cap is back here in the corner .

  15. 但是,我觉得你不适合烫发。

    But I don 't think perms are for you .

  16. 我拿到你寄给我的烫发器了。

    I got the hair steam rollers you sent me .

  17. 过多的烫发和染发会对发质造成损害。

    Too much perming and coloring can be harmful .

  18. 我建议你可以烫发。

    NO03 , I 'd recommend getting a perm .

  19. 洗头,理发,烫发,染发,假发,修指甲

    Specializing in shampoo , haircut , perm , hairdye , wigs & nails

  20. 李小姐到美发店去烫发。

    Miss Li goes to the Hairdresser 's to have her hair curled .

  21. 她的确被烫发筒烫过。

    She did burn herself on a curling iron .

  22. 事实上,我在考虑烫发。

    Actually , I 'm thinking about a perm .

  23. 智能烫发器数据通信模块的设计与实现

    Design and implement of data communication module for the intelligent hair curling device

  24. 把妇女的头发弄成烫发。

    Make a marcel in a woman 's hair .

  25. 注意:不要靠烫发器金属板太近。

    Note : Do not hold pencil directly next to the Chi iron plate .

  26. 噢,在我烫发的时候,我想修一下指甲。

    Oh , I also want a manicure while I 'm having the perm .

  27. 手指烫发(小编注:手指烫发法,指仅用手指、梳子等卷发,与电烫相区别)的效果永远那么华丽,为女性的发型增加了复杂性。

    Finger waves are forever gorgeous and add sophistication to any woman 's hair .

  28. 你是不是还用那没档次的烫发剂呢?

    Are you still using that cheap perm ?

  29. 因为她把烫发机开的太长了

    cause she left the perm in too long

  30. 在花钱烫发或染发前,先咨询一下你的美发师。

    Before you spend money on a perm or colour , talk to your hairdresser .