
lǜ shī xué yuàn
  • inns of court
  1. 我们的哈利·波特主题游是伦敦远足公司(LondonWalks)组织的,90年代我也曾惠顾过这家机构,但当年去的都是更成熟的景点,比如丘吉尔伦敦办公室和律师学院。

    Our Harry Potter walking tour was conducted by London Walks , the same tour company I 'd patronized when I 'd lived there in the ' 90s , though my walks were centered on slightly more mature subjects like Churchill 's London and the Inns of Court .

  2. 只有在律师学院里律师们才能获得法律教育。

    It is at the Inns that they obtain their legal education .

  3. 取消俱乐部成员的资格;四大律师学院之一的资格老的成员

    Blackballed from membership in the club ; Senior member of an Inn of court

  4. 律师学院中的长老之一后为北宋画院画师。

    Later he became a painter of the Imperial Painting academy of the Northern Song Dynasty .

  5. 这四大学院为:格雷律师学院、林肯律师学院、内殿律师学院和中殿律师学院。律师学院中的长老之一。

    The four societies are gray 's inn , lincoln 's inn , inner temple and middle temple .

  6. 但也有观点认为,法律教育要靠彻头彻尾的新模式才能生存下去,比如采用模块化教学,划定课程时数,由兼职教授授课,或者开办那种更像是职业学校的律师学院,培养一毕业就能马上开始执业的律师。

    But others are saying legal education 's survival will come by way of radical new models like modular teaching , which would use part-time professors for defined periods , or lawyer academies , which are more like trade schools readying attorneys to practice immediately after graduating .

  7. 在欧盟委员会和德国财政部等关键机构中,有许多律师和学院派经济学家。

    Key institutions such as the European Commission and the German finance ministry are full of lawyers and academic economists .

  8. 高等法院正在制定计划吸收更多的有经验的律师和法学院的教师来担当高级法官。

    The SPC is working on a plan to take in more experienced lawyers and law school teachers as senior judges .

  9. 一个律师在读完法学院或从业数年之后,决不会再以同样的方式认识世界。

    A lawyer will never be able to perceive the world in the same way again after law school or especially after practicing law for several years .

  10. 熊彦律师系上海市世通律师事务所专职律师,华东政法学院法学学士,同济大学工程管理学士,上海市法学会会员。

    Lawyer Cathy Xiong is a member of Shanghai stone law firm , law Bachelor of East China University of politics and law , Construction Management Bachelor of Tongji university , and is a member of Shanghai law association .