
  1. 玫瑰花开得正旺。

    Roses are in full bloom .

  2. 这些天他家花园里的玫瑰花开得正艳。

    The roses in his garden are blooming beautifully these days .

  3. 但国开金融正致力于吸引海外投资者。

    But CDB capital is working on attracting international investors .

  4. 水仙花开得正盛,在晚风中徐徐摆动。

    The daffodils were in bloom , stirring in the evening breeze .

  5. 他到达时会开得正热闹。

    The meeting was in full blast when he arrived .

  6. 池塘里的荷花开得正盛。

    The lotus flowers in the pond are now in full bloom .

  7. 福尔摩斯开枪开得正及时,那只猎犬还没够着我们的朋友的喉咙。

    Holmes had fired just in time , and the hound 's teeth had not reached our friend 's throat .

  8. 孤立系与开系正相反,没有质量或能量,能流过它的边界。

    System is the opposite of the open system , no mass and no energy can flow through the boundary .

  9. 两岸的桃花开得正艳,可是当年的人不知身在何方了!

    Peach blossom that person that cross-Straits open positive amorous , but the that year does not know the body at why square !

  10. 那是一支鲜红的玫瑰,开得正艳,象是一团火,燃烧在男孩子的手上。

    It is a rose , very rosy , keenly flowering , like a mass of fire , burning on the boy 's hand .

  11. 夕阳西沉,金色的阳光照亮了床脚,照亮了壁炉,锅里的水也开得正欢。

    A yellow ray from the sinking sun fell across the foot of the bed and lighted up the fireplace , where the water in the pan was boiling fast .

  12. 我看见妈妈在一丛花旁漫不经心地弯下腰。“我想我应该把这些野草全拔掉,”她一边说一边将一蔸开得正茂盛的花儿连根拔起。

    I watched my mother casually bend down by one of the , I think I 'm going to dig up all these weeds , she said , yanking a blossom up by its roots .

  13. 他手臂上血管被割开的地方正喷着血。

    His arm was spurting blood where the vein had been severed .

  14. 树木绿了,花儿开了。正是游泳的好季节。

    Trees are green and flowers bloom . it 's time to go swimming .

  15. 在一个又一个国家里,不吸烟者的权利在空中说开了。正译:不吸烟者的权利问题正在一个又一个国家里议论开了。

    In country after country , talk of nonsmokers ' right is in the air .

  16. 树木绿了,花儿开了。正是游泳的好季节。春天看起来最美。那时梨花、花都开了。

    Trees are green and flowers bloom . It 's time to go swimming . B : It looks best in spring , when the plum and cherry blossoms are out .

  17. 别把电视声音开大,我正想看点书呢。

    Don 't turn the TV up-i 'm trying to read .

  18. 我们要开回基地去正舷2-8-5。

    We 're back on base , so make it2-8-5 .

  19. 人们最后见到李天享时,他刚开完会,正朝家走去。

    He had last been seen leaving the meeting and heading for home .

  20. 他在军队开小差,现在正接受军事法庭的审判。

    He deserted the army and now is being judged by a military court .

  21. 《笨拙》把我画得衣服都开了线,正跟一个伦敦塔的卫兵讨价还价。

    Punch pictured me all aflutter with rags , dickering with a beef-eater for the Tower of London .

  22. 她的轴心国伙伴意大利已经开小差,盟军正挺进。

    Her axis partner , italy , had defected , and the Allies were advancing up the boot .

  23. 启动推进装置,寒冷天气下要先开加热,测试正车、倒车,停车;

    Start diesel engine , preheat if weather is cold , test ahead and astern , stop engine .

  24. 观其整套哲学,之所以能上通本体界,下开现象界,正是由于他苦心建构出来的良知自我坎陷理论。

    " Self-Denying of Conscience " is his great contribution to philosophy , and is said to be able to contact the noumenon with phenomenon .

  25. 人们对于日本的兴趣是如此缺乏,以至于一位驻日本的经纪商开玩笑说,正考虑将日本二字从自己投资报告的标题中删去,以吸引更多客户来阅读。

    Such is the lack of interest that one Tokyo-based broker toyed with the idea of removing the word Japan from the title of his investment notes in order to lure more clients into reading them .

  26. “上开帐目,现正核对,如无错误,将遵照贵公司的指示,将转入新开的帐户内”对公司的所有帐册和帐户进行检查

    " This account is under examination , and if found correct , it shall be carried to a new account , in conformity with your instructions . " Examining of all the books and accounts of a company

  27. 学校教育离不开知识,教育正是为了通过向学生传授知识,以满足社会延续和发展的需要,使个体能在社会中更好地生存而产生的。

    School education can 't do without knowledge . Education comes into existence just to impart knowledge to students so as to meet the need of social continuation and development and thus make it possible for the individuals to better survive in the society .

  28. 开产体重与开产日龄之间的相关系数也达到极显著:开产体重与开产蛋重为正相关;

    Positive phenotypic correlations were alse found between the body weight at first egg and the age at first egg , the egg production of 500 days and that of 300 days .