
  • 网络public channel
  1. 有时当地电视台将播放打折当地的公共渠道。

    Sometimes local television stations will broadcast a sale on the local public channel .

  2. 绝大多数毕业生的创业资金来自父母和亲戚(本科毕业生中这个比例为80%,高职高专毕业生为82%),而在西方,大多数年轻创业者会从天使投资人以及政府或大学基金等公共渠道获取资金。

    The vast majority of graduates received their funding from their parents and relatives-80 % of four-year graduates and 82 % of vocational-college graduates-while most Western young entrepreneurs are funded by so-called angel investors and public sources , such as government or university-based funds .

  3. 第二,香港有数百个乡村未有公共污水渠道,生活污水只靠低效率的化粪池处理,或直接排放到附近河溪。

    Second , hundreds of villages across Hong Kong without public sewerage relied on inefficient septic tanks or else simply directed their wastewater flows into nearby streams .

  4. 公共物品供给渠道多元化分析

    Analysis of public goods supply 's multi channel

  5. 重复博弈使得博弈双方在更大程度上了解对方的信息,使得更多的私人信息变为博弈双方的公共信息,渠道成员之间的信息共享时,双方可以获得更大的利润。

    Repeating the game makes the game members learn better about the information of others , so that the private information becomes the public information . When the channel members share all of the information , they can make more profits .

  6. 廉政是一种行为,廉政有其自身发展的规律,这就要求我们在研究权力运行的过程中,探索科学有效的约束和制约权力非公共运用的渠道和途径。

    Moreover , corruption-free politics assumes a type of behavior of its own nature , which demands that we , in our study of the operation of power , explore scientific and effective approaches that can place constraints on use of power for non-public purposes .

  7. 目前,随着Internet信息的爆炸式发展,作为人们传递公共信息的重要渠道的传统IP网络,它所提供的尽力而为服务已不能完全满足各种用户群体的需求。

    Today , with the explosively growth of Internet information , the best-effort service can not fully meet the needs of various user groups provided by traditional IP network which has been become an important channel for public information transmission .

  8. 拓宽了公共物品提供的渠道,进一步完善了公共物品提供理论。

    This is the economic development theory of the public goods provision .

  9. 银行和债券市场的功能被简化成了巨额公共赤字的融资渠道。

    Banks and bond markets were reduced to mere channels for the financing of huge public sector deficits .

  10. 许多新闻工作者认为,他们作为政府的监督者和公共信息的传播渠道的角色不言自明。

    Many journalists believe they should not have to justify their role as government watchdogs and as conduits of public information .

  11. 自媒体时代公共危机传播的渠道整合&以四川广元柑橘事件为例

    The channel integration of public crisis transmission in " we media " era & taking Sichuan Guangyuan citrus incident as an example

  12. 近年来,政府门户网站作为一级政府履行政府职能、面向社会提供服务的官方网站,是实现政府信息公开、提供公共服务的重要渠道。

    In recent years , the government portal website has become an important channel which makes government information public and provides services for society .

  13. 美国的艺术资助体系是庞大复杂而又灵活多样的,艺术项目的资金往往来源于公共和私人等渠道,公共资金在全美对非营利艺术机构的资助中占据着一定的比例。

    The art funding system in America is complex and dynamic . The money for art programs usually comes from public and private channels .

  14. 为此,提出实行基本药物制度后,村医收入应由以下三条补偿渠道构成:基本公共卫生服务补助渠道、一般诊疗费和政府财政兜底。

    The conclusion was village doctor 's income should be consist of three compensatory channels that were basic public health service subsidy , basic medical user fee and financial subsidy .

  15. 公共投入要向成本偏高地区倾斜;要拓宽山区及贫困地区公共投入的融资渠道;要重点突破,有序推进基本公共服务均等化。

    Public investment should have tendency on high cost areas ; to broaden the financing channels for public input in mountainous and poor areas ; to focus on major breakthroughs and to advance orderly equalization of basic public services .

  16. 本文将地方公共物品区分为经营性公共物品和非经营性公共物品,并分析了私人供给经营性公共物品的动机、形式和制度约束,为拓宽经营性公共物品供给渠道提供了理论依据。

    The paper classifies local public goods into profit-making public goods and non-profit-making ones and analyzes the motivation , channels and institution restriction of supply of public goods by private sectors , which is beneficial to open up channels for supplying public goods by private sectors .