
  • Jack the Ripper
  1. 证明爱德华王子决不是开膛手杰克。

    That Prince Edward being Jack the ripper is just incomprehensible .

  2. 所以说开膛手杰克并不仅仅是在杀妓女。

    So Jack the Ripper isn 't just merely killing whores .

  3. “开膛手杰克”,是大写的吗?

    " Jack the Ripper . " Is that capitalized ?

  4. 我是如何做到的开膛手杰克著

    How I Did It , by Jack the Ripper .

  5. 我是如何做到的——开膛手杰克?

    How I Did It , by Jack the Ripper ?

  6. 开膛手杰克是记录在案的一个早期系列杀手。

    One of the earliest serial killers on record is Jack the Ripper .

  7. 你们对这个对开膛手杰克形象的重制有什么看法?

    What do you all think of this potential re-imagining of Jack the Ripper ?

  8. 所罗门猫王开膛手杰克?

    Solomon , elvis , jack the ripper ?

  9. 开膛手杰克住过这儿吧!

    Jack , the Ripper lived here !

  10. 开膛手杰克成为史上著名的连续杀人犯之一。

    Jack the Ripper has been one of the most famous serial killers of all time .

  11. 更有效地利用嵌入式链接:我写小说约开膛手杰克。

    More effective use of embedded links : I am writing a novel about Jack the Ripper .

  12. 在许多人看来,开膛手杰克的行为不属于激情犯罪。

    For many , Jack the Ripper 's actions would not be viewed as a crime of passion .

  13. 不是.你知道我为什么过来.菲利普,《我是怎么做到的》.开膛手杰克著

    No ? No , I think you know why I 'm here , Phillip . " How I Did It , by Jack the Ripper ? "

  14. 开膛手杰克也许是这其中最著名的一例了,柯南道尔先生曾经在当时通过一点点警方披露的线索大胆而准确的断言了杰克是一个外科医生的结论。

    Sir Conan Doyle had once made a precise conclusion that Jack the Ripper is a surgery physician from the little clues given by the police through newspapers .

  15. 开膛手杰克是世界上最臭名昭著的杀手之一,其身份至今不明,他曾在1888年以异常残忍的手段杀害了五名女性,使伦敦陷入恐慌。

    Jack the Ripper , one of the world 's most infamous unidentified murderers , terrorized London in 1888 , mutilating five women in a particularly unusual manner .

  16. 夏洛克·福尔摩斯开始出现在连环漫画中,还与超人结为盟友,为了配合漫画的风格,他的宿敌不再是莫里亚蒂教授,而变成了开膛手杰克。

    Sherlock Holmes now came to life in strip cartoons , in league with Superman , and in true comic book style , his arch-villain ceased to be Professor Moriarty and became Jack the Ripper .

  17. 这些人可能是开膛手杰克,可能是执法人员,他们可能谎话连篇,但是如果不对我坦诚,我就不接这个客人。

    They could be Jack the Ripper , they could be law enforcement , they could be lying about anything and if they 're not completely straight up with me , I don 't see them .

  18. 据法国哲学家、历史学家米歇尔·福科表示,开膛手杰克有别于其他杀手,他创造了“爱与死亡之间的疯狂对话”,其内容之一就是“开启性犯罪时代”。

    According to French philosopher and historian Michel Foucault , Jack the Ripper was unique from other killers in that he created an " insane dialogue of love and death , " one in which he " inaugurated the age of sex crime . "