
  1. 论市场经济条件下律师职业道德建设

    On Construction of the Lawyer Professional Moral under Conditions of Market-directed Economy

  2. 中国律师职业道德:历史回顾与展望

    The Ethics of China 's Legal Profession-Reviewing the Past and Looking Forward to the Future

  3. 这就使国家和社会对律师职业道德的高要求与现实中的部分律师职业道德素质低下的矛盾凸显出来。

    This makes the state and society of lawyers of high professional ethics requirements and the real part of the Legal Profession and moral quality of the low contradictions are becoming prominent .

  4. 第四,律师如何走出道德困境。

    Fourth , how the lawyers can get out of moral dilemmas .

  5. 浅议儒家敬业思想与律师的职业道德

    School Thought of the Confucian and the Professional Morality

  6. 认为律师是没有道德的职业杀手的想法并不新鲜。

    The idea that lawyers are amoral guns for hire is hardly new .

  7. 但是,压倒一切的原则是美国和英国的执业律师和他们的道德义务,是同在司法管辖领域内的两个类似问题。

    K.The overriding principles , however , governing both U.S.and U.K.lawyers'compliance with their ethical obligations , are remarkably similar in both jurisdictions .

  8. 本文正是以重庆打黑为背景引出了对律师职业实践中的道德困境的关注,分析其原因,进而进行探索律师摆脱道德困境的方法。

    The author is set in a storm which breakout in order to combat gangdom in Chongqing , raise concern about moral dilemma in professional practice of lawyers , analyze the causes , and thus explore the methods of getting rid of moral dilemma of lawyers .

  9. 《皇家律师》律师、法律、道德困境,“私与公的重合”,“追求捍卫的准则信念和牺牲抛弃的准则信念”······《皇家律师》是另一部大受欢迎的英国电视剧。

    Barristers , the laws , the ethical dilemmas , " the overlap between the personal and the professional , " " principles fought for and principles sacrificed ... " Silk is another popular British TV drama .

  10. 律师惩戒制度对维持律师队伍的道德水准和专业素质起着规范和监督作用。

    The institution of disciplinary punishment of lawyers aims to maintain the integrity of the profession .

  11. 但是由于方方面面的原因,在律师职业取得发展的同时,律师队伍的职业道德却呈下滑趋势。

    However , due to many reasons , the lawyer occupation moral is declining with the rapid development of lawyer occupation .

  12. 对于律师消极辩护的行为,既无判定标准又无程序内的惩治措施,律师仅需承担行政、民事责任或律师职业道德方面的惩处,难以弥补被追诉人所遭受的人身、财产利益的损失。

    There are neither judge criteria nor punitive measure in legal procedure to lawyers ' negative defense behavior . Lawyers just need to bear administrative liability , civil liability and punishment in legal morality , which cannot make up the personal and property loss of the accused .