
ɡōnɡ chēnɡ chǐ cùn
  • Nominal size;nominal dimension
  1. 采用公称尺寸设计法设计异型轧辊孔型

    Application of Nominal Dimension Method to Design Groove of Shaped Roll

  2. 另一种方法是用公称尺寸编程,用公差的中间值作与公称尺寸的差值作为刀补值,通过刀具补偿保证尺寸要求。

    The other is nominal dimension programming with the margin value between tolerance median and nominal dimension as tool offset value to ensure dimensions .

  3. 确定球磨机公称尺寸的新方法

    New method to determine a ball mill 's nominal size

  4. 针对断面尺寸偏离图纸公称尺寸的情况和噪声的存在,给出了识别正确性的理论分析。

    The accuracy of the method is discussed in theory , given the deviation of profile dimensions from their standard dimension and the existence of noise .

  5. 介绍了利用实验室型试验磨机,根据模拟试验及相似理论,来确定工业磨机的公称尺寸,其原理也适用于其他磨机。

    According to the simulation test and analogous theory , the paper introduces the approach to determine the nominal dimension of the industrial mill by the lab testing mill , which is suitable for other mills .

  6. 针对柳钢线材产品长期外径尺寸大于公称尺寸的现象,提出在传统复二重轧机上实施负偏差轧制,通过合理选择公差偏移量、优化中精轧机组孔型设计及多项改进措施,收到良好效果

    In view of the problem of the outer diameter of wire rod over the tolerance , the technology of rolling with negative tolerance in double duo mill was applied The practice result is good by choosing reasonable tolerance , optimizing the passes of medium and finishing stands , etc

  7. 本文叙述了在已知滚子摆动从动件盘形凸轮机构几何尺寸测量值和凸轮廓线测量值后,分析得出构件公称尺寸、从动件运动规律和相应的运动方程的方法。

    This article describes how the nominal dimension of the mechanism member , the law of motion of the follower and the relevant motion equation are acquired throught analysis after the measuring value of the geometrical dimension of member and disk-cam profile for the roller-oscillating follower disk-cam mechanism are known .

  8. 管道规格使用两个无纲量的编号来表示:公称管道尺寸规格(NPS)及抗拉强度(SCH)。

    Pipe size is specified with two non-dimensional numbers : a Nominal Pipe Size ( NPS ) and a schedule ( SCH ) .

  9. 什么是公称倒角尺寸?

    What is the nominal chamfer size ?