
ɡōnɡ zhènɡ zhì dù
  • notary system
  1. 第五部分写了我国公证制度的现状和问题。

    Part V of notary system was the status and problems .

  2. 论我国公证制度的改革与发展

    On the Reform and Development of Notary System in China

  3. 第三章,详细分析了WTO对中国公证制度的要求:改革行政性质的公证体制,统一国家证明权;

    In chapter 3 what WTO will demand the Chinese notarization system has been analyzed in detail : reform the administrative characteristics of the Chinese notarization system and unify the notarization right of China ;

  4. 确立我国房地产法定公证制度的价值思考

    Thinking about the Value of Real Estate Legal Notarization in China

  5. 建立保理合同公证制度。

    Third , establishing the notarization system of factoring contract .

  6. 证据制度的独立化以及职业化&公证制度

    Establishing More Independent and Professional Evidence System Public Notary System

  7. 建立适合中国国情的公证制度

    Establishing a Public Notarization System Adaptive to the National Situation of China

  8. 德国公证制度简况

    An Overview of the Public Notary System of Germany

  9. 物权登记与法定公证制度

    The Register of Property and the Statuary Notary System

  10. 论市场经济条件下公证制度的完善

    On the Improvement of Chinese Notarization System under the Terms of Market Economy

  11. 物权法中引入公证制度的建议与论证

    The Proposal and Demonstration of Introducing Notarization System to the Real Property Law

  12. 中国公证制度模式选择

    Studies on the Selection of the Mode for China 's Public Notarization System

  13. 政府职能转变中公证制度不可或缺

    Notarial system 's necessity during changing government function

  14. 国外与台湾地区公证制度对公证权的定位

    The Definition of Notarization Rights in the Notarization System of Taiwan and Foreign Countries

  15. 房地产产权变动法定公证制度研究

    Discussion on the System of Legal Notarization on the Change of Real Estate Right

  16. 论不动产物权变动中的公证制度

    On notary system in changes of real right

  17. 第六部分写了对法定公证制度几种存疑态度的质疑。

    PART VI wrote to the legal system must be notarized several questionable attitudes questioned .

  18. 公证制度是世界各国通行的一项重要法律制度。

    The notarial system is an important legal system universally used all over the world .

  19. 明确对股东大会表决、选举结果的公证制度。【关键词】公司;

    The notarization systems of voting to the shareholders ' meeting clearly , election results .

  20. 公证制度研究

    A Study of the Notarial System

  21. 中国公证制度的完善

    On Improving China 's Notarization System

  22. 引言部分介绍了公证制度的起源和我国公证制度的历史发展;

    The Preface introduces the origin of the notarization system and its historical development in China .

  23. 必须公证制度是构成国家法律信用保障体系的重要一环

    Mandatory notary system is a key link in the whole chain of the national legal credit systems

  24. 澳门公证制度

    The Notary System in Macao

  25. 试述德国的公证制度

    On Notarial System in German

  26. 大陆法系公证制度的核心和支柱为必须公证。

    The core and pillar of the notary system based on the continental legal system are obligatory notary .

  27. 论当前中国公证制度的发展前景&以对私有财产的保护为切入点

    On the Developing Prospect of the Current Public Notary System in China - Starting From the Protection of Private Property

  28. 第一部分介绍我国现行公证制度的基本内容,包括公证机构、业务范围、办理程序等;

    The first part introduces our current notary system , including notary department , notary procedure , and scope of business .

  29. 新中国建立以后,公证制度在我国经历了创建、取消和重建的反复过程。

    Since the foundation of P.R.C. , the notarization system has gone through a repetitive progress from establishment , abolishment to reconstruction .

  30. 公证制度作为一项重要的信用保障法律制度,其最大的价值就在于诚信二字。

    As an important legal system of credit guarantee , the maximum value of the notarial system lies in the " creditability " .