
  1. 论从制度上保障律师辩护

    On the Protection of Lawyers ' Defence in Terms of Systems

  2. 侦查程序增强律师辩护力量的制度措施

    The Measures of Strengthening lawyers Defending Ability in Procedure of Investigation

  3. 程序性制裁还需要完善律师辩护制度。

    Procedural sanctions also need to perfect the system of counsel .

  4. 我国死刑复核程序的律师辩护问题研究

    Problems of Lawyer Defense in the Check Process of Our Death Penalty

  5. 我国律师辩护制度的缺陷及完善

    The defect and the perfection of our lawyer plea system

  6. 麦当娜的律师辩护这些规则都已经过时。

    Madonna 's lawyer says those rules are outdated .

  7. 而律师辩护也已经成为受刑事追诉者辩护权中必不可少的组成部分。

    And lawyer defense is part of the prosecuted ' right to lawyer .

  8. 侦查阶段律师辩护权研究

    Study on the Lawyer 's Right to Defence During the Course of Investigating

  9. 中国律师辩护词中情态的说服性研究

    A Study of Persuasion of Modality in Chinese Lawyers ' Arguments-A Pragmatic Approach

  10. 用礼貌策略来看律师辩护词的模糊限制语

    Exploring Hedging from the Perspective of Politeness Strategy in the Lawyer 's Argument

  11. 首先要完善律师辩护制度,保障被告人收集证据的渠道通畅。

    Firstly we should complete counsel defense system to ensure the defendant collecting evidence .

  12. 律师辩护都引文件为证。

    The lawyer 's arguments were well documented .

  13. 阿桑奇的律师辩护称,他没有被正式控告,因此引渡的请求是无效的。

    Assange 's lawyers argue he has not been formally charged so the extradition request is

  14. 关于律师辩护制度发展路径的思考

    Thinking About Solicitors ' Defense System Development

  15. 试论死刑案件的律师辩护

    On Lawyers ' Pleading in Capital Case

  16. 律师辩护权是被追诉人辩护权的根本保障和实现形式。

    The right to advocacy is the fundamental security and realization of accused defense right .

  17. 刑事审前程序中律师辩护权利规定的不完善已成为法学界的共识。

    Incomplete Rights of lawyer in criminal pre-trial procedure have been realized by law circle .

  18. 审前程序中的律师辩护权

    Defense of the Counsel in Pre-trial Procedure

  19. 人人都有权请律师辩护。

    Everyone is entitled to a defense .

  20. 无罪推定与律师辩护

    Presumption of Innocence and Lawyers ' Defense

  21. 只有在深思熟虑后才可放弃聘请律师辩护。

    The right to an attorney should be waived only after much thought and consideration .

  22. 侦查阶段律师辩护工作的理性思考

    Lawyer Defence in the Period of Investigation : Thinking from the View of Reasoning on working

  23. 律师辩护权是犯罪嫌疑人辩护权得以充分行使的必要保障。

    The right to counsel is the necessary guarantees for the suspect to full exercise of defending .

  24. 律师辩护在整个刑事辩护制度中具有极为重要的地位。

    It has extremely important status in the whole criminal system of advocacy that the lawyer pleads .

  25. 她的律师辩护说她的精神不健全。

    Her counsel pleaded insanity .

  26. 律师辩护、权利保障与司法公正&来自法律职业群体的调查报告

    Counsel for the Defense , Rights Protection and Judicial Justice & Investigation Report from the Legal Occupational Groups

  27. 教师论证了引力定律。律师辩护都引文件为证。

    The teacher give a demonstration of the law of gravity . The lawyer 's arguments were well documented .

  28. 没有调查取证权的律师辩护,根本无法支撑起以程序公正为理念的诉讼活动。

    If no the right of investigating evidence , cannot fundamentally sustain lawsuit under the idea of the procedure justice .

  29. 首先,他强烈认为,他在没有律师辩护的审判中被定罪是违背宪法的。

    First , he had a passionate belief that his conviction was unconstitutional because he had been tried without a lawyer .

  30. 因此,律师辩护权有代理性辩护权和固有性辩护权之分。

    Therefore , the right to advocacy can be divided into the right of agency and the inherent right of defense .