
  1. 侦查阶段律师会见的比较

    Comparison of Lawyers ' Meeting With Clients In the Investigative Phase

  2. 第二部分着重分析律师会见权的法律功能。

    Section two will interpret legal functions of meeting right .

  3. 律师会见制度是一项关键的刑事辩护制度,从某种意义上是“刑事辩护之门”。

    The Meeting System between Counsel and the Accused is a pivotal Criminal Defence System .

  4. 律师会见在押的犯罪嫌疑人是律师的一项基本的诉讼权利。

    It is one of the fundamental rights for lawyers to meet suspected criminals in custody ;

  5. 律师会见困难重重;

    The difficulties in interview ;

  6. 完善律师会见规则,保障律师的权利不受侵犯。

    Perfect lawyer to meet the rules . to protect the right to counsel shall be inviolable .

  7. 通过构造模型,对我国现行侦查阶段律师会见权制度进行准确定位。

    By constructing Model , the investigation stage of our current lawyer right system for accurate positioning .

  8. 观念更新、立法完善和制度改进将为我国刑事辩护走出律师会见的困惑提供理念指导、法律保障和制度支持。

    In this situation , the renovation of idea and the improvement of system may be the approach away from dilemma .

  9. 上周,我聘请了一位律师会见我的丈夫。但是他的会见申请也被拒绝。

    Last week I hired a lawyer to visit my husband , but he was also denied access to seeing my husband .

  10. 这正是当前会见难的结症所在,同时也是与律师会见制度隐含的悖论。

    This is the current difficulties of the meeting which knot disease , but also the system of implicit and lawyers met with paradox .

  11. 涉及国家秘密的案件,律师会见在押的犯罪嫌疑人,应当经侦查机关批准。

    If a case involves state secrets , before the lawyer meets with the criminal suspect , he shall have to obtain the approval of the investigation organ .

  12. 但通过调查发现当前司法实践中律师会见难的问题似乎并没有能得到有效解决,新《律师法》的相关规定也没能有效施行。

    But through the survey , it is found that the current judicial practice question of meeting difficult is not effectively solved , new relevant provision can not be effective .

  13. 律师会见权是辩护律师从事刑事辩护业务中的一项重要权利,而侦查阶段则是律师行使其权利的关键时期。

    Meeting right is a defense lawyer engaged in criminal defends services in an important right , and investigation phase is the key period of lawyers to exercise their rights .

  14. 然后针对具体的司法实践中存在的问题及其对造成律师会见难的原因剖析,有针对性的提出了我国侦查阶段律师会见权的完善的具体措施。

    Then exist for a specific judicial practice issues and their lawyers met with the difficulty profiling , targeted specific measures of the investigation stage meeting with a lawyer the right to perfect .

  15. 长期以来的司法实践中,律师会见权的行使往往受到侦查机关严厉限制,律师普遍反映侦查阶段会见犯罪嫌疑人非常困难。

    Long-term since the judicial practice , the lawyer meets with exercise right often gets the investigation organ severely restricted , lawyers generally reflected investigation phase meeting with the criminal suspect is very difficult .

  16. 并结合国际发展趋势,以相对合理主义为指导,预设我国在今后相当长的一段时间内侦查阶段的律师会见限制度走向。

    Combined with international trends , with relatively reasonable doctrine as a guide , the default country for a long period of time the investigation stage of the lawyers met with limited degree of direction .

  17. 侦查阶段律师会见权的行使有利于保障犯罪嫌疑人的合法权利,制约侦查权,对维持刑事诉讼中的控辩平衡发挥着重要的作用。

    Investigation phase meeting right of the lawyer is conducive to ensuring the legal rights of the criminal suspect , restricting distinguish procurator , maintaining the balance of the accused and the defendant criminal litigation .

  18. 第五,辩护律师会见在押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的情况有所改善,但仍存在很多问题。

    The evidence obtained in the investigation and evidence collection is very limited . Fifthly , though the situation of defense lawyers ' meeting suspects and defendants in the investigation stage has improved , there are still many problems .

  19. 文章通过对有关律师会见权的规定,律师会见权在司法实践中存在的问题等进行分析,提出解决这一问题的对策。

    This article tries to guarantee the meeting right of lawyers by studying the following : the regulations on the meeting right of lawyers , the ambiguity and conflict of the existing regulations on the meeting right , and the problems in judicatory practice .

  20. 当前施行的《刑事诉讼法》中对于律师会见权的规定并不能有效保障律师此项权利的行使,故学界一直呼吁对《刑事诉讼法》进行修改以解决这种会见难的问题。

    The current implementation of the criminal procedure law for the lawyer to meet regulation about the right of not effective safeguard the rights lawyer , reason of scholars have been calling for modifying The Criminal Procedural law to solve " meet difficulty " problem .

  21. 鉴于此,我国应借鉴法治发达国家有关会见权的一些立法规定和司法实践中的经验,参照有关国际公约和国际司法准则,从受刑事追诉者的角度完善律师会见权制度。

    In consideration of this , China shall refer to some legal provisions and judicial practice experience about meeting right in countries wit advanced legal governance , related international conventions and international judicial standards and improve lawyer meeting right policy from the perspective of criminal defendants .

  22. 提出了我国律师会见权的完善要从立法、司法等方面进一步落实和完善刑事辩护制度,以切实保障和有效实现律师及其他辩护人的各项诉讼权利。

    The right to put forward the improvement of our country lawyer from the legislative , judicial , etc. to further implement and improve the criminal defense system in order to truly protect and effective realization of lawyers and other defenders of the right of action .

  23. 而造成中国律师会见难的原因主要在于制度本身的缺失、部门利益冲突、执行力度不足、执法人员素质较低、律师个体法律素养参差不齐等。

    A result of Chinese lawyers " Meet the difficult " is mainly due to the absence of the system itself , departmental conflicts of interest , lack of enforcement , the lower the quality of law enforcement officers , lawyers and other individual legal knowledge uneven .

  24. 同时对我国现有法律规定在实践中存在的主要问题进行了探讨,并重点分析了律师会见难的表现、危害、后果及其原因,提出了解决律师会见难问题的四项对策。

    At the same time , the paper discussed the major problems of our current legal regulations existing in practice , analyzed the representation , harm , consequence and reasons of the lawyers ' difficulty to meet the suspects and put forward four countermeasures to solve the problem .

  25. 在死刑复核程序中的,应当明确和加强律师的会见权、阅卷权、调查取证权、组织听证权、发表辩护意见权等一些基础性权利。

    Thus , we should clarify and strengthen the counsel 's basic rights such as meeting right , reading right , taking of evidence right , hearing right and right of defense speech .

  26. 突然,一位律师出现在巴菲特会见古德菲瑞德和施特劳斯的房间,手里挥舞着一条来自于美国财政部(treasurydepartment)的消息。

    Suddenly , a lawyer appeared in the conference room where Buffett was meeting Gutfreund and Strauss , waving a message from the US Treasury Department .

  27. 在这期间请律师的话能会见几次?

    A few times can be the word that asks a lawyer during this interviewed ?

  28. 2008年施行的新《律师法》对于律师会见权的规定可以说是具有颠覆性的,无障碍会见制度的提出是立法上在保护律师会见权方面迈出的一大步。

    In 2008 , the new Lawyers Law enforcement for lawyer to meet regulation about the right of arguably subversive , " barrier-free meet system " was put forward in legislation in protecting the lawyer meets with respect to the right to take a big step .

  29. 在理论界和实务界一片呼吁声中,新《律师法》完善了关于律师会见权的规定,希望解决长期以来存在的律师会见难的问题。

    In response to the call by theoretical circle and practice circle , new Lawyers Law has improved provisions about lawyer meeting right , hoping to resolve long-standing difficulty in meeting lawyers .